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 Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Employee communication surveys: An event or a culture? Adrian.

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1  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Employee communication surveys: An event or a culture? Adrian Cropley CEO Cropley Communications Pty Ltd

2  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Why did I do this? Because it’s worthwhile

3  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 To be discussed Focus of employee surveys Getting buy-in to your survey Building culture, not running an event

4  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 The focus of employee surveys Step back: What sort of survey are we really running? There are a lot of ways to gather feedback – surveys are just one way

5  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 The focus of employee surveys What is our focus? What do we measure? What feedback do we want? employee satisfaction understanding engagement

6  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Many companies don’t measure at all! 34% of companies have an employee communications measurement strategy 46% of large companies (>10,000 employees) have a measurement strategy 47% of top UK companies listed on FTSE500 don’t do regular research on employee motivation, morale or engagement Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

7  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 We have a measurement plan: Regional breakdown Asia Pacific: just over 25% North America: 38% United Kingdom: 39% Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

8  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 We have a measurement plan: Industry breakdown Financial services48% Utilities48% Telecommunications43% Healthcare20% Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

9  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Percentage of large companies that run: Employee opinion surveys94 Employee engagement surveys80 Comms channel audit84 Comms content audit77 External benchmarking63 Cost benefit analysis on comms48 Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

10  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Shift from measuring opinion to engagement Opinion surveys: Channel preferences, usefulness, content etc. Engagement surveys: Commitment to organisation, buy-in to messages, taking action as a result of the communication. Employee engagement surveys are not how employees feel about comms but what they do with it. Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

11  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Getting buy-in to your survey Satisfaction Understanding Engagement Communications is rarely connected to: –Increased productivity –Reduced costs –Increased profitability –Increased sales –Decreased accidents –Increased recruitment figures –Decreased waste Findings internal communication measurement report Melcrum Publishing 2004

12  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Linking comms to your business is critical! “All the hoopla about communication measurement boils down to measuring the effects and correlation of communications improvement to the performance of business” Linda Dulye, L.M. Dulye & Co. Focus communications on business outcomes: measure employees understanding & correlate with business measures ie increased sales, reduced costs etc. Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004

13  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Measurement drives employee commitment Demonstrated in Mercer Communications Consulting’s ‘What’s working’ report from 2002/03 Findings internal communication measurement report - Melcrum Publishing 2004 % of employees who feel highly committed Organisations who do Organisations that do not Conduct regular surveys of employee opinion 67%56% Feed back findings of these surveys 70%50% Take meaningful action from results 84%39% What’s missing?

14  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Sustaining buy-in to your survey The more an organisation does, the more they are able to drive employee commitment and engagement. But remember: Keep an ongoing commitment to give feedback Take meaningful action from results Most importantly Communicate the actions and effects as well!

15  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 The cost of poor communication Summer Olympic Games – Sydney, 2000 Telecommunications supplier 25% of all mobile/cell calls from Olympic venues Outage occurs at the main venue Technician followed outdated procedures 2 hour delay Lost revenue of $ AUD ½ million Damage to company reputation and brand

16  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Show employees that their opinion counts! Ericsson (Australia): First employee survey Free movie tickets (85% response rate) All provided name with feedback Changes made as a result of survey feedback Employees involved in changes Changes made were communicated and acknowledged 80% response to next survey, minus the bribe!

17  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Getting buy-in to your survey: Key points Gradually build trust Surveys and their results are acted upon Employees are involved in those actions Feed back the results and outcomes Increase employees’ understanding Marry communications to business And you will be on target for engagement!

18  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Build culture: key characteristics of culture Member identity (job to organisation) Group emphasis (individual to group) People focus (task to people) Unit Integration (independence to interdependent) Control (loose to tight) Risk tolerance (low to high) Rewards criteria (performance and other) Conflict tolerance (low to high) Open systems focus (internal to external)

19  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Culture = Core Values The function of an organisation’s culture is to: Define boundaries Convey a sense of identity Help generate commitment to something larger Enhance stability, social system Act as a mechanism to guide and shape attitude and behavior of employees

20  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Communicators ARE culture builders We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle Link to business direction, outcomes & measures Help employees understand their part Acknowledge their part Feed back the good, the bad and the ugly Take them on the complete journey, not just a part of it

21  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Building the culture: If they see the path clearly and understand the goal, they will travel it!

22  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 A strong culture weathers even the biggest storm Ericsson globally 2001-2004 Downturn in market Employee survey response rate 85% Employees high stake in company Redundancies high, morale high Business direction communicated clearly Increased engagement – initiatives supported

23  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Focus on the basics Company – values, direction, outcomes Team Individual Good communication & feedback Engagement & builds the culture

24  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Adrian’s top tips from bad experiences Keep it simple – not an event Focus on the core company values, direction, outcomes Help employees see their role clearly SatisfactionUnderstanding Engagement Get them involved Feedback the results & outcomes You would have built a survey culture – not just an event!

25  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 And they will be coming back for more…

26  Cropley Communications PTY LTD - IABC international conference - Washington, D.C. 2005 Questions?

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