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Solid Edge PMI Functionality and Visualization

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1 Solid Edge PMI Functionality and Visualization
Norman Crawford Applied Geometrics, Inc. GD&T Instructor / Consultant GDTP S-0386 Dimensional Management & PMI SIG Leader

2 What This Presentation Is About
Another Tool for the Overall 3D Dimensional Management Process to be Considered Across Functional Groups Being Aware - PMI availability in Solid Edge How the SE PMI is Visualized in Teamcenter Visualization What works well? Opportunities for Improvement Consideration for Overall PMI implementation into the future as use of 2D drawings continue to decline. A movement towards culture change in the supplier and small to mid-range OEM companies. Short Notes about the ASME Y14.41 Standard

3 What this presentation is NOT about
Not about Solid Edge PMI “competing” with NX or I-DEAS PMI Not about NX PMI competing with I-DEAS PMI Not Intended to Demonstrate All of the Solid Edge PMI Functionality

4 First: How Does It Look? Pretty Good!

5 ASME Y14.41 – Extension Line Not Allowed in Axonometric View

6 But Allowed in an Orthographic View.
This Rule “Reduces” Efficiency of 3D Annotation By Causing More Then One “Valuable” Instance of a Dimension to Be Created in Attempt to Please Everyone?!

7 Another View Looking Pretty Good
Note the Option for Type of Diameter Dimension

8 Basic Dimensions Not Needed in 3D Annotation But Shown to Demonstrate the Option
NOT Associated to the Size Dimension A Minor Graphic Issue with Material Modifiers when FCFs are Associated with a Dimension.

9 Some of the PMI Interface Setting a Dimension Plane is Easy

10 Present Plane Shown in Green New Selection in Yellow
Note that Planes of a Coordinate System Can be Selected

11 Planes of Features are Also Selectable

12 Datum Feature Symbols are Very Intuitive and Properties are Available on the Fly
Note the Present Dimension Plane is Displayed for Reference

13 Types of Dimension Text Are Readily Available
Would like to See Datum Feature Symbol “A” Clipped by the Solid. Would Like the Surface of the Hole to be Selectable.

14 There is a Technique to Getting the Arrows Inside the Circle
Same SmartDimension Icon Can Create Three Different Diameter Dimension Types Note Multiple Instances of Datum Feature B Symbol. The Different Displays Can Be Controlled with Model Views There is a Technique to Getting the Arrows Inside the Circle

15 Dialogue Box for Feature Control Frames is Easy to Use

16 Some Issues with Query and A Composite FCF Associated with A Dimension
The FEATURED Hole Should Also Highlight Per Y14.41 Related FCF Unrelated Feature Control Frame Appears Correct with the FRTZF (Lower Tier) is on the Bottom as the Orientation and Feature Related Refinement

17 A Work Around for Creating an Associated FCF That Appears Correct on the Model
The Preview Shows How The Refinement of a Double Single Segment FCF Can Be Place on Top in the Dialogue Box.

18 Double Single Segment is Associated and with the Typical Appearance
The Same Workaround Works for a Composite FCF.

19 Creating Model Views Modifying Which Dimensions and Annotation Appear in Model Views is Simple

20 Apply/Display Another View Utilizing Different Dimension Instances
There is Plenty of Display Versatility. Note the Dot Leaders Per ASME Y14.41 The Extension Line on Datum Feature C is NOT per ASME Y14.41 for “This” View

21 Translating to JT Format There is a Unit Translation Issue
When in Inches, Keep the Units as Yards I Don’t Know Why! It’s Not My Fault! 

22 Translating to JT Format There is a Unit Translation Issue
When in Millimeters, Keep the Units as Meters I Still Don’t Know Why, and It’s Still Not My Fault! 

23 There Are Some Display Issues in JT Model Views DO Translate
Loss of “Dot” Leader Loss of Filled in Dot Mirrored Dimensions And “Associated” FCFs Model Views

24 There is a Workaround for Mirrored Display in JT
Radial Dimension is a “Callout” in SE Stacked FCF IS Associated Without the Previous Workaround of Reversing Tiers There is a Workaround for Mirrored Display in JT

25 The “Callout” with Associated FCF Appears Correct
The Shifted Location of Leader Still Exists. This May Be Due to the Unit Translation Issue? Selected PMI Does Highlight In The PMI Tree 

26 Here is Yet Another Workaround!
Notice The Leader Dot is Corrected and No Shift in Dimension Location When in Metric Units Design in Inches Before translating to JT, change SE Units to MM Keep JT Translation Units as Meters (Shown Earlier) In Teamcenter Visualization, set “Display Units” to Inches. Existing Dimensions DO NOT Update Be Careful Note The Hole Size Has Been Corrected Be Careful to Use Correct Units!

27 So, SE PMI is Not Perfect, But It Is a Useful Start!
It Seems that the First Useful Fix to Several Issues within JT is a Unit Translation Issue. Anybody Land a Mars Mission Lately?  There is an extensive list of enhancement suggestions that I am assembling. Many suggestions come from experience in I-DEAS PMI and PMI & Embedded GD&T in NX. The Main Take Away is That with a Little Thought, Workarounds Can Be Found. There is Huge Benefit for PMI to Look and Act Similar Among Systems within the JT Format But, PMI Does NOT Have to Be Exactly the Same

28 Remember What I-DEAS PMI Looks Like?
Mirrored Text in JT Too! But Easy to Fix!

29 Quick Text Fix and Highlighting Associative Features

30 NX4 PMI – Also Has Text Fix Does Not Highlight Features Has Some Downstream Analysis - NX5, NX6?

31 NX Also Has the Embedded GD&T “SmartModel” Has Extensive Downstream Analysis

32 Some Notes on ASME Y Already 5 Years Old, The Standard Is a Great Start! However, It Needs a Detailed Public Review by 3D Annotation “Creators” to Determine the Need for Certain Requirements or Not. As in any development of any standard, there are 100s, if not 1000s, of opinions. I have mine; imagine that! For Example, I don’t know why coordinate systems “must” be displayed to represent Datum Reference Frames. DRFs define coordinate systems. Why “must” Datum Feature Symbols for Planar Features attach directly to the surface? No extension lines are allowed in Axonometric views, as shown in previous slides of this presentation as Datum Feature C. Why “must” cutting planes be displayed? 3D CAD offers much better technology through Model Views and Configurations.

33 Some Notes on ASME Y Why “must” leader lines end with the dot in most cases? This will result in slowing the process down or otherwise increase software development to keep the process automated and quick. What is the benefit? Notes such as Number of Surfaces for a profile tolerance is again, non-value added, and perhaps should be optional. The query requirements force display of related features. Queries require highlighting an associated coordinate system to the design specification. This is excessive software development. For Example, I don’t think I-DEAS, NX4 (5 or 6?), and definitely not SE demonstrate this ability. Where does this requirement come from and what is the value?

34 Summary 3D PMI Technology Continues to Make Progress
From Mid-Range to High End CAD Provides Flexibility and Scalability The Time is Right to Mold New Dimensional Management Lifecycles to Take Full Advantage of 3D PMI During the Development of 3D PMI in the Siemens PLM Software Products! The Low Hanging Fruit is Focusing on the USERS of PMI through the JT Format and Making the Visibility Consistent.

35 Summary ASME Y shows great leadership, but should have a detailed public review sooner not later to “help” with the next update. Focus of Y14.41 needs to stay focused on value added requirements, which in general should be “less” then requirements placed on 2D drawings since 3D model visualization, by its very nature, is easier to understand. Lets not complicate it. 3D Annotation Does Not Need to Look Like 2D Do Data Management Requirements Belong in Y14.41? Is it out of scope given PLM technology? Must all companies wanting to use Y14.41 own a Data Management System first?

36 Summary There are many questions to ask and answers to be found.
Progress has been slow because of culture change. But I see the change, and I see the progress! Lets keep looking for how to make 3D Dimensional Management work even if it is one step at a time. The Benefit? Quality Products, Delivered Faster, at a Better Price The Customers Deserve It!

37 Thank you ! Norm Crawford Applied Geometrics

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