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Guidance in Finland.  Education Guarantee law should guarantee further studyplace to all basic education graduates. Vocational education the target is.

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Presentation on theme: "Guidance in Finland.  Education Guarantee law should guarantee further studyplace to all basic education graduates. Vocational education the target is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guidance in Finland

2  Education Guarantee law should guarantee further studyplace to all basic education graduates. Vocational education the target is challenging because the secondary level education is not compulsory. Too many do not apply anywhere or they give up - Last year 60000 student were graduated rom basic level, which of them about 30000 applied into vocational field and the other half the upper general level Education Guarantee Law

3 Formal education in Finland Higher secondary Polytechnic Or Universities of Applied scienses Universities Basic School jj hhhhllllhhjjjhhhjj Vocational secondary Basic educationhh Adult higher secundary wor k EED offices

4  What does your guidance and counselling work entail? “I work in a comprehensive school which encompasses grades 6–9, mostly guiding 7th to 9th graders. I also talk to 6th graders about studying in the secondary cycle. My job is mostly teaching, providing information, attending meetings and giving guidance about studying, working life and further education. We want to meet each student as an individual, and in a counselling situation we should give him/her enough time.” - It is about 76 hours guidance and couseling during grades 7 to 9 Guidance counselor in basic level


6  Students in general upper secondary schools receive guidance and counselling about further study, careers and other life plans. They are also guided in their current studies, choice of subjects, study skills and future plans  Guidance counselors are in charge in this Counseling in General upper general Schools


8  In general upper secondary education for adults it is possible to complete the whole syllabus, take the matriculation exam or individual courses or raise previous grades. The students can thus improve their chances of getting into higher eduation or vocational institutions, improve their general knowledge or complete studies which they had begun at an earlier date.  Guidance counselors are in charge in this General adult education

9  Vocational students draw up an individual study plan, which will support their commitment and motivation to study. Guidance and counselling is to help students with educational and career choices, developing their study and social skills and enhancing their self- knowledge. The students will also assess their own learning and progress  Guidance counselors are in charge in this Counseling inVocational Schools

10  Higher education institutions have study affairs secretaries or counsellors in charge of the planning, co-ordination and development of guidance and counselling, editing of study guides and training of tutors in a given field or programme. Subject-related guidance is given by teaching personnel and other staff members. Tutoring groups help students to learn more about their institutions and higher education study. Counseling in Higher education

11  Employment advisers and counsellors at the Employment and Economic Development Offices help jobseekers and employers find one another. In a job-search interview, the client and employment adviser discuss the client’s job wishes, skill needs and labour market demands, and agree on the required services. Employment service also provide group-based training in job-seeking skills and a jobsearch desk wher the clients can find information about jobs and education and training eithe independently or with the staff’s assistance. Guidance and couseling services in Employment and Economic Development Offices

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