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Mink Dissection Practice Practical.

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Presentation on theme: "Mink Dissection Practice Practical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mink Dissection Practice Practical

2 Identify these muscles

3 Close up

4 Answer Rectus Femoris Gracilis

5 Identify this muscle

6 Answer 3. Clavotravezius

7 Identify this muscle

8 Answer 4. Serratus ventralis (Serratus anterior in humans)

9 a. Identify this part of the anatomy. b. Which way does the blood flow
a. Identify this part of the anatomy. b. Which way does the blood flow? Away or towards the heart?

10 Answer 5. a. External jugular vein. b. Blood flows towards the heart, through superior vena cava to the right atrium.

11 a. Identify this muscle. b. What bone is the insertion?

12 Answer 6. a. Masseter b. mandible

13 Identify this muscle (dorsal surface)

14 Answer 7. Latissimus Dorsi

15 a. Identify this muscle b. Is it an abductor or adductor?

16 Answer 8a. Pectoralis Major b. Abductor

17 Identify this muscle

18 Answer 9. Gastrocnemius

19 10. Identify this lifted disc. b. What is its function?

20 Answer 10. Mandibular Gland b. Releases enzymes that assist in digestion and breakdown of food within the oral cavity

21 a. Identify the the muscle labeled 11 b
a. Identify the the muscle labeled 11 b. Break-down and define the latin roots that make up the name of this muscle.

22 Different view of previous slide

23 Answer 11. Clavobrachialis b. Clavo = clavicle Brachial = Arm

24 Identify this muscle (Anterior view of let, with sartorius lifted)

25 Another View of Previous Slide

26 Answer 12. Vastus medialis

27 Identify these muscles

28 Close-up of 13

29 Answer 13. Acromiotrapezius – inserts at the acromion

30 Close up of 14

31 Answer 14. Spinotrapezius Originates at the spine

32 Identify this muscle

33 Answer 15. Biceps femoris

34 Identify this muscle (lateral view of leg)

35 Answer 16. Tensor fascia(e) lata(e)

36 Identify this muscle

37 Answer 17. Pectoralis Minor

38 Identify this muscle (Extra Credit – deep neck)

39 Close-Up of 18

40 Answer 18. Splenius

41 Identify the muscle labeled 19
Identify the muscle labeled 19. (Extra Credit) Identify the muscle labeled “B” - mandatory

42 Answer 19. Atlantoscapularis b. Levator scapula(e)

43 Identify this muscle

44 Answer 20. Vastus lateralis

45 Identify 21 Is this muscle directly or indirectly attached?

46 Answer 21. Temporalis b. Direct attachment

47 Identify this muscle

48 Answer 22. Semi-tendinosus

49 Identify this muscle (superficial on leg)

50 Answer 23. Sartorius

51 Identify these muscles

52 Answers 24. Adductor longus 25. Adductor femoris

53 Identify this muscle (ventral surface)

54 Answer 26. External Abdominal Oblique

55 Identify 27 (arm)

56 Answer 27. Long head of triceps brachii

57 Identify this muscle

58 Answer 28. Semi-tendinosus

59 Identify this muscle (Extra Credit)

60 Answer 29. Rhomboideus cervicis

61 Identify these muscles (deep leg)

62 Another view of previous slide

63 Answers 30. Semi-membranosus 31. Pectineus

64 Identify thismuscle

65 Answer 32. Gluteus Maximus

66 Identify this muscle

67 Answer 33. Triceps Brachii, lateral head

68 Identify this muscle

69 Answer 34. Spinodeltoid

70 Identify these muscles

71 Close-up of 35 (Also, break down the latin terms that make up the structure)

72 Answer 35. Dorsoepitrochlearis Dorso = back Epi = on top Trochlear = elbow

73 Close-up of 36

74 Answer 36. Levator scapula(e)

75 Identify this muscle

76 Answer 37. External Abdominal Oblique

77 Identify this anatomical part. What body system is it a part of?

78 Answer 38. Trachea b. Respiratory System

79 Identify this muscle

80 Answer 39. Clavotrapezius

81 Identify this muscle

82 Answer 40. Caudofemoralis

83 Identify this muscle (extra credit)

84 Answer 41. Rhomboideus capitis

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