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Presentation on theme: " WTF is it?. Who Am i? And why are you following me? Joshua Hill"— Presentation transcript:

1 WTF is it?

2 Who Am i? And why are you following me? Joshua Hill (aka @p0sixninja)

3 This page intentionally left blank.

4 What is OpenJailbreak? Who is OpenJailbreak for? What are your plans for the future?

5 What is OpenJailbreak? Not really a jailbreak at all. One part of a bigger plan. Goal is to keep jailbreaking sustainable for future generations.

6 The problem Chronic-Dev Team had/has a single website for everyone. Not everyone in the community jailbreaks for the same reasons. About 4 or 5 different types of jailbreak users.

7 Type I (Average Users) Often don’t even install jailbreak themselves. Usually just want access to pirated apps and games. Internationally many countries don’t have access to appstore. Largest user base, although we personally don’t condone piracy, some countries need it.

8 Type II (Fanboys & Fangirls) Enjoy using tweaks and themes to customize their devices. Like to be kept informed on progress, what we’re doing, where we’re going. Considerably smaller than the first group but make up the backbone of this community.

9 Type III (Developers) Responsible for making the tweaks, themes, and apps that users enjoy. Some of the most important people in this community. They give us a true reason to actually jailbreak our devices.

10 Type IV (Security Researchers) These people actually need jailbreaks to perform their work and research. Smallest user base, but most critical to help find new vulnerabilities and exploits. Actively trying to foster these users by presenting and training at security conferences.

11 Type V (Jailbreak Creators) People who have actually been involved in work used in a jailbreak. You can count these people on your hands and toes. @planetbeing, @pod2g, @pimskeks, @comex, @mdowd, @geohot, @ih8sn0w, @i0n1c, did I miss anyone?

12 Who is OpenJailbreak for? Designed to cater to the last 3 types of users. Anyone who wants to learn more about how jailbreaks are created. Anyone who wants to contribute. YOU!!!

13 What will it contain? Open source components from both greenpois0n and absinthe jailbreaks. Bug, issue, and feature tracking so even non- developers can contribute. Wikis, forums, and documents to help new users learn how to use components.

14 Why give away all this code? There’s simply too much of it to continue managing it on my own. Hopefully others will step in and help remove some of the burden off of us. Free up a lot of our time and effort of development so we can focus of finding new vulnerabilities and exploits.

15 How do we keep Jailbreaking sustainable? We need to work together as a community. We need to grow this community by teaching and sharing our knowledge freely. We need to understand why people jailbreak and cater to their unique needs.

16 What does it contain now? Currently 6 projects posted online, and a dozen others planned. Anyone can learn more and help grow and improve the community. A lot of help is needed to make this project a success!!

17 Projects so far… libmbdb-1.0 – A library and utilities for modifying backups from iOS devices. libmacho-1.0 – A library and utilities for modifying and parsing Apple Mach-O executable files. libimg3-1.0 – A library and utilities for parsing and decrypting iOS IMG3 files.

18 Projects so far… libdyldcache-1.0 – A library and utilities for parsing and manipulating iOS dynamic linker shared cache. libirecovery-2.0 – A library and utilities for interacting with iOS low level bootloaders. libcrippy-1.0 – A library containing all the common shared code for libraries.

19 What are your plans for the future? Currently developing 4 different websites to cater to each unique user type. Opening up today hopefully, other websites will be announced soon!!!

20 What’s to come… libafc-1.0 – A library and utilities for communicating with iOS AFC service. libipsw-1.0 - A library and utilities for parsing and and extracting iOS IPSW files. libtss-1.0 - A library and utilities for requesting and receiving TSS request from Apple. libbbfw-1.0 – A library and utilities for parsing and signing iOS baseband firmware file.

21 What’s to come… libsyringe-1.0 – A library and utilities for injecting BootROM exploits and loading unsigned firmware. libanthrax-1.0 – A library and utilities creating and running code in ramdisks on iOS. libcyanide-1.0 – A library and utilities for parsing and manipulating iOS dynamic linker shared cache. libabsinthe-1.0 – A library to integrate the various components of absinthe and evasi0n.

22 What’s to come… libidevicerestore-1.0 – A library and utilities for restoring or updating from IPSWs. libidevicebackup-1.0 – A library and utilities for backing up and restoring MobileDevice backups. libideviceinstall-1.0 – A library and utilities for installing applications to the device. libideviceactive-1.0 – A library and utilities for requesting activation tickets from Apple.

23 What’s to come… And plenty more… For more updates on my master plans for be sure to follow @OpenJailbreak

24 Questions? (FAQ Prepared in advance)

25 What is OpenJailbreak? “Did you listen to anything I just said?”

26 Are you UnthreadedJB? “#NOZ!!!!!”

27 Is UnthreadedJB #FAKRZ? “#DEY #R #NOT #FAKRZ!!!!!”

28 Do you know who UnthreadedJB is? “#MABEZ!!!!”

29 Are you going to release a BootROM exploit at HITB? * If MuscleNerd is present flip to next slide. * If MuscleNerd is absent flip ahead 2 slides.

30 Are you going to release a BootROM exploit at HITB? “We still don’t have A5 BootROM dump which makes it challenging.” (MuscleNerd is present edition)

31 Are you going to release a BootROM exploit at HITB? “Who knows, I guess you’ll have to wait and see” (MuscleNerd is absent edition)

32 Can we haz iOS7 jailbreak? “No”

33 What about iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak, PLZ?? “No”

34 Aren't you worried this project will help Apple? “No, Apple already has their own code to do the same things, why would they want to use mine?”

35 Can I get a picture with you?!?! “I hate pictures, but I will suffer for 2 seconds.” (If you can find me)

36 What kind of phone to you carry around? “Samsung Galaxy S3, I realized I needed a phone that I don’t break”

37 Are you drunk? “Maybe...”

38 Did you write these questions drunk? “Probably!!!”

39 How can we contact you? “I’ll be at the bar all night!!”

40 Will these slides be available online? “I hope not!!”

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