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Fermion Generations from “Apple Shaped” Extra Dimensions* Douglas Singleton CSU Fresno QUARKS 2008 Sergiev Posad, Russia May 23-29, 2008 *Work in collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermion Generations from “Apple Shaped” Extra Dimensions* Douglas Singleton CSU Fresno QUARKS 2008 Sergiev Posad, Russia May 23-29, 2008 *Work in collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermion Generations from “Apple Shaped” Extra Dimensions* Douglas Singleton CSU Fresno QUARKS 2008 Sergiev Posad, Russia May 23-29, 2008 *Work in collaboration with M. Gogberashvili, P. Midodashvili, and S. Aguilar [JHEP 08(2007) 033; PRD 73, 085007 (2006)]

2 The family/generation puzzle Why are there three (and only three?) families/generations of fermions? Why do they have the masses that they do? Why do they have the CKM mixings that they do?

3 Brane world model for the family puzzle With a 6D brane world theory we construct a toy model to explain the family puzzle. One 6D fermion gives rise to three zero modes which become the three effective 4D fermions. Masses and mixings are given by coupling to a 6D scalar field. Unlike the cartoon there is only one brane.

4 6D metric and sources The 6D field equations [M.Gogberashvili and D.Singleton, (Phys. Rev. D69, 026004 (2004) and ibid. (Phys. Lett., B582, 95 (2004) ]. 6D Metric  4D warp factor plus 2D cylindrical geometry. For b 1 we have apple shaped geometry. The 4D and 2D sources

5 Warp factors and matter sources The warp factor is given by: The determinant goes to zero at the “north “ and “south poles”. The radius of the 2D space is ε. The solutions for the 4D and 2D matter sources are:

6 6D Fermions We now place a 6D fermion into this background. Action:Spinor: Gamma Matrices: 6D Dirac equation:

7 Effective 4D Fermions The 6D fermion has solutions of the form: The quantum number l is integer valued and acts at the family number. We are looking for zero mode solutions: The 2D part of the spinors are:

8 Three zero-modes We require the 6D fermions be normalizable separately in the 4D and 2D parts i.e. For this last integral to be convergent one needs  In order to have only three zero modes (l=-1, 0, +1) we need 2<b≤4 i.e. we need the 2D space to be apple shaped. For concreteness we take b=4

9 6D scalar field These three zero mode fermions have zero mass and are orthogonal (i.e. do not mix) with one another. To generate masses and mixings we introduce a 6D scalar field. The solutions of the scalar field equations in the background are By introducing a coupling between scalar and fermion fields and integrating over the 2D space we find 

10 Masses The U ll’ are mass (mixing) terms if l=l’ (l≠l’). For U ll’ to be non-zero one needs the condition p-l+l’=0. Explicitly these terms are For the mass case (l=l’) we can choose the constants so as to reproduce the “down” family The 2D radius has been set as 1/ε=1 TeV to push the non-zero modes to higher masses.

11 Mixings When l≠l’ one has mixing terms between the different families. To get mixings for the first four terms above we need either p=±1. For last two terms we need p=±2. Carrying out the integrations gives: It is possible to pick the constants such that one gets something like the CKM hierarchy.

12 Summary and Conclusions Examining a Dirac field placed in the 6D, nonsingular brane background one finds 3, m=0 modes for a steep enough φ(r) The role of the family number is played by l Masses and Mixings are both generated by a scalar fermion coupling  HΨ † Ψ Can fit masses and mixings.

13 Acknowledgments D.S. Acknowledges a CSU Fresno CSM summer professional development grant.

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