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A Louisiana Treasure. What is a wetland? A low-lying area of soft waterlogged ground and standing water Transition zones between land and water Three.

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Presentation on theme: "A Louisiana Treasure. What is a wetland? A low-lying area of soft waterlogged ground and standing water Transition zones between land and water Three."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Louisiana Treasure

2 What is a wetland? A low-lying area of soft waterlogged ground and standing water Transition zones between land and water Three conditions of a wetland: Water Soil Plants Bog, marsh, swamp

3 Properties of Matter Solid Liquid Gas Matching Activity

4 Solids Have a shape and a volume of its own Animals Alligator Egret Crawfish Plants Cypress trees Cattails Cordgrass

5 Liquids Have a volume, but no shape of its own Takes the shape of its container Water Salt water Intermediate water Brackish water Fresh water

6 Gases Do not have a volume or shape of their own Gases Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Methane

7 The Vanishing Wetlands Approximately half the Nation's original wetland habitats have been lost over the past 200 years. Most of that loss has occurred in Louisiana. Since 1932, Louisiana has lost enough coastal wetlands to equal the state of Delaware (1,900 square miles). A football field-size portion of the Louisiana coast reverts to water every 38 minutes.

8 Causes of Wetland Loss Natural Causes Subsidence Hurricanes Wave erosion Sea-level rise Salt-water intrusion Human Activities Canal, levee, and dam construction Commercial and Residential development Drainage channels Shoreline erosion from ship traffic

9 Functions and Values Commercial and Recreational Values Wildlife Habitats Maintain Water Quality Control Erosion and Flooding Act as Storm Buffers Cultural Values

10 What can we do to help? Save water Dispose of household products carefully Care for your lawn Practice sensible pest control Control run-off from your yard Control soil erosion Maintain your septic system Use car care products wisely Contain chemical spills

11 What can we do to help now? Get involved Introduce T-shirt activity

12 Design Your T-Shirt Draw your interpretation of the wetlands Include “Save Our Wetlands” somewhere in the design Black and White Use pictures Groups Vote!

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