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‘Internet of Things’ technology for fleet managers Cost Reductions, Risk Mitigation Carbon Management

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1 ‘Internet of Things’ technology for fleet managers Cost Reductions, Risk Mitigation Carbon Management

2 Simplicity & efficiency at the touch of a button A user-friendly and streamlined approach ‘An improved experience for all’ GPS TRACKING INTEGRATED TELEMATICS ACCURATE RECORDS Carbon Management Corporations £4m Local Authorities £3.5m NHS £2m NGOs £0.5m Year 5 Revenue

3 Apr-JunJul-SeptOct-DecJan-Mar £24k TSB SMART Grant £20k SVDP AutoTrip incorporated Patents Pending Problem consulting: Gfleet £90K TSB SMART Grant Finalist Cleantech Innovate Hardware manufacture and software developer secured 2013 2014

4 Co-founder Andrew Wordsworth 13 ventures Bain Cambridge Technical Development Rohan Verma MapmyIndia LBS (MBA) Stanford (USA) Venture Development Alexander Nicholson Venture execution St Andrews Cambridge Partners James ByrneChris Endacott Advisors:

5 SEED 2014/2015 Funding: £150k SEIS equity plus £90k non- dilutive grant secured from TSB Post-money valuation: £1.0m SERIES A 2015/2016 Funding: ~ £500k Post-money valuation: £3m EXIT 2017/18 Trade Sale (or IPO) Exit valuation: £20m Seed Investor IRR >50% Application of Funds Pilot Deployment£60,000 Technical Dev.£60,000 Central costs£80,000 Contingency£40,000 2013/142014/152015/162016/172017/18 (0)405043,5409,020 Revenue (, £k)

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