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History of Design. Drawing  A means for communication  Design is used to relay a visual concept Safety Proportion Line Quality Color Texture Efficiency.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Design. Drawing  A means for communication  Design is used to relay a visual concept Safety Proportion Line Quality Color Texture Efficiency."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Design

2 Drawing  A means for communication  Design is used to relay a visual concept Safety Proportion Line Quality Color Texture Efficiency Shape Durability Tolerance Functionality Maintenance Consideration Elements

3 Change  Technology has made advances in fabricating and design techniques that are clearly seen looking back through history

4 Before the Industrial Revolution  Cave men  Scratched symbols and scenes on cave walls providing us with a record of life and skills known during the Stone Age  The Oudea fortress  The first known floor plan of buildings to be constructed in an orderly fashion  Objects were handmade one at a time

5 Early Drafting Tools

6 Fabricating Techniques 4000 BC-1800 AD Hammering, Stamping, Casting Soldering, Riveting, Forge Welding, and Gluing Joining Processes Forming Processes Example of an early cast piece

7 Industrial Revolution  Parts were made in batches (1850)  Mass production (1900)  Need for interchanging parts  Measuring tools were developed  Profits  Efficient use of time and materials  Replacement parts were desired

8 Fabricating Techniques 1800AD-1900AD Electroplating, Steel Rolling Shaping, Milling Forming Processes Tools Example of milling

9 Fabricating Techniques 1900AD-1920AD Tube Rolling, Hot Extrusion Geared Lathes, Hobbing, High Speed, and Carbide Tools Forming Processes Tools Example of a geared lathe

10 Fabricating Techniques 1920AD-1970AD Powdered Metals, Electroforming, and Explosive Forming Numerical Control, Electrical and Chemical Machining, and Synthetic Diamond Forming Processes Tools Example of a CNC part

11 Fabricating Techniques 1970AD-2000AD Plastic Forming, Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, and Rapid Prototyping Coated Tools, Water Jet Machines, Electrical Discharge, Industrial Robots, Programmable Logic Controls, and Unattended Factories Forming Processes Tools Example of Stereolithography

12 Current Drafting and Design Tools

13 Manufacturing Techniques

14 Sources Project Lead the Way History of Design PowerPoint slideshow –

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