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At the conclusion of World War II, the celebratory shouts of Americans could be heard around the globe. However, the Great Depression was not too far.

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Presentation on theme: "At the conclusion of World War II, the celebratory shouts of Americans could be heard around the globe. However, the Great Depression was not too far."— Presentation transcript:


2 At the conclusion of World War II, the celebratory shouts of Americans could be heard around the globe. However, the Great Depression was not too far removed, and questions of economic stability were in the forefront of American minds. The cheers began to fade entirely when the Soviet threat reared its ugly head and Americans gripped for another international conflict. The Cold War did not result in direct conflict with the Soviet Union; however, it did lead to anxiety at home and proxy wars abroad.

3  The Big Three meet in Feb. 1945 ▪ Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin  Discuss postwar fates  Pre A-bomb testing  Occupation zones ▪ Germany, Eastern Europe, and Far East ▪ Military sprawl  Concessions ▪ Roosevelt to Stalin  Reparations from Germany ▪ Stalin to Roosevelt  Promises free elections  Germany surrenders in May

4  Problems ▪ Political and economic philosophies ▪ Capitalist systems vs. communism ▪ Delayed U.S. diplomatic recognition (1933) of Soviet Union ▪ Soviet-Germany Non-Aggression Pact ▪ Delay of sending troops to the Eastern front ▪ Soviets left out of the atomic secrets of other allies ▪ Terminated Lend-Lease—denied loans ▪ Called ships back  Visions ▪ Stalin wanted buffer states “satellites” ▪ Roosevelt—”open world” ▪ Both isolationists prior to WWII ▪ Missionary diplomacy

5  The Big Three meet in July 1945 ▪ Truman, Churchill/Attlee, Stalin  Tensions rise: ▪ Stalin reneges on free elections in Poland ▪ Truman reneges on reparations for Russia outside of occupation zones ▪ Eastern Europe? ▪ Capitalism and U.S. markets? ▪ Soviet buffer? ▪ A-bomb announced

6  International Organizations  International Monetary Fund (IMF) ▪ Regulates currency exchange rate  World Bank ▪ Promotes economic growth  United Nations ▪ Security Council and Assembly ▪ Promoted “great power” cooperation

7 Cold War timeline: 1945—1991 1. Europe  Turkey, Greece, and Eastern Bloc 2. The Far East  China, Korea, and Vietnam 3. Latin America/Caribbean  Guatemala, Cuba, Nicaragua (many more)  Note: phases overlap


9  “Iron Curtain” Speech ▪ Winston Churchill  The Middle East ▪ Stalin wants Iranian oil—uses troops  The Truman Doctrine (1947) ▪ Containment ▪ Greece and Turkey ▪ $ 400 million in military aid  Positions harden globally  The Marshall Plan (1948-1952) ▪ Rebuild Europe with American aid ▪ $13 billion—4 years ▪ Russia rejects offer ▪ “economic imperialism”  Creation of Israel

10  National Security Act (1947) ▪ Creates Department of Defense ▪ Secretary of Defense ▪ Joint Chiefs of Staff  National Security Council (NSC) ▪ Advise president on military policy  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ▪ Fact gathering +  Selective Service reinstated

11  Justice?  Nuremburg Trials (1945-46) ▪ Nazi war crimes—22 to be tried— 12 hanged  Visions of Germany—differ ▪ Economic health vital to all  Germany divided ▪ Allies get slices of Germany ▪ Question of unification ▪ Soviets—NO! ▪ 1948—Berlin Blockade  Berlin Airlift ▪ June 1948—May 1949


13  Established 1949 ▪ U.S. foreign policy? ▪ Departure ▪ Military alliance ▪ Defensive!!!!!!!

14  Japanese reconstruction  General MacArthur ▪ Democratizes Japan and prosecutes war criminals  Successful in aims  China Falls to communism ▪ Civil war renewed ▪ Nationalists v. Communists  Chiang Kai-shek—leader of Nationals—corrupt!  Mao Zedong—leader of Communists—peasant support  Containment fails—Chiang forced off mainland China  Truman Doctrine=$3 billion to Nationals  China goes commie in 1949

15  Korea  Divided at the 38 th parallel ▪ Commie North—Democratic South  N. Korea invades S. Korea (25 June 1950) ▪ NSC-68 ▪ Orders massive American military build up  United Nations declares a police action ▪ Soviets absent—no veto ▪ Protest over China ▪ Truman orders MacArthur to take command

16  Military see-saw  Chinese join war effort  MacArthur suggests retaliation on China ▪ Openly criticizes Truman—MacArthur is fired  Armistice ▪ Korea remains divided—demilitarized zone ▪ President Eisenhower  Costs  54,000 men die ▪ 36,000 Americans  $67 billion

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