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1 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 From Model to Data Transformation – One approach Mapping TeleAtlas Data to EuroRoadS Anders Friis-Christensen, JRC.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 From Model to Data Transformation – One approach Mapping TeleAtlas Data to EuroRoadS Anders Friis-Christensen, JRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 From Model to Data Transformation – One approach Mapping TeleAtlas Data to EuroRoadS Anders Friis-Christensen, JRC

2 2 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 From Model to Data Transformation Outline: Model –EuroRoadS subset XMI/GML –Visio -> XMI -> Rational / EA -> –XMI -> GML schema –TeleAtlas Road data (shape) -> GML (+schema) Model transformation –EuroRoads GML TeleAtlas GML XSL Data Transformation –XSLT –Population of data Verification of data

3 3 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Creating EuroRoadS subset A subset of the network exchange model The network model is a common base for roads Including: –Attributes (modeled as abstract classes) –Geometry (GML data types) No topology No routing info

4 4 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

5 5

6 6 XMI Generation from Visio Use of Microsoft XMIExport.dll –Invoked by ESRI add-on or by Lars Vikstroms application Produces non-valid XMI supposedly based on UML 1.1 –Several errors: Newline in empty tags, more than 400 errors (only in XML spy 2004, error in parser) Undefined references (associations ends and generalization) –Must be an error in the model, old references not deleted properly by Visio Newline in empty tag not allowed. Changed 198 places. Newline in empty tag not allowed. Changed 192 places. Newline in empty tag not allowed. Changed 4 places. Undefined references: line 5901: <- deleted line 6054: <- deleted line 12659: <- deleted

7 7 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 XMI Import (Based on Visio export) Rational Rose –Does not read UML 1.1 XMI –Possible workarounds?? Enterprise Architect –Based on OMG UML 1.1 XMI 1.0 dtd, success on import –However, several errors. E.g.: Generalizations not imported Enumerations not imported Association multiplicity not imported

8 8 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 XMI Import (Based on Visio export) ArgoUML 0.18: –Possible to import XMI –Errors: Multiplicities not imported –Export UML 1.3 XMI 1.0 (without multiplicities) Rational Rose: –Import new XMI possible –No import of enumerations Enterprise Architect: –Same as RR As a curiosity: ArgoUML cannot read its own import if it is saved as a project. The XMI parsing fails.

9 9 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 XMI – Issues Conclusion: –Microsoft Visio is not interoperable (choose another software for UML, if it is foreseen that exchange of models is required) –Various vendors of XML editors/importers have errors in their parsers which complicates the process of validating XMI –Tools do not support same versions of XMI –Tools interpret XMI in different ways –It is very difficult to validate the content of the XMI, i.e. if the model imported is correct even though the XMI is validated. Report John Herring (communicated by Morten) –EA problem with RR XMI: It does not import data types > (see also the example EA diagram that was send to you It does not see realization ("inheritance" from interfaces and types) in the same way as Rose. It transforms those into a type of dependency

10 10 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

11 11 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Creation of GML schemas is done by ShapeChange tool (Interactive Instruments): –Converts XMI 1.0 to GML 2.1.2 and 3.1 (3.1.1?) –Other XMI than export from RR?? Experiments from EA (Clemens) ShapeChange put different requirements on the UML model (and hence the resulting XMI)

12 12 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Multiple inheritance: ER_RoadnetElement inherited directly from both ER_RoadFeature and ER_IdentifiableObject

13 13 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Two associations between ER_RoadAttribute and ER_RoadnetElement

14 14 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Added multiplicities to associations and made them bidirectional

15 15 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Added a concrete class with a value of string datatype in order to store data

16 16 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Prepare Sub-set Model in RR to support GML Added a validityFrom and validityTo Instead of TM_Period in order of simplicity and to support GML 2.1.2

17 17 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Other UGAS requirements Additionally following rules needed to be applied the model –Model must be represented in a package stereotyped with > –The XML namespace (a URI) and an abbreviation must be present as tagged values

18 18 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Resulting GML Note: The attribute TM_Period in the original EuroRoadS model has been replaced by validityFrom and validityTo for simplicity reasons <element name="FeatureCollection" type="cslWorkshop:FeatureCollectionType" substitutionGroup="gml:_FeatureCollection"/>

19 19 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

20 20 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

21 21 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Resulting GML Because of the many classes in the model, the GML is complex I did not work further with GML 3.1 schemas –Complex model –3.1 schemas not valid (according several parsers), experience in producing 3.1.1? –Tools support (3.1 and 3.1.1)? –Any experiences??

22 22 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

23 23 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Data transformation Produce GML from TeleAtlas data –FME GML –Create schema option –No support for 3.1 or 3.1.1?? TeleAtlas based on GDF –Should be no problems when mapping attributes –Except that the attributes are named: ID, FEATTYP, FT, F_JNCTID, F_JNCTTYP, T_JNCTID, T_JNCTTYP, PJ, METERS, FRC, NETCLASS, NETBCLASS, NET2CLASS, NAME, NAMELC, SOL, NAMETYP, CHARGE, ROUTENUM, RTETYP, RTEDIR, RTEDIRVD, PROCSTAT, FOW, SLIPRD, FREEWAY, BACKRD, TOLLRD, RDCOND, STUBBLE, PRIVATERD, CONSTATUS, ONEWAY, F_BP, T_BP, F_ELEV, T_ELEV, KPH, MINUTES, POSACCUR, CARRIAGE, LANES

24 24 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

25 25 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 XSL We only map data to ER_RoadLink FeatureCollection properties (e.g. bbox) are mapped Name (TA) mapped to StringAttribute KPH (TA) mapped to speedLimit lineStringProperty (TA) mapped to GM_Curve Always ER_RoadElement FOW (TA) mapped to FormOfWay using lookup table FRC (TA) mapped to NationalRoadClass using lookup table FID (TA) mapped to ID:permanentID (should actually have been ID (TA) as FID is FME generated)

26 26 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 XSL Mapped to FeatureType RoadLink only Main elements: –FeatureCollection: Boundingbox etc –Id of ER_IdentifiableObject: FID (should actually have been ID, FID is FME generated ID) –Value of StringAttribute (subclass of RoadnetElementAttribute): Name –SpeedLimit of ER_SpeedLimit (subclass of RoadLinkAttribute): KPH –GML_Curve: lineStringProperty –Level of ER_RoadLink is always selected to ER_RoadElement –FormOfWay of ER_RoadLink: FOW (lookup table used) –NationalRoadClass of ER_RoadLink: FRC (lookup table used)

27 27 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

28 28 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

29 29 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Result in Gaia

30 30 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

31 31 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Resulting GML Validates to EuroRoadS submodel GML schema Complex attribute types not possible to import via FME or ArcGIS –Requires flat structure After short! trial, no success in publishing via GeoServer WFS

32 32 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Approach(1) Pragmatic solution Feasibility of approach –Does it satisfy requirements: It is automatic. Creating XSL files can be complicated, especially if the semantics of attributes to be transformed vary too much Time-consuming (costly) XSLT is a standardized methodology, GML is supported by the important software producers We shall later see similar approach in a service architecture (Snowflake, Finnish Geodetic Ins. etc..) Would best support: s - Automatically (preferably no manual intervention) - Easy set-up - Minimum cost - Support from vendors/technologies - Support a SOA

33 33 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005 Approach Requires that the two models that need to be mapped do not differentiate too much: –Attribute types, feature types, etc. –No (immediate) generalization mechanisms i.e., the approach is scale dependent –Aggregation (attributes, features) is complicated Requires in-depth knowledge of both models –From domain to low level spatio-temporal aspects of models How to test that a mapping occurs error free –Validation of data? –Constraints? Other possibilities: –Materialized views and stored procedures for mapping Create DB schema based on ‘complex’ UML or GML schemas?

34 34 CSL Workshop, October 13-14, 2005

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