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Member Services Presentation

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1 Member Services Presentation
Arthur Carindal Head of Member Services


3 Member Services Mission
To bring together AFRINIC’s core operational units in order to drive AFRINIC’s strategy by providing high-level value services to AFRINIC’s members

4 Application & Web Development
MS Department Chart Member Services Manager IPv6 Program Isham Ibrahim (M) Application & Web Development Amreesh Phokeer (M) Avinash Gokhool Yogesh Chadee Amin Tazifor Registration Service Madhvi G. (M) Training Mukom Tamon (M) Bricce Abba Policy Liaison Ernest Byauranga (M) Members Liaison Davina Amon (M): Operational Units Managers

5 What is going on? 1/2 Continue to engage the community for a greater participation to the upcoming IPv6 Launch Day on 6 June 2012 Recruit an additional IP Analyst to support the current team. DL End of May 2012 Working on the new Member Welcome Pack outlining AFRINIC services and processes. DL Q2 2012 Working on the Member Issue Report Escalation Process (MIRE). DL Q3 2012 Following up Data Integrity Project. DL Q3 2012

6 What is going on? 2/2 Implement AFRINIC CRM for its members. DLQ4 2012
Complete AFRINIC’s first members survey. DL Q4 2012

Arthur Carindal Head of Member Services

8 Content Preamble – Goals of the project Survey Project Team
Survey Audience Interviewing methodology Questionnaire Structure Data analysis and report Survey Time frame

9 Preamble In the 7th year of AFRNIC’s operations and at the eve of reviewing our strategy for the coming 3 to 5 years it is important to get a real and independent feel of what we have done and where members and the community are expecting us to go. A way of achieving that is to have a survey through which our community can give us feedback from which we can derive an analysis that is fair and independent. In order to conduct successfully this exercise we liaised with some RIRs that have a long history of members surveys to learn from their experiences.

10 Survey Project Team The overall coordination of the survey is lead by the Head of Member Services who will have the responsibility to mobilize and manage all the resources needed to make this exercise successful. Below are the key resources for the project:

11 Survey Audience To enable best results with significantly higher response rates all AFRINIC registered members and African Internet community are invited to participate to that survey. During AF-16 in Gambia, some participants should be selected to comment and review if any the questionnaire content and comprehension before releasing the final version.

12 Interviewing methodology
The members will be invited to fill the questionnaire on line at Lime survey is a proven and free tool being used by AFRINIC for training session feedbacks. We are envisaging to complement the online survey with some face-to-face information collection at few selected locations mainly in countries where we have a significant mass of members – South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Senegal and Nigeria. These face-to-face consultations should ideally be conducted by independent facilitators. The objective of these face-to-face sessions will be to enhance interaction with members and maybe collect more details on some aspects of the questions asked.

13 Questionnaire Structure
The questionnaire is designed to cover as much areas as possible AFRINIC’s current activities and operations. It’s designed as follows A. AFRINIC Member Section A.1. General Feedback A.2. Internet Number Registration and Administration Services A.3. Voting and Corporate Governance B. General African Stakeholders Section B.1. Training and Education B.2. AFRINIC Outreach, and Conferences B.3. IPv6 Deployment B.4. Support to global Infrastructure development C. General Worldwide Stakeholders Section C.1. AFRINIC Public Information Services C.2. Internet Governance and Public Affairs Respondent Information

14 Data analysis and report
The data collected during the survey will be consolidated and handed over to an independent party that will analyze the same and provide a global report to the CEO and the Board. The latter will present this report to the community during next AFRINIC-17 meeting.

15 Survey Time frame The survey process is expected be completed within the end of AfriNIC-16 meeting and AfriNIC-17 meeting. The proposed timeline is as follows:

16 Thank You Comments, Questions?

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