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Avoiding Plagiarism with MLA Integrating and Citing Sources Tamara Kessler.

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1 Avoiding Plagiarism with MLA Integrating and Citing Sources Tamara Kessler

2 A Writer’s Reference, 6 th Ed. Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference. 6 th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. Print.

3 Essential Question How can I appropriately borrow from other sources without violating my academic integrity? How can I appropriately borrow from other sources without violating my academic integrity? Language Objective Read Diana Hacker’s MLA guide as a resource document. Read Diana Hacker’s MLA guide as a resource document. Write a correct citation for a website, using MLA. Write a correct citation for a website, using MLA. Appropriately integrate sources and in-text citations in student’s own work. Appropriately integrate sources and in-text citations in student’s own work.

4 Vocabulary Citation Citation Works Cited Works Cited In-text Citation In-text Citation Summary Paraphrase Quote Embedding Quotes

5 A Working Bibliography All extended essays are submitted in MLA format. All extended essays are submitted in MLA format. Use MLA format to compile bibliographical information for any source consulted, whether print, visual, or web. Use MLA format to compile bibliographical information for any source consulted, whether print, visual, or web. The working bibliography is often larger and more extensive than the final works cited page. The working bibliography is often larger and more extensive than the final works cited page. Annotate the working bibliography with a few sentences for each source. Focus on key points and the role of this source in your paper. Annotate the working bibliography with a few sentences for each source. Focus on key points and the role of this source in your paper.

6 Avoiding Plagiarism in Notes Borrowing language in note taking can lead to plagiarism. Borrowing language in note taking can lead to plagiarism. Changing up a few words or mixing the source’s words with your own is still plagiarism. Changing up a few words or mixing the source’s words with your own is still plagiarism. Place quotations marks around any quoted materials, and avoid looking at the source when summarizing. Use your own language. Place quotations marks around any quoted materials, and avoid looking at the source when summarizing. Use your own language.

7 3 Kinds of Note Taking Summarizing: Condensing information, for example from a chapter to a short paragraph. Summarizing: Condensing information, for example from a chapter to a short paragraph. Paraphrasing: Retelling information without reducing the content. Paraphrasing: Retelling information without reducing the content. Quoting: Copying the text exactly, including mechanics. Remember to place quotations around this information in your notes so as not to forget which information is a direct quote. Quoting: Copying the text exactly, including mechanics. Remember to place quotations around this information in your notes so as not to forget which information is a direct quote.

8 Quoting Sources (362) Do not quote excessively. Do not quote excessively. Focus on using your own words to summarize and paraphrase sources, and to explain your own ideas. Focus on using your own words to summarize and paraphrase sources, and to explain your own ideas. Do use quotes When language is especially vivid or expressive. When language is especially vivid or expressive. When exact wording is needed for technical accuracy. When exact wording is needed for technical accuracy.

9 Quoting Sources (362) When it is important to let the debaters of an issue explain their positions in their own words. When it is important to let the debaters of an issue explain their positions in their own words. When the words of an important authority lend weight to an argument When the words of an important authority lend weight to an argument When language of a source is the topic of your discussion (as in an analysis or interpretation) When language of a source is the topic of your discussion (as in an analysis or interpretation)

10 Embedding Quotes Use ellipsis mark (three periods, with spaces between) to indicate what’s been removed, but keep the sentence grammatical. Use ellipsis mark (three periods, with spaces between) to indicate what’s been removed, but keep the sentence grammatical. … Do not use ellipsis marks at the beginning or the end of a quote, as it is commonly accepted that the quote is a part of a larger whole. Do not use ellipsis marks at the beginning or the end of a quote, as it is commonly accepted that the quote is a part of a larger whole.

11 Embedding Quotes Use brackets to insert words or letters to keep the quote grammatical and to clarify meaning. Use brackets to insert words or letters to keep the quote grammatical and to clarify meaning. [ ] [ ] Use a signal phrase to introduce the author and the purpose of including the quote. Use a signal phrase to introduce the author and the purpose of including the quote.

12 Hjortshoj, Keith. Transition to College Writing, Chapter 6: Theft, Fraud, and the Loss of Voice. Retrieved 24 August 2007, from plagiarismtutorial/pages/bcs- main.asp?v=&s=01000&n=00470&i=01470.01&o= 1. The readers should always know whose language they are reading. 2. Sentences you assemble with quotations should read grammatically. 3. Your use of quotation (including splices, ellipses, and brackets) should not distort the original meaning of the quoted material. (181) Embedding Quotes

13 MLA Format Give the author’s full name on first mention. Give the author’s full name on first mention. Give page numbers for all quoted, summarized, and paraphrased materials. Give page numbers for all quoted, summarized, and paraphrased materials. Use present tense verbs to “evoke the timelessness of a literary text” (349). Use present tense verbs to “evoke the timelessness of a literary text” (349).

14 In orange: Humanities/MLA In orange: Humanities/MLA On the left: Documenting Sources On the left: Documenting Sources MLA list of Works Cited MLA list of Works Cited Works Cited entries are directly correlated to In Text Citations Works Cited entries are directly correlated to In Text Citations

15 Source for Vocabulary Terms International Baccalaureate Organization. Academic Honesty: Guidance for Schools. Geneve, Switzerland: International Baccalaureate Organization, 2003. Retrieved 23 August 2007, from rie/Academic%20Honesty.pdf rie/Academic%20Honesty.pdf rie/Academic%20Honesty.pdf

16 plagiarism “The representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own” (IBO, 2.1). “The representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own” (IBO, 2.1). “Copying works of art, whether music, film, dance, theatre arts or visual arts, also constitutes plagiarism” (IBO, 2.3). “Copying works of art, whether music, film, dance, theatre arts or visual arts, also constitutes plagiarism” (IBO, 2.3).

17 academic honesty Authenticity and Intellectual Property. IBO, 2.2, “all ideas and work of other persons, regardless of their source, must be acknowledged.” Authenticity and Intellectual Property. IBO, 2.2, “all ideas and work of other persons, regardless of their source, must be acknowledged.” Antonym: academic dishonesty Antonym: academic dishonesty

18 intellectual property— IBO, 1.3 “Forms of intellectual and creative expression (for example, works of literature, art or music) must be respected and are normally protected by law.” IBO, 1.3 “Forms of intellectual and creative expression (for example, works of literature, art or music) must be respected and are normally protected by law.”

19 authentic authorship IBO, 1.2 “An authentic piece of work is one that is based on the candidate’s individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged.” IBO, 1.2 “An authentic piece of work is one that is based on the candidate’s individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged.”

20 malpractice “behaviour that results in, or may result in, the candidate or any other candidate gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment component” and includes plagiarism, collusion, duplication of work, etc. (IBO, 2.1). “behaviour that results in, or may result in, the candidate or any other candidate gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment component” and includes plagiarism, collusion, duplication of work, etc. (IBO, 2.1).

21 Examples of Malpractice The following list is taken from IBO, 2.7: The following list is taken from IBO, 2.7: Paraphrasing without acknowledging Paraphrasing without acknowledging Fabricating data Fabricating data Taking unauthorized material into the examination room Taking unauthorized material into the examination room Misbehaving and disrupting an examination Misbehaving and disrupting an examination Exchanging or helping to exchange information about the examination—telling B-day what the test covered Exchanging or helping to exchange information about the examination—telling B-day what the test covered

22 Examples of Malpractice Copying Copying Referring to unauthorized material—sparknotes, bookrags, pinkmonkey Referring to unauthorized material—sparknotes, bookrags, pinkmonkey Failing to comply with instructions from test supervisor, proctor, etc. Failing to comply with instructions from test supervisor, proctor, etc. Impersonating another student Impersonating another student Offensive material with no academic or intellectual purpose Offensive material with no academic or intellectual purpose Stealing exams Stealing exams Talking about exams with others Talking about exams with others Using unauthorized calculator during exam Using unauthorized calculator during exam

23 collusion “supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another” (IBO, 2.1) “supporting malpractice by another candidate, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another” (IBO, 2.1) This is different from collaboration in that the assessment criteria requires each student to produce an authentic and original product. This is different from collaboration in that the assessment criteria requires each student to produce an authentic and original product.

24 collaboration working together when approved by teacher or assessment guidelines. This is different from collusion in that the final product is allowed to be a group effort. working together when approved by teacher or assessment guidelines. This is different from collusion in that the final product is allowed to be a group effort.

25 duplication of work multiple submissions multiple submissions “the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements” (IBO, 2.1). “the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements” (IBO, 2.1).

26 paraphrase IBO, 4.9: “Paraphrasing is the rendition of another person’s words presented in a new style and integrated grammatically into the writing.” (Emphasis Kessler’s.) IBO, 4.9: “Paraphrasing is the rendition of another person’s words presented in a new style and integrated grammatically into the writing.” (Emphasis Kessler’s.)

27 Intellectual Property IBO, 4.8: more than just regular print and electronic sources, it “include[s] the use of footnotes or endnotes to acknowledge the source of an idea if that idea emerged as a result of discussion with, or listening to, a fellow student, a teacher or any other person.” IBO, 4.8: more than just regular print and electronic sources, it “include[s] the use of footnotes or endnotes to acknowledge the source of an idea if that idea emerged as a result of discussion with, or listening to, a fellow student, a teacher or any other person.”

28 academic infringement IBO, 11.1—When a student’s work does not “conform to the standard academic practice of clearly acknowledging all ideas and words that are not the candidate’s own,” but is not considered “a deliberate attempt by a candidate to gain an unfair advantage.” Although not as serious, because not intentional, as academic malpractice, this offense can still affect a candidate’s score. IBO, 12.5, “No marks will be awarded for the component part (or parts) of the component,” but the student will still be able to sit for the exams and be considered for the subject certificate and the diploma. However, having lost the opportunity to gain the points from the component part may adversely affect the certificate score for the subject area. IBO, 11.1—When a student’s work does not “conform to the standard academic practice of clearly acknowledging all ideas and words that are not the candidate’s own,” but is not considered “a deliberate attempt by a candidate to gain an unfair advantage.” Although not as serious, because not intentional, as academic malpractice, this offense can still affect a candidate’s score. IBO, 12.5, “No marks will be awarded for the component part (or parts) of the component,” but the student will still be able to sit for the exams and be considered for the subject certificate and the diploma. However, having lost the opportunity to gain the points from the component part may adversely affect the certificate score for the subject area.

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