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ITIS Majorana Brindisi Chemistry course Voltaic cells Teacher Gioacchino Margarito.

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Presentation on theme: "ITIS Majorana Brindisi Chemistry course Voltaic cells Teacher Gioacchino Margarito."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITIS Majorana Brindisi Chemistry course Voltaic cells Teacher Gioacchino Margarito

2 Chemistry and Electricity I have the pleasure of communicating to you, Sir, and through you to the Royal Society, some striking results at which I have arrived in pursuing my experiments on the electricity excited by the simple mutual contact of metals of different sorts... Alessandro Volta (1801) Alessandro Volta Luigi Galvani

3 What is electrochemistry? Electrochemistry is the study of reactions in which charged particles (ions or electrons) cross the interface between two phases of matter, typically a metallic phase (the electrode) and a conductive solution, or electrolyte. A process of this kind can always be represented as a chemical reaction and is known generally as an electrode process.

4 Potential differences at interfaces

5 Cell structure and electrode reactions

6 Electromotive force

7 The Nernst equation for a cell at 25 °C a= activity of the reactants and products E°= cell electromotive force standard (25°C, 1atm, a=1), whose values are tabulated n= number of electrons exchanged in the reaction

8 Practical applications of voltaic cells We use a variety of types of voltaic cell in everyday life, such as:

9 Copyright 2012 © eni S.p.A.

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