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Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Metropolitan Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region -a triangle strategy Christoph.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Metropolitan Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region -a triangle strategy Christoph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Metropolitan Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region -a triangle strategy Christoph Trinemeier Chief Regional Planning Officer, Deputy Director Verband Region Rhein-Neckar Rhein-Neckar Regional Planning Association Mannheim, 10. Dezember 2014

2 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region - geographical position in Europe and Germany

3 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region recognized as European Metropolitan Region on April 28, 2005 2.4 million inhabitants Baden-Wuerttemberg: 1.136.000 Hesse: 265.000 Rhineland-Palatinate: 960.000 covering 5.637 km² 418 inhabitants/ km² important centres: Mannheim, Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 8 urban and 7 rural districts, in total: 290 local authorities Facts and Figures

4 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Economy 4 seventh biggest economic region in Germany 134.000 business companies 780.000 employees GDP:29.000€ per head 27.000€ national average export share:56% manufactoring industry 40% national average

5 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region - located at the intersection of three German federal states Rhineland- Palatinate Hesse Baden-Wuerttemberg

6 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Regional Governance Rhein-Neckar: the idea behind Not creating new administrative levels but establishing new forms of cooperation overcoming administrative borders flexible constellation of actors from economy, science, politics and administration “flexible geometry” various forms of governance arrangements: -different regional conditions, historical development and socio-cultural factors require different organisational structures

7 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar as an evolved region - the history of joint regional development Vision 2025 passed as an update of Vision 2015 2009 Institutionalisation of joint regional development 2006 Amendent of the new Rhein-Neckar-Treaty 2005 Vision 2015 agreed by politics and economy 2002 The ‘Regionalgespräch’ (round table) of regional key players 2000 Foundation of ‘Rhein-Neckar-Dreieck e.V.’ 1989 Foundation of ‘Regional Planning Association’ 1970 1 st Rhein-Neckar Treaty signed by the 3 federal states 1969 Foundation of a municipal working group 1951 Accreditation as European Metropolitan Region 2005 5 years Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar 2010 Quelle: Foto-Studio Meinberg Quelle: Stadtarchiv Mannheim Quelle: Eigene VISION 2025 realized 2025

8 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The „Verband Region Rhein-Neckar“ (Rhein-Neckar Regional Planning Association), corporation under public law, democratically legitimated, is the forum of political decision-making The Association „Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein- Neckar e.V.“ with over 760 members from economy, science and politics provides idealistic and financial support for regional initiatives and strengthens the regional cooperation The „Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GmbH“ (Limited Company) is responsible for the implementation of joint regional development projects Three institutions for joint regional development

9 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The „Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e.V.“

10 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The „Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar e.V.“ ensures a continuous strategic dialogue Managing committee Politics Science Economy Chief Executives, Managing Directors University principals Heads of research institutes Media Lord Mayors, Mayors District Administrators

11 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Network for Healthcare Competence Centre for medicine technology Energy Efficiency Cluster Management Sports Region Rhein-Neckar BioRegion Rhein Neckar compatibility of family and working life Technologies for Information and Communication Working Committee for Real Estate Working Committee for a Cultural Vision 2015 Network for citizens‘ involvement Working Committee for Regional Labor Market Policy Congresses, fairs, sports and cultural events Nanotechnology Competence Centre for Environmental Excellence Working Committee for Archive Start-up Centre European Forum for Chambers of Commerce Cooperation for students‘ vocational qualification Competence Centre for modern production systems Working Committee for Energy Supply Automotive Cluster Network for regional trade associations Strong regional network - bundling the regional forces Initiative for Youth and Science

12 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The „Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GmbH“

13 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The Metropolitan Rhein-Neckar GmbH - Stakeholder structure 13 Rhein-Neckar Regional Association The Association Zukunft Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar GmbH Stakeholder decisions at the A.G.M. Offices Chambers of Industry and Commerce Chambers of Handicrafts 3 Chambers of Industry and Commerce 2 Chambers of Handicrafts Office Verband Region Rhein-Neckar

14 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Key activities public relations coordination projects labour market regional marketing cluster management E-Government networking civic participation product placement accentuation of the regions‘ strength

15 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region The „Verband Region Rhein-Neckar“

16 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region „Verbands- Versammlung“ 93 members (District Adminstrators, Lord Mayors, Mayors) Council of Elders „Planungs- ausschuss“ „Ausschuss für Regionalent- wicklung und -management“ „Verwaltungsrat“ elects „Verbandsdirektor“ administration The Verband Region Rhein-Neckar as forum of political decision-making

17 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Competences of the Verband Region Rhein-Neckar in accordance with the Rhein-Neckar treaty Regional Plan Rhein-Neckar transport planning transport planning energy supply concepts energy supply concepts landscape development landscape development regional congresses, fairs, cultural and sports events regional congresses, fairs, cultural and sports events tourismus marketing tourismus marketing economic promotion regional marketing economic promotion regional marketing European cooperation European cooperation

18 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Land-use concept

19 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Metropolitan Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region means: cooperation between economy, science, politics and administration across 3 federal state’s borders Unique feature in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region: The mandate territory of the Verband Region Rhein-Neckar is congruent with the Metropolitan Region’s territory A regional “parliament” (the “Verbandsversammlung”) unites the political heads of 15 cities and districts which ensures best possible implementation of political decisions regional planning and regional development go hand in hand, empowered by a unique model of public-private partnership

20 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region „The MetropolitanRegion Rhein-Neckar is known and recognized as one of the most attractive and competitive regions in Europe in 2025.“ MetropolitanRegion Rhein-Neckar - Vision 2025 3 Institutions 1 Vision

21 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Thank you for your attention ! further information on Alliance of strong partners

22 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Regional Planning as a key-task Tasks

23 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region When three planning regions…

24 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region … become one

25 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Preparation of a common regional plan - challenges coordinating the differing planning laws standardising the planning processes harmonizing the differing planning philosophies across state boundaries

26 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Land-use concept

27 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Former spatial structure

28 Regional Governance in the Rhein-Neckar Metropolitan Region Future spatial structure

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