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Academic Integrity. What is integrity? What do you think “academic integrity” means?

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Integrity. What is integrity? What do you think “academic integrity” means?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Integrity

2 What is integrity? What do you think “academic integrity” means?

3 Academic Integrity Principles (values, morals, ethics) to which one is held regarding academics Most colleges have a clearly defined academic integrity policy, although the details vary at different schools – Formal name (e.g., Honor Code, Honor System, Academic Integrity Policy, Code of Conduct, etc.) – Specific regulations (e.g., types of violations, process for reporting violations, etc.) – Consequences (e.g., types of sanctions, severity of sanctions, etc.)

4 Honor Code / Code of Conduct Set of rules and expectations governing students and faculty Defines honorable/acceptable behavior and dishonorable/unacceptable behavior Communicates importance of academic integrity to the school community May include non-academic expectations in addition to academic-related rules

5 Academic Integrity Violations

6 Cheating Using unauthorized materials or methods Receiving (or giving) unauthorized assistance Receiving (or giving) unfair advantage Can apply to any requirement, not just tests Examples – Copying homework or worksheet – Referring to textbook during online quiz – Telling a friend what’s on a test you took early

7 Plagiarism Representing another person’s work as your own; can apply to: – Ideas, thoughts – Language, direct quotes, phrasing – Structure, organization You must attribute everything you use that’s not original and cite the source Universities are increasingly using technology to detect and prevent plagiarism

8 Falsification Spoken or written untruths a.k.a. fabrication or misrepresentation Applies to coursework, emails, conversations, documents, and more

9 Other Violations Unauthorized collaboration Compromising the security or integrity of an exam, assignment, or grading process Helping others to violate a policy in the code Failure to report a known violation Attempting to violate a policy in the code

10 Possible Sanctions Sanctions may come from the professor and/or the university Failing grade (on assignment and/or in course) Educational assignment/program Loss of privileges Community service Counseling Probation, suspension, or expulsion

11 Why is academic integrity important?

12 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

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