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One Voice – One Plan Office of Education Improvement and Innovation MI-CSI: Gather Stage Collect Data & Build Profile.

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Presentation on theme: "One Voice – One Plan Office of Education Improvement and Innovation MI-CSI: Gather Stage Collect Data & Build Profile."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Voice – One Plan Office of Education Improvement and Innovation MI-CSI: Gather Stage Collect Data & Build Profile

2 GATHER Collect Data Build Profile Get Ready Introduction

3 First read the article, “Multiple Measures of Data” (PDF). Then complete the Data Collection Activity worksheet (DOC).Multiple Measures of Data Then answer the following questions in your journal: – Of the four types of data, which do you have at your building? – How do you collect it and how often? How accessible is it to those that need to use it? – How do you use the data? – What gaps exist in the data you collect? What might you do to fill those gaps? Note: If you are working through the course as a team, each team member should complete the worksheet individually and then the team should discuss and put together one compiled worksheet. Activity – Multiple Measures of Data

4 The Big Picture

5 Collect Data Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are. - Jose Ortega y Gasset

6 Four Questions ?? ?? What do you already know? What do you need to know? What additional data do you need to collect? Where can you find the data?

7 Four Data Types Demographics Perceptions Student Outcomes School Processes

8 Demographic Data EnrollmentAttendanceGrade Level EthnicityGenderGraduation/Dropouts ExtracurricularIEPsNative Language Discipline ReferralsSuspensions

9 Demographic Data Language Socioeconomic Gender Students with Disabilities

10 Perception Data What the Mind Can Conceive And Believe It Can Achieve! ~Napoleon Hill

11 Student Outcome Data Standardized Tests Grade Point Averages Standards and Common Assessments

12 School Processes Policies & Procedures Academic & Behavioral Expectations School Process Rubrics Instructional Strategies Classroom Practices

13 School Processes Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein

14 Stakeholder Review

15 The Big Picture

16 Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) The School Data Profile and School Process Profile Analysis of the School Data Profile and School Process Profile Summarize and Identify Strengths & Challenges Gather StudyStudy

17 Continuous School Improvement Process Comprehensive Needs Assessment School Improvement Plan GatherGather Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile School Data Profile (SDP) School Process Profile (SPP) StudyStudy PlanPlan DoDo Analyze Data School Data Analysis (SDA) School Process Profile Analysis Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice Develop Improvement Plan Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan

18 School Data Profile

19 School Process Profile MDE AdvancED Accredited Schools All Other MDE Schools 4 Options http://

20 Organizing Data Types of Data The Year the Data Represents SubgroupsSubgroups CohortsCohorts Grade Level Perception Perception Process Process Achievement/Outcome Achievement/Outcome Demographic Demographic

21 Review the quotes in the document. Choose two quotes that speak to you—positively, negatively, something that causes you to react. Discuss your selected quotes and your reactions to them at your table. (Click on the DOC icon to access the activity.) Activity: Quotes

22 Conclusion GATHER Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile,1607,7-140-28753_38959---,00.html

23 Renie Araoz – MDE/AdvancED Michigan Deb Asano - Marquette-Alger RESA Lisa Lockman - Wexford- Missaukee ISD Ben Boerkoel - Kent ISD Elizabeth Brophy - Calhoun ISD Deb Dunbar - Bay-Arenac ISD Scott Felkey - Oakland Schools Diane Fleming - MDE Linda Forward - MDE Lisa Guzzardo Asaro - Macomb ISD Carrie Haubenstricker - Tuscola ISD Fiona Hinds - AdvancED Michigan Diane Joslin-Gould - MDE Scott Koziol - Michigan Center Public Schools Kathleen Miller - Shiawassee RESD Carolyn Rakotz - Wayne RESA Dodie Raycraft - St Joseph County ISD Karen Ruple – MDE Jennifer Sell - Charlevoix- Emmet ISD Kathy Sergeant - AdvancED Michigan Many Thanks!

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