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4th Grade Math TexasKorea. Topic Texas Grade Korea Grade Big Numbers44 Add & Subtract to Solve Problems43 Organize, Display and Interpret Data43 Apply.

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Math TexasKorea. Topic Texas Grade Korea Grade Big Numbers44 Add & Subtract to Solve Problems43 Organize, Display and Interpret Data43 Apply."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Math TexasKorea

2 Topic Texas Grade Korea Grade Big Numbers44 Add & Subtract to Solve Problems43 Organize, Display and Interpret Data43 Apply Multiplication & Division Facts44 Multiply Whole numbers43 Divide by One-Digit Numbers43 Order of Operations64 Identify & Describe Geometric Figures43 Angles64 Triangles64

3 Topic Texas Grade Korea Grade Understand and Develop Spatial Reasoning44 Measure Length, Perimeter, Area, & Temperature42-4 Measure Capacity, Weight/Mass, and volume44 Time33, 4 Describe & Compare Fractions44 Fractions5, 64 Use Place Value to Represent Decimals44 Add & Subtract Decimals44 Estimation44 Line Graphs54 Search for Methods of Solving Problems44

4 Texas Grade 4: –Whole numbers through 999,999,999 Grade 5: –Whole numbers through 999,999,999,999 Korea Grade 4: –Whole numbers through 9,999,999,999,999,999 Country Budget Big Numbers

5 Korean Money http:// 1 US dollar = 1117.32 Korean Won Nov 5, 2011

6 Oops!

7 Naming Numerals Texas Korea

8 Naming Numerals The grouping of large numbers in Korean follows the Chinese tradition of myriads (10000). 0yeong10 4 man 1il10 8 eok 10ship10 12 jo 100baek10 16 gyeong 1000cheon10 20 hae

9 Problems involving money

10 Multiplication & Division Texas Review multiplication facts to 12x12 from Grade 3 Multiply two digits times two digits Divide one digit into three digits Multiply by 10 and 100 Korea No review of multiplication facts. Taught in Grade 2 Multiply four digits times two digits Divide two digits into three digits Multiply by 10, 100, and 1000

11 Multiplication - Texas

12 Multiplication - Korea


14 Division - Texas 1 digit divisors by 3 digit dividends

15 Division - Texas 1 digit divisors by 3 digit dividends

16 Division - Korea Computational algorithm Not much explanation 2 digit divisors by 3 digit dividends

17 Order of operations Texas: This is done in 6 th grade.

18 Elapsed Time - Texas

19 Elapsed Time - Korea

20 Measurements TexasKorea

21 Measurement – US Customary

22 Measurement – US Metric

23 Parallel & Perpendicular Lines - Texas

24 Parallel & Perpendicular Lines - Korea



27 Angles Texas Korea

28 Geometry - Texas

29 Fractions Texas Korea

30 Mixed Numbers TexasKorea

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