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The Building Blocks of Life INTRODUCTION TO UNIT TWO.

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Presentation on theme: "The Building Blocks of Life INTRODUCTION TO UNIT TWO."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Building Blocks of Life INTRODUCTION TO UNIT TWO

2  How many elements do you think you have in your body?  How many atoms do you think are in your body? DO NOW

3  Element: one type of atom that is defined by having a unique number of protons (positive particles)  Major Elements of life: CHONPS  carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur LET’S BUILD A BODY

4  Two or more elements joined together.  Organic Compounds: compounds built around CARBON COMPOUND

5  Lipids (fats)  Long term energy  Butter, whole milk  Proteins  Make up parts of body like muscles, hair, and nails  Meat and beans  Carbohydrates  Quick energy, sugars  Cake, gatorade and candy  Nucleic acids  DNA, RNA and genetic information MAJOR ORGANIC COMPOUNDS

6  A nutrient that our body needs in SMALL amounts  Unlike the major organic compounds, which our body needs lots of  They are something that the body cannot produce on its own  Some vitamins are FAT SOLUBLE  Examples: Vitamins A, D, E and K  Some vitamins are WATER SOLUBLE  Examples: Vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins VITAMINS

7  R ole  A udience  F ormat  T opic RAFT

8 RoleAudienceFormatTopic CarbohydrateLipidLetterWhy you’re the best molecule LipidProteinRapWhy you wish you were the other molecule ProteinCarbohydrateComic Book Nucleic Acid Speech (written) RAFT TOPICS MUST INCLUDE: A description of what your “role” organic compound is like A description of what your “audience” organic comound is like Information about vitamins and their role in the body

9  Finish the RAFT we started in class  Due TOMORROW at the BEGINNING of class  Hand into my inbox  You may also type the RAFT and submit it online (  Final product must be AT LEAST…  1 page single space (handwritten)  ½ page single space, size 12 Times New Roman font, regular margins (typed) HOMEWORK

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