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Implementation Models Björn Pehrson IT-University/KTH-Kista Telecom Systems Lab.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation Models Björn Pehrson IT-University/KTH-Kista Telecom Systems Lab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation Models Björn Pehrson IT-University/KTH-Kista Telecom Systems Lab

2 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Increase access to market information and reduce transaction costs for poor farmers and traders

3 2. Achieve universal primary education: Increase supply of trained teachers through ICT-enhanced training

4 3. Promote gender equality and empower women Deliver educational and literacy programmes specifically targeted to poor girls and women using appropriate technologies.

5 4. Reduce child mortality, 5. Improve maternal health and 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Increase access of rural caregivers to specialist support and remote diagnosis, enhance delivery of basic and in-service training for health workers and increase monitoring and information-sharing on disease and famine.

6 7. Ensure environmental sustainability Remote sensing technologies and communications networks permit more effective monitoring, resource management, mitigation of environmental risks.

7 8. Develop a Global Partnership for Development In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, specifically information and communication technologies.

8 Indicators for universal access Total number of telephone subscribers per 100 inhabitants Personal computers per 100 inhabitants Internet users per 100 inhabitants

9 Current Status of Universal Access one billion users have access to the telephone network half a billion have access to the Internet. (Africa + Latin America ~5%)

10 Focus on education, healthcare and rural entrepreneurship Connecting schools that can also serve as telecenters and healthcare centers/hospitals education and training.

11 Sustainable implementations require Locally rooted entrepreneurs millions of them on a global scale How can they best be identified, empowered and supported?

12 Empowerment and support –Education/training in technology and business admin Learning material on the network –Access to appropriate technologies and infrastructure Open Source Software Infrastructure to lease, e.g. The Stokab model –Supportive regulatory frameworks Licensefree spectrum for first mile access, e.g. WiFi, WiMAX Open segmentised network topologies empowering naural actors to build networks together, e.g –Funding. Micro financing and more

13 An expected outcome of this workshop is a better understanding of the human and organisational networks that can satisfy these (and other) needs To make development cooperation effective This is where you come in...In the break out discussions tomorrow after lunch

14 Breakout group discussions E(Room 432): Interaction between entreprenerus, universities and schools R(Room 438): Supportive regulatory frameworks F(Room 439): Financial services

15 Lunches No single workshop lunch organised. So you are on your own. Restaurants in –Forum. Floor 5, –Kista Galleria –and others

16 Dinner tonight Kista Gård Tickets in coffe breaks 60 seats Priorities –Speakers and sponsors –Foreign guests –Early registration

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