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 There are 3 parts to this: VISION LEADERSHIP STRATEGY.

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2  There are 3 parts to this: VISION LEADERSHIP STRATEGY

3  The best you can hope to achieve is to fulfil the potential of what is there. Lanark and its people may well have this potential but first you must establish a compelling vision for the future and the strategies to achieve this vision.

4  A revitalised town centre VISION

5  −Nurture collective effort −Increase footfall and visitors to the town −Create a positive image for Lanark −Forge partnerships and “connectedness” −Make practical improvements to town centre Key Objectives “Do many small things well”

6  Communicate and share the vision, build understanding and buy-in. Align and inspire teams and stakeholders to act in order to fulfil the vision. LEADERSHIP

7  −A Development Trust working group −Result focussed to deliver the key objectives −Part of a branded campaign such as “Lanark Vision” −Suggested themes: Heritage and tourism Attractive town Events Marketing and communications Business development in town centre Team Lanark – a leadership coalition

8  −Lanark Vision team working with stakeholders and investors to deliver projects −Umbrella association to inform, engage and inspire stakeholders and wider community −Possibly supported with executive/project manager −Potential to develop into BID Team Lanark (cont)

9  Create a destination Create an experience VISITOR & TOURISM MARKETING STRATEGY

10  Leisure & Recreation built on Lanark’s unique and dramatic location Lanark Live! Because the Lanark brand has a strong association with events Heritage Experience Based on Lanark’s rich history and New Lanark

11  Built on Lanark’s unique and dramatic location ―Nature and outdoor experience ―Start of Clyde Walkway ―Enhances Lanark’s overall image Leisure & Recreation

12  Because the Lanark brand has a strong association with events −New Lanark Arts Association −Support for arts and events from BBCS −Events calendar −Digital sign in High Street to promote events −Visual and street art project −Future Lanark Arts Centre use for Tolbooth Lanark LIVE !

13  Based on Lanark’s rich history and New Lanark −Signage, interpretation boards, etc. to support tourist feel −Town heritage and history trails −New Lanark link up −Visitor Centre for telling the Lanark story Heritage Experience

14 A town is just a town but a town that thinks of itself as a brand and can articulate its essence and story, is a whole lot more.

15  −That captures the essence of the town −Branding project such as “Lanark – Historic Heritage Town” −Branding can also support: Lanark LIVE! Lanark VISION, etc. −Lanark Life website used to support strategy −Visitor information guides, etc. Branding & Marketing





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