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SASKATCHEWAN INDUSTRY & RESOURCES WELL DATA - - - SEISMIC DATA - - - CORE LAB FACILITIES R. Troyer, P. Eng., P. Geo. Manager Sedimentary Geodata Petroleum.

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Presentation on theme: "SASKATCHEWAN INDUSTRY & RESOURCES WELL DATA - - - SEISMIC DATA - - - CORE LAB FACILITIES R. Troyer, P. Eng., P. Geo. Manager Sedimentary Geodata Petroleum."— Presentation transcript:

1 SASKATCHEWAN INDUSTRY & RESOURCES WELL DATA - - - SEISMIC DATA - - - CORE LAB FACILITIES R. Troyer, P. Eng., P. Geo. Manager Sedimentary Geodata Petroleum Geology Branch

2 Well and Seismic Information Sedimentary Geodata 3 rd Floor 2101 Scarth St. Regina SK

3 Well Information Regulate submission of data produced on a well - Data due 30 days from date collected - Fines levied for delinquent data ($100 per day per well) - Fines are to ensure submission, so data available for others Paper submission only, for all data types - electronic logs in near future (mid-2006) All submitted paper data stored in individual well files - approx. 89,000 wells at present - only 2 confidential periods for data: 30 days (in pool) or 1 year (outside pool boundaries)

4 Well Information Requests Data requests are rec’d by email, fax or phone - client must include well location(s), data required, your name, company, address, phone & fax - $0.50 per file pulled, $0.30 per page copied (no digital data available) - requested data is returned by fax, mail or courier collect - requests have a 1 – 2 day turn around - Geodata does about 150,000 copies / year plus faxed requests Walk-in clients are welcome - view and copy files on site

5 Geodata summarizes all data rec’d into a mainframe database - digital database is sold by subscription - prices vary with data requested and frequency Provides custom data searches - provide results in any format, via email or fax - prices vary with data requested ; $0.05 to, a maximum of, $0.50 / well Provides custom well location maps - any scale, any area - $30 per area requested - 8½ X 11” to plotter size Well Information Searches

6 Well Information Available - Drilling, Completion and Abandonment Reports - Logs and Directional Surveys - DST’s, AOF’s, PVT’s and Pressure Surveys - Fluid Analyses - Core Analyses and Core / Sample Descriptions - Well Licence and Survey Plan - Geologic Reports and Geologic Formation Tops - Well Activity Reports - Horizontal Well Applications - Minister’s Orders and Other Govt. forms - Correspondence

7 Seismic Licences / Permits Approve application for Licence to Conduct Seismic - 5 year; $250.00 - Licence number required on all submitted forms Approve application for Explosive Permit - 5 year; $50.00; First Aid Certificate & PITS Course - issue First Aid and PITS expiry reminders

8 Seismic Program Approvals Approve submission of preliminary plan / map and revisions - issue program number (required on all other forms) - no charge for submission or any revisions Inform submitting company as to which agencies must receive Notice of Intents : - Sasktel, SaskEnergy, SaskPower, TransGas - Sask. Highways - Pipeline companies - Environment, Resource Lands, Agriculture - Rural Municipalities - Reserves - PFRA, Heritage Approve Final Plan, Shot Point Data and Map

9 Seismic Information File all forms, tables and maps numerically by year - paper submission only, at present Enter pertinent program information into an Access database : - location - program name - client - contractor and permitter (ie. licence holder) - shot source - program kilometres - dates - any flowing shot hole data

10 Geophysical Information Available Seismic Programs (1981 - present) - licence holder lists - program lists - copies of programs and shot location maps - searches by area, client, contractor, etc. Geophysical Maps and Reports (1930 - present) - paper copies of structure contour, gravity, and magnetic maps - paper copies of field reports - custom searches by area, map type and geologic formation


12 Seismic Regulations Enforce the Seismic Exploration Regulations (common issues) - Landowner / Contractor disputes - Contractor / RM disputes - set back distances from structures, water wells, pipelines, etc. - shot hole depths and shot sizes - shot hole abandonments - damages to land, structures, pipelines, roadways, etc. - clean-up after program completion - water well problems Other Duties - Member of govt. / industry committees - Regulation interpretation and mediation - Presentations to groups, industry and gov’t. agencies

13 S.I.R. CONTACTS GEODATA (Well Information) Bob Troyer - Geologist / Manager (306) 787-2562 GEOPHYSICAL / SEISMIC Lorna Merkel - Geophysical Clerk (306) 787-2558 3rd fl., 2101 Scarth St., Regina

14 WEB SITE All S.I.R. Regulations (please acquire prior to working in SK) All forms - Drilling and Seismic (.PDF / enterable) - Seismic Licence and Permit applications Data Submission Requirements as per Regulations Digital Data File layouts Reference Booklets - Guide to conduct seismic programs - Rules for Seismic and the RM’s Contact Names, phone numbers and email addresses

15 Core Lab Information Subsurface Geological Laboratory 201 Dewdney Ave E. Regina SK

16 Facts: - approx. 400,000 boxes of core from 21,450 wells - approx. 3.5 million drill cutting vials from 27,800 wells (October 2005 Data)

17 Booking Procedures: - requires 48 hour advance notice - fax or email the well location and cored intervals to Bob Lavigne at : fax (306) 787- 4608 email Core Removal for Offsite Viewing or Analysis: - Submit a Letter of Request to Chris Gilboy (incl. Your Company, lab loc’n, well loc’n) - Letter of permission issued (lists conditions of core use) - core sent to and from SIR’s Lab at requestors’ expense - copy of any core analysis must be submitted within 30 days

18 Room with 12 tables for core, plus two more tables in a confidential viewing area.

19 Microscopes and other geological tools are available for use. This includes an enhanced fluorescent lighting apparatus.

20 Facilities to cut and slab core are available for use.

21 A well-stocked library of current geological research material is present to aid in geological studies. Included are journals, publications, MSc. and PhD. Theses, maps, etc.

22 The Petroleum Geology Branch offices are located in the same building. The geologists can be consulted to help solve geological problems or questioned about the availability of geological data.

23 PRICES: Core : Per Well Viewed$ 18.00 Per Box Viewed$ 1.15 Per Well Shipped$ 22.00 Per Box Shipped$ 1.50 Samples : Per Well$ 6.00 Copies : First page$ 1.00 Additional pages$ 0.30 Faxes : First page$ 1.00 Additional pages$ 0.30 Confidential Room for 1/2 day$ 50.00 Confidential Room for 1 day$ 75.00

24 CONTACTS - CORE LAB FACILITIES Chris Gilboy - Director (306) 787-2573 Melinda Yurkowski - Geological Enquiries (306) 787-0650 Bob Lavigne - Enquiries / Core Booking (306) 787-2621 (306) 787-4608 fax

25 THANK YOU Any Questions ??

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