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Keywords: Ionising radiation, ion, radioactive, nuclear reactors, control rods Keywords: alpha, beta, gamma, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion P2 Topic 5:

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Presentation on theme: "Keywords: Ionising radiation, ion, radioactive, nuclear reactors, control rods Keywords: alpha, beta, gamma, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion P2 Topic 5:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keywords: Ionising radiation, ion, radioactive, nuclear reactors, control rods Keywords: alpha, beta, gamma, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion P2 Topic 5: Nuclear Fission and nuclear fusion This topic looks at: Isotopes Ionising Radiation Nuclear Reactions – Fission and Fusion How nuclear reactors work Define the term isotope: Provide the number of protons, electrons and neutrons for each of these isotopes of chlorine Label the atom What are the particles in the nucleus called? LABEL THE POWER STATION DIAGRAM What do the control rods do?

2 Keywords: Ionising radiation, ion, radioactive, nuclear reactors, control rods Keywords: alpha, beta, gamma, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion P2 Topic 5: Nuclear Fission and nuclear fusion This topic looks at: Isotopes Ionising Radiation Nuclear Reactions – Fission and Fusion How nuclear reactors work Structure Ionising StrengthPenetrating power What is an ion? What is ionising radiation? What is a radioactive substance? Explain nuclear fission (use diagrams):Explain nuclear fusion (use diagrams): Put the following steps in the correct order to explain how a nuclear power station works: a. Reactor contains nuclear fuel rods b. Electricity is produced c.Turbine spins the generator d. This produces a lot of heat which boils water in nearby pipes. e. In the heat exchange water boils to form steam, it moves turbines f. Electricity sent to the National Grid

3 Keywords: Hazard, risk, mutation, background radiation Keywords: Half-life, GM Tube, count rate, radioactive decay, HLW, LLW, ILW, nuclear power P2 Topic 6: Benefits and drawbacks of using radioactive materials This topic looks at: The changing ideas of radioactivity What happens to nuclear waste Half-life Background Radiation Uses of radiation How did each of these scientists contribute to our understanding of radiation? Henri Becquerel: Marie Curie: Ernest Rutherford: Explain what half-life is: Fill in this table assuming there is a 10% decay every hour: Time from start (hours) 0123456 No. of unstable atoms 1000900477 No, of unstable atoms that decay in the next hour 1009048 What is the main cause of background radiation in the UK? How is the radioactivity of a source measured? What does the term count rate mean? Method of disposalProblems Firing into space Dumping barrels in the sea Storage underground HLW – ILW – LLW -

4 Keywords: Hazard, risk, mutation, background radiation Keywords: Half-life, GM Tube, count rate, radioactive decay, HLW, LLW, ILW, nuclear power P2 Topic 6: Benefits and drawbacks of using radioactive materials This topic looks at: The changing ideas of radioactivity What happens to nuclear waste Half-life Background Radiation Uses of radiation What is the half-life of the following isotopes and what ionising radiation do they emit? Uranium-235 Technetium-99 Carbon-14 Radon-222 Thallium-208 Stronium-90 Define the term Irradiating Explain the difference between irradiated and radioactive: What are the benefits and drawbacks of irradiating food? BenefitsDrawbacks How can gamma rays be used to help diagnose and treat cancer? Describe the uses of radioactivity in household smoke alarms

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