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Career Management Project 18 Fall 2004. Goal  To acquaint students will issues they will encounter on a job –Performance appraisal –New job routines.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Management Project 18 Fall 2004. Goal  To acquaint students will issues they will encounter on a job –Performance appraisal –New job routines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Management Project 18 Fall 2004

2 Goal  To acquaint students will issues they will encounter on a job –Performance appraisal –New job routines –Job satisfaction –Changing jobs  Students choose ONLY one option and do all parts of it

3 Option A: Performance Appraisal  Read text and review lecture ppt  Write 1-2 page summary of reading  Evaluate self using one of linked forms  1 page of strategies to correct problems

4 Option A Deliverables  1-2 summary of performance appraisals  Completed evaluation form  1 page of strategies

5 Option B: First Days on New Job  Review relevant websites  Read chapter 22 in text  Write 1 page summary of reading  Describe hypothetical first week on job  How you will fill unassigned time  How you will find your “niche”

6 Option B Deliverables  1 page summary including sources  Description of 1 st week  Strategy for job success  2-4 pages total

7 Option C: Job Satisfaction  Review websites  Write 1 page summary  List everything you did and didn’t like about a job you had. Compare to info in articles.  1-2 page analysis of ideal work setting

8 Option C: Deliverables  1 page summary including sources  List of likes and dislikes of former job  Comparison of experiences with readings  1-2 pages on ideal work setting  2-4 pages total

9 Option D: Changing Jobs  Review websites  1 page summary of reading  Prepare job search plan…no more than 2 pages  Create a telephone script for employment “sales”  Write letter to search firm  Create prospect cards for 2 firms

10 Option D Deliverables  1 page summary with sources  1-2 page of job search plan  Telephone monologue  Letter to search firm (read aloud to CC)  2 prospect cards

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