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Raising Bookworms Stacy Rosenthal References Raising Bookworms by Emma Walton Hamilton Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

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1 Raising Bookworms Stacy Rosenthal References Raising Bookworms by Emma Walton Hamilton Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease

2 10 Facts You Should Know – READING is the most important subject in school. – ACROSS the world, children who read the most, read the best. – WE humans are pleasure-seekers, doing things over and over if we like it. – READ aloud to them, even as infants. – LISTENING comprehension comes before reading comprehension. – CHILDREN usually read on one level and listen on a higher level. – THE top winter Olympians come from states where they have the most ice and snow. – THERE is a strong connection between over-viewing of TV by children and underachieving in school. – THE most economical device to teach reading is already in your home (closed- captioning TV). – WHILE a recorded voice is not as good as a live adult who can stop and explain something in the story, it’s better than nothing.

3 Why Some Read a Lot and Some Read Very Little Rewards – Pleasure – Escape – Information – Prestige – Grades or Salary Difficulties – Distractions – Lack of Print – Lack of Time – Disabilities – Negative Peers – Noise Level

4 READING: THE MOST POWERFUL SOCIAL FORCE 1.The more you read, the more you know. 2.The more you know, the smarter you grow. 3.The smarter you are, the longer you stay in school. 4.The longer you stay in school, the more diplomas you earn and the longer you are employed— thus the more money you earn in a lifetime. 5.The more diplomas you earn, the higher your own children’s grades eventually will be in school. 6.And the more diplomas you earn, the longer you live.

5 The opposite will also be true: 1.The less you read, the less you know. 2.The less you know, the more likely you’ll drop out of school. 3.The sooner you drop out, the sooner and longer you are poor. 4.The sooner you drop out, the greater your chances of going to jail. 70 to 82 percent of prison inmates are school dropouts. 60 percent of inmates are illiterate to semi-literate. READING: THE MOST POWERFUL SOCIAL FORCE

6 THE CONNECTION BETWEEN TV & SCHOOL SCORES Children who viewed less than one hour of TV per day were the most likely to achieve a college degree, those who watched the most were least likely. Is there a safe amount of TV for children? – The greatest academic damage done may not be from the shows viewed but by what is not being done during those many hours each week of sitting passively in front of the TV: games not played, chores not done, drawings not drawn, hobbies not worked, friends not made or played with, homework not done, bikes or skateboards not ridden, balls not caught, books not read, and conversations not held (the things that we used to do). Some parents call TV “my babysitter”—but if there were a babysitter who deprived your child of all those activities when they were younger, you would ban him/her from your home, wouldn’t you? The TV-dosage recommended calls for ten hours per week. – Research showed this amount had no detrimental effects on learning (and some positive effects) from TV viewing up to 10 hours a week, after which the scores begin to decline.

7 “My kids are in high school. Is it too late to help them develop a love of reading?” Ask your child’s friends to make a recommendation since older children are more likely to read something recommended by a peer Enlist your child’s teachers and librarians Provide books on your child’s heroes and passions Try nonfiction Try a little “bibliotherapy” to help your child deal with issues Bring home an assortment of magazines and library books Engage their altruism (baby-sitting, Big Brothers/Big Sisters) Allow comic books and graphic novels Try books and articles written by kids Promote journalistic activities (even electronically)

8 Cementing the Connections In the Home – Provide a warm and inviting reading atmosphere – Snuggle up together while you read – Keep books everywhere Bathroom, kitchen, living room – Ensure that an inviting “Book Nook” or “Reading Corner” is available – Keep your child enrolled in a Book-of- the-Month club – Surprise your child occasionally with an impromptu book gift – Never withhold books or use them as a threat – Encourage reading (rather than TV watching) in bed – Help your child keep his or her books well organized Beyond the Home – Visit libraries and bookstores together as often as possible – Encourage the giving of books as gifts – Recommend (or provide) reading selections for outings Instead of iPods – Involve your child in performing & visual arts programs – See movies (or plays) based on books – Join (or start) a book club Keep reading with your child Keep setting a good example

9 “Between homework, after school activities, sports, music lessons, and the like, my kid literally has no time to read!” Try… In the bathroom On the treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike at the gym Waiting for a ride home from school, practice, or rehearsal At the hairdresser On the school bus – (or the plane if the student is going on vacation) Waiting for a doctor’s appointment

10 Readers are more likely to…

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