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Kaplan University School of General Studies Composition II Unit 9 Audio Seminar Instructor: Janice Wendel, M.A. Our Seminar discussions will begin promptly.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaplan University School of General Studies Composition II Unit 9 Audio Seminar Instructor: Janice Wendel, M.A. Our Seminar discussions will begin promptly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaplan University School of General Studies Composition II Unit 9 Audio Seminar Instructor: Janice Wendel, M.A. Our Seminar discussions will begin promptly at the scheduled Seminar time. You are welcome to “chat amongst yourselves” before that time. You should be hearing music in the background. If you do not hear music, check your audio settings and/or contact Kaplan’s Tech Support

2 AGENDA Unit 9 Activities Unit 9 Project: Portfolio Revision/Editing/Proofreading APA Report Format APA Citations Writing Tips & Guidelines: Shortcuts

3 UNIT 9 ACTIVITIES Read/View Overview & Reading pp. Reading video/film/ Discussion/Invention Lab Seminar or Option 2 Tutorial Unit 9 Project: Portfolio Writing Tips & Guidelines: Language Shortcuts

4 UNIT 9 PORTFOLIO 4 Components: edited, revised, & polished to a “T” 1.Unit 5 formal letter 2.Unit 7 multimedia, revised & polished 3.Unit 9 research essay (Unit 6 draft reworked) a.5 sources b.5-7 pp. 4.Reflection paper

5 REVISION/EDITING PROOFREADING STRATEGIES Persuasive; convincing Purpose: sell your “big idea” (Can you underline your exact plan?) Focus: on reader (Would *you* support this proposal?) Logic: use PDO to track your argument 3 RD person; accurate grammar (read aloud) Concise: “paramedic method” (omit unnecessary words; write in active voice) APA-style in-text citations in paragraph (for each of the 5 required sources) APA-style References page (follow a reference model for each of the 5 required sources) Print Unit 9 Project instructions: Mark off requirements as you complete them.

6 APA REPORT FORMAT 12-pt. font Black typeface Double-spacing 1-inch margins ½-inch indentations Left justification Business-like documents

7 APA TITLE PAGE Running head: COMMUNITY RENEWAL 1 Community Renewal Program for Hudson, CA Pat Johnson Kaplan University

8 FIRST PAGE OF TEXT COMMUNITY RENEWAL 2 Community Renewal Program for Hudson, CA Begin your first sentence indented ½ inch…………………………………………………………and Continue with this format....

9 REFERENCES PAGE FORMAT COMMUNITY RENEWAL 8 References Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites. Retrieved from Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8. Retrieved from Smyth, A. M., Parker, A. L., & Pease, D. L. (2002). A study of enjoyment of peas. Journal of Abnormal Eating, 8(3), 120-125. Retrieved from http://www.sitename.orgfullurl/http://www.sitename.orgfullurl/ Source: Adapted from Purdue OWL

10 APA CITATIONS In-text citations Why? Where? How? References Why? Where? How?

11 RESEARCH ESSAY ¶ & Citation Examples The Institute of Justice (IOJ) makes recommendations for prison menu planning. New menus will include more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain items, and low-fat dairy choices (“Prison Meal Planning,” 2010). And the National Prison Nutrition Program (NPNP) regulates fat and sodium in prison meals. NPNP and IOJ work together to make recommendations on prison meals (Wall & Conan, 2009). * * * * References Prison meal planning. (2010). National Judicial News. Retrieved from Wall, J., & Conan, A. (2009). The case for nutrition laws. Prison Nutrition Report. Retrieved from

12 WRITING TIPS & GUIDELINES Formal Diction  Standard English Informal Diction  Non-Standard English

13 SHORTCUTS Contractions (can’t, don’t) Abbreviations (incl., re) Initialisms (IRS, NPR) Acronyms (PETA, NORML)

14 U9 To-Do’s Read/View Discussion/Invention Lab Seminar/Option 2 U9 Research Portfolio

15 WHAT WE COVERED Your Unit 9 tasks Unit 9 Portfolio APA Format & Citations Writing tips & guidelines

16 QUESTIONS?/COMMENTS? Talk to you, again, on our site!

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