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Satchel Paige Day 1.

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1 Satchel Paige Day 1

2 How do we face personal challenges?
Concept talk How do we face personal challenges?

3 Partner Share Discuss the question of the week with your partner
Do you know people who have faced personal challenges? What books, movies, or TV shows feature people facing challenges?

4 Let’s Talk About Turn to page 110-111 Let’s look at the pictures .
What is the man in the race doing? That hurdle is a barrier is in his way, and he has to get past it. Let’s add Physical barriers to our concept map

5 Let’s Talk About What kind of challenge is the boy at the microphone facing? He might be facing stage fright. Let’s add Social barriers to our concept map.

6 Let’s Talk About How did Amelia Earhart accomplish so much?
Le’t add Important traits to our concept map. How do we face personal challenges?

7 Listen: The story Teammates is about two men facing the challenge of discrimination. Listen for the words: Barrier Endured Hardships hostility

8 Amazing Words Endured- tolerated or suffered through
Jackie Robinson endured verbal abuse, isolation, and death threats. Barrier- a structure that obstructs a passage, an obstacle The dense hedge created a barrier around the backyard.

9 Amazing Words Hardships- are things that make life difficult
Jackie Robinson faced many hardships as the first African American Major League baseball player. Hostility- is unfriendliness, dislike or hatred The dog showed hostility when it growled and bared its teeth.

10 Teach your partners what the amazing words mean

11 Fact and Opinion A statement of fact can be proved true or false. How can I prove a statement is true? An opinion cannot be proved true or false. What kinds of things do statements of opinion tell?

12 Fact and Opinion Today we are going to read about a league of African American baseball teams. In paragraph 2, I see these facts: the first African American teams formed in 1882 and the players were paid. I can check in an encyclopedia or book of sports history to verify whether these statements are true. This is a fact.

13 Fact and Opinion Then I see the statement that says these teams were more fun to watch. I can’t verify how much fun something is. That tells an opinion-what the author thinks or feels

14 Read Read the rest of the story “A Special League” . Take the paper I gave you, fold it in half hot dog style. As you read write facts on the left, and opinions on the right.

15 Fluency With your partner read paragraph the story “A Special League” Don’t stop until I tell you to. Read aloud either together or one at a time. Make sure to use good pacing and correct voice inflection

16 Vocabulary Confidence- firm belief in yourself
Fastball- a pitch thrown at high speed with very little curve

17 Vocabulary Mocking- describes something done in a way that laughs at or makes fun of someone Outfield-part of the baseball field beyond the bases

18 Vocabulary Unique- something that is only one of a kind or is rare or remarkable Weakness- a weak point or slight fault Windup- a swinging movement of the arms while twisting the body just before pitching the ball

19 This week we will use words that end with –ed and –ing
Spelling Adding –ed, -ing This week we will use words that end with –ed and –ing

20 Let’s take our spelling pretest now.

21 Lets take a look at our Daily Fix it

22 Conventions A simple sentence expresses a complete thought. It has a subject and a predicate. The league formed in 1920.

23 Conventions A compound sentence contains two simple sentences joined by a comma and a conjunction such as and, but, or The athletes played several games a day, and they traveled on a bus.

24 Conventions A complex sentence contains an independent clause, which can stand alone, and a dependent clause, which cannot stand alone. The clauses are joined by a word such as if, when, because, until, before, after, or since Many years would pass before the major leagues were integrated.

25 Writing Newsletter Article: a nonfiction writing that gives you facts and details about a subject or person Think about a person who is interesting to you. Write a news article about that person, giving details, facts, events and quotations to describe their experiences and personality

26 Writing Lets look at the example of a newsletter article about a boxer named Muhammad Ali. Newsletter articles present statements of fact and details. Find a statement of fact in the model and circle it.

27 Writing In a newsletter article, details and facts are added about a topic. Underline the details and facts given to a support statement that Muhammad Ali is a legendary fighter.

28 Writing Newsletter articles often include direct quotations to enhance the article Draw a box around the direct quotations in the model

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