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Anne Lee Vice President of Program Development Scholastic Book Fairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Lee Vice President of Program Development Scholastic Book Fairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Lee Vice President of Program Development Scholastic Book Fairs

2 Anne’s Top Four Tips to Raise Readers Encourage families to read aloud from birth until college Get every child a public library card, make sure that everyone knows where their public library is located and how to get there Innovate to create and use tools and programs to match right-fit books for each child Believe in the power of the parent

3 What does it mean to believe in something?

4 Share your beliefs on independent reading

5 “The single factor most strongly associated with reading achievement-more than socioeconomic status or any instructional approach is independent reading.” ~ Dr Stephen Krashen The Power of Reading


7 Parents Make a HUGE Difference

8 Reading Aloud Jim Trelease

9 “Ensurance Policy”

10 Link to the Kids & Family Reading Report 2013:


12 “There’s no such thing as a kid who hates reading. There are just kids who love reading, and kids who are reading the wrong books. We need to help them find the right books. There are millions of kids in this country who’ve never read a book they love and that needs to change.” ~ James Patterson

13 Who are your reading heroes?

14 Dr Freeman Hrabowski Dr. Freeman Hrabowski UMBC:

15 “Once a child learns to read, you can never take it from her.” ~ Maggie G Hrabowski Maggie Hrabowski

16 The Power of One

17 Dr Timothy Blair Reading Camp: Dr Blair talks about the importance of Reading Practice: Scholastic Book Fairs Article: kids-into-readers-parents-into-teachers.asp kids-into-readers-parents-into-teachers.asp

18 Principal Sylvia Ibarra Andrew Jackson Elementary School McAllen, Texas Scholastic Book Fairs Article: School Website:

19 Minutes Read 3,110,080 as of 6/20/14 Minutes Read 3,110,080 as of 6/20/14

20 Jane Martin Language Arts & Reading Teacher Croton Unified School District Resource Room Teacher United Nations International School Title 1 Language Arts Coordinator East Noble Schools Teacher’s College Doctoral Program

21 Teaching Beliefs Believe every child can learn. Make certain every student reads independently every day. S tart on time. If someone is late, they should miss something. Parents are important. Create clear expectations. Make it possible for every student to be successful.

22 Anne’s Top Four Tips to Raise Readers Encourage families to read aloud from birth until college Get every child a public library card, make sure that everyone knows where their public library is located and how to get there Innovate to create and use tools and programs to match right-fit books for each child Believe in the power of the parent

23 “ I believe if you can turn a kid on to reading, you’re saving a life. And that’s what I’m trying to do, in partnership with parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, other authors, and booksellers —I want to save lives.” ~ James Patterson

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