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Multimodal Neural Optical Imaging with Current Swept VCSELs

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1 Multimodal Neural Optical Imaging with Current Swept VCSELs
Hart Levy Multimodal Neural Optical Imaging with Current Swept VCSELs

2 Overview Introduction: Neural activity correlates VCSELs: What and Why
Source characterization Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging Intrinsic Signal Imaging Future Work Recap

3 Introduction: Neural Activity Correlates
Common clinical technique: fMRI Principle: blood oxygenation (Hbr/HbO2) is correlated with neural activity Disadvantage: Expensive, low temporal and spatial resolution FMRIB center, University of Oxford Scripps Research Institute

4 Optical Techniques for Neural Imaging
INTRINSIC SIGNAL IMAGING (IOSI): Use absorption spectroscopy to image HbR/HbO2 LASER SPECKLE CONTRAST IMAGING (LSCI): Use phenomenon of laser speckle to image flow Oregon Medical Laser Center

5 Portable In-vivo Imaging
Generally quite invasive! Can only diffusely see through skull Goal: live animal continuous monitoring e.g. Fluorescence sensing in mice: 2 weeks continuous study Hillman, E. M. (2007) J Biomed Opt 12(5):

6 Portable In-vivo Imaging
Goal: Implement two methods simultaneously! Problem: Signal for one technique is noise in the other P.B. Jones, Harvard Medical School

7 Solution: VCSELs Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers
Very small (~50 um), low operating current, GaAs substrate Currently using CCD detectors for imaging. In future, on-chip photodiode arrays

8 Solution: VCSELs Interesting optical property: Somewhat tunable
Single mode near threshold, multi mode as current increases Sweeping current “broadband laser” Only works if we do this fast enough, camera sees all “modes”

9 Coherence Length and Speckle
Q: Why does this matter? A: Speckle contrast ~ coherence length, coherence length is related to spectrum (Fourier pair) Contrast reduction: Surface variation, in our case penetration depth in tissue

10 VCSEL characterization
We use 3 wavelengths for oxygenation imaging: 670 nm, 795 nm, 850 nm Can obtain similar coherence profiles for all 3, lc ~0.2 mm For tissue penetration of 5 mm, expect ~5x reduction in speckle!

11 More on LSCI Speckle is an interference phenomenon
Constructive/destructive interference of diffusely reflected light at detector Static speckle spot size based on imaging system f/1.4 f/5.6

12 More on LSCI What happens when there is movement?
Calculate stdev/mean in 5x5 pixel ROIs

13 Making LSCI quantitative: MESI
We can relate contrast values to flow rates! Relation is not trivial: Multiexposure speckle imaging In order to fit, we need images at exposure times covering 3 orders of magnitude! Model from Parthasarathy, Dunn, University of Texas VCSELs are well suited to the task: Pulse current to obtain exposures below 50 us.

14 Making LSCI quantitative: MESI
Image series from 20 us to 40 ms

15 Making LSCI quantitative: MESI
Concern: enough signal/noise? After contrast calculation, noise becomes additive constant, known based on camera characteristics! Proof of concept: Maps produced at f numbers 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0 (factor of 8 change in intensity). Results are identical within 20%

16 IOSI with current swept VCSELs
Recall we use 3 wavelengths: 670, 795, 850 nm 795 is near ISOBESTIC POINT: blood volume changes 670 dominated by HbR, 850 dominated by HbO2 Apply Beer-Lambert system to extract concentration changes

17 IOSI application: Ischemia model
IOSI can only quantify concentration changes To induce changes, we use an ischemic stroke model Circle of Willis maintains flow to all parts of brain we don’t expect drastic variations, can get reperfusion

18 IOSI application: Ischemia model
Solving linear system gives concentration changes HbO HbT Time course from upper arteriole HbR HbO + HbR

19 IOSI application: Vessel identification
Can use comparisons between IOS images and flow maps to distinguish arterioles from venules

20 Dual Mode Simultaneous Imaging
Rapidly switching between single mode and sweep mode allows simultaneous oxygenation and flow imaging

21 Future Work Sensory stimulation model
Physiological study with neuroscientists (epilepsy model, EEG, neurovascular coupling) Rapid real time image processing (EMCCD camera) Miniaturization for continuous monitoring (CMOS detector arrays)

22 Recap Monitor oxygenation and blood flow as correlates of neural activity Utilize VCSELs to simultaneously use two techniques Noise correction algorithms allow robust flow monitoring Future goals: apply to neuro studies, miniaturize for continuous imaging

23 References A. B. Parthasarathy, et. Al., “Robust flow measurement with multiexposure speckle imaging,” Optics Express 16(3), 2008. Z. Luo, et. al,. “Simultaneous imaging of cortical hemodynamics and blood oxygenation change during cerebral ischemia using dual-wavelength laser speckle contrast imaging,” Optics Letters 34(9), 2009. S. Sakadzic, et. al., “Simultaneous imaging of cerebral partial pressure of oxygen and blood flow during functional activation and cortical spreading depression,” Applied Optics, 48(10), 2009. B.W. Zeff, et. al.,“Retinotopic mapping of adult human visual cortex with high-density diffuse optical tomography,” PNAS 24(109), 2007. Acknowledgements: Prof. Ofer Levi, Dene Ringuette, Elizabeth Munro, Xiaofan Jin, Thomas O’Sullivan

24 Backup: Why these methods?
Epilepsy localization: Stroke: After ischemia, we know blood flow can return, but cerebral circulation response to neural activity is alterted Alzheimers: Neurovascular degeneration precedes cognitive impairment. Mechanisms need further investigation T. H. Schwartz, Cornell H. Girouard and C. Iadecola, “Neurovascular coupling in the normal brain and in hypertension, stroke, and Alzheimer disease,” J. Appl. Physiol. 100, 328–335 (2006).

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