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Chief Legal NCO Sergeant First Class Sergeant First Class Quince R. Brown - 71D40 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Office of the Staff Judge Advocate.

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Presentation on theme: "Chief Legal NCO Sergeant First Class Sergeant First Class Quince R. Brown - 71D40 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Office of the Staff Judge Advocate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chief Legal NCO Sergeant First Class Sergeant First Class Quince R. Brown - 71D40 Office of the Staff Judge Advocate Office of the Staff Judge Advocate National Training Center & Fort Irwin

2 RESPONSIBILITIES b b Enlisted Advisor to SJA/DSJA b b Enlisted Personnel Manager b b Training of enlisted personnel b b Advisor to Senior Enlisted (CSM, SGM, 1SG etc.) b b Maintain Facilities, property and Supplies b b Assist Legal Administrator (Budget, Automation, Manpower) b b Appointed Duties b b Additional Duties

3 Enlisted Advisor to SJA/DSJA b b Keeps SJA/DSJA updated on personnel loss or gain, PT test, weapons qualification, projected TDY for all enlisted b b Advises regarding office budget, Impac account, automation necessities, office upgrades and requirements for all upcoming OSJA events b b Advises about available TDY funds for OSJA office; prepares TDY orders

4 Enlisted Personnel Manager b b Currently have 9 enlisted soldiers authorized and 9 assigned b b 5 of the 9 soldiers are assigned to MTOE units, but work here at consolidated center b b Coordinate assignments for enlisted soldiers with Branch managers & AG b b Conduct TA50, Class A and duty uniform inspections

5 TRAINING b b Ensure soldiers are on the right track for promotions and military schools b b SSG Nelson, SGT Mersfelder - Law for Legal NCO Crs, Apr 2000 Charlottesville b b Encourage/assist soldiers in applying for & completing Correspondence Course and Civilian Education b b Conduct training classes in common military skills and 71D legal task

6 Advisor to Senior Enlisted (CSM, SGM, 1SG etc.) b b Advises Post CSM and all other Senior Enlisted on new changes under the UCMJ b b Gives military justice briefings to all Battalion level units and higher throughout So. Cal b b Advises 1SG’s with regard to corrective training and nonpunitive punishments b b Advises Senior Enlisted with regard to EO violations and reports

7 Maintaining Facilities & Supplies b b Maintain accountability, upgrade and maintenance of automation equipment b b Accountable for three OSJA buildings & property, approx $200k b b Order and maintain office supplies annual cost of approx 20k b b Prepare, set-up and ensure maintenance of OSJA Tax Assistance office

8 Assist Legal Administrator b b Automation: PBO on all automation equipment and software; conducts inventories on maintenance and equipment; assists troubleshooting automation problem. b b Office Budget: Assist in maintaining office budget, ordering supplies, software, books. Updates spreadsheets, TDY’s, CAPR, MIPR, deals with DRM on budget issues. b b Manpower: Processes civilian personnel actions, conducts surveys, for final reports to FORSCOM.

9 Appointed Duties b b OSJA IMPAC Cardholder b b USAG EO representative b b USAG CO2 facilitator b b USAG Color Guard NCOIC b b Property Book Officer b b Telephone Control Officer b b Building Fire Marshall b b Assistant Security Officer b b Assistant Information Management Officer

10 Additional Duties b b Acting 1SG for USAG & HHT 11 ACR: Hold formations for PT and Work call b b Board member for SOM and Promotion boards

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