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Copyright © 2005 Advantica Inc. (USA Only) and Advantica Ltd. (Outside USA). All rights reserved by the respective owner. Own Use Gas Review of 2000 Model.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2005 Advantica Inc. (USA Only) and Advantica Ltd. (Outside USA). All rights reserved by the respective owner. Own Use Gas Review of 2000 Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2005 Advantica Inc. (USA Only) and Advantica Ltd. (Outside USA). All rights reserved by the respective owner. Own Use Gas Review of 2000 Model

2 Overview Summary of 2000 OUG project Information and data Model overview Original assumptions and recommendations Pre-heater energy losses overview Uncertainties Shipper concerns Possible solutions Initial recommendations Seeking a collaborative approach to estimation of OUG

3 Shrinkage Based on overall throughput Leakage from low pressure network Own Use Gas for pre-heaters Theft of Gas Advantica carried out study into the estimation of OUG in 2002 using data from 2000

4 The methodology and model Typical PRS layout

5 Information and data All NTS and LTS sites using pre-heating Flow, inlet, outlet pressure, exit temperature Data unavailable for some LDZs Basic pre-heater meter readings from ~80 sites Generally poor quality Total system throughput Pre-heater survey data Site name, location etc Operational measurements/limits Ground temperatures – from work on statistical analysis of national and regional temperatures (2000)

6 Information and data cont… The percentage of sites from which suitable data was acquired was: NTS:64% - missing data for West Midlands LDZ North Wales LDZ LTS:34% - missing data for East Anglia, North West, and Scotland LDZs Giving an overall site coverage of 42% for hourly data over the year 2000. Over 3Gb of data was received, filtered and processed

7 The methodology and model The method is based around the equation Where: is the mass flow rate (kg/h), is the rise in temperature in the heater (deg C), is the specific heat capacity of the gas (kJ/kg/K), is the efficiency of the heater and is the energy used in the heater (in kJ/h)  1 )/(CpmhkJP T   m  T  Cp P 

8 Assumptions Initial gas inlet temperatures set to Ground Temperature data for each LDZ throughout the year Outlet temperature set to 0 deg C if no set-point available Heaters are operational throughout the year Preheat requirements are assigned to each station rather than by heater LDZ pre-heater efficiencies are the same as NTS pre- heater efficiencies.

9 Assumptions cont… OUG usage estimated for missing LDZs using monthly scaling factor based on other LDZ data A range of Hot Water Bath pre-heat efficiencies used in analysis Used a figure of 50% based on previous OUG model assumptions and research reports

10 Hot Water Bath Efficiencies E7 Transco technical Specification for Gas Fired Water Bath Heaters Part 1 Basic Heater requirements 1993. “Heat loss in flue gases shall not exceed 25% of gross heat input.” “Heat losses from outer shell and associated gas pipe work shall not exceed 1% of the declared heater output.” Thermal efficiency of Water Bath Heaters at Alrewas AGI MRS 403 Efficiencies under various operating conditions between 53 and 66% Efficiency tests on Water Bath Heaters at Coleshill AGI MRS I 2912 Quotes range 58 to 66.5%

11 Typical Water Bath Heater OHT 9.1 Surface losses 0.5-1% Flue Losses 25-40%

12 Hot Water Bath Energy Losses A number of studies carried out in the early 80’s Main energy losses via flue gas in the heating process Surface losses account for 0.5-1% total energy lost Highlighted that most pre-heaters operated below design efficiency (design efficiency typically around 70%) Typically 30-42% in flue losses Experiments showed this could be improved with correct burn/air flow rates

13 Model Validation 2000

14 OUG Usage Efficiency Total Flow (kWh) Total OUG (kWh) % OUG 100%7.13E+114.03E+070.0057 70%7.13E+115.76E+070.0081 60%7.13E+116.72E+070.0094 50%7.13E+118.07E+070.0113 40%7.13E+111.01E+080.0141 30%7.13E+111.34E+080.0188

15 Uncertainties Pre-heater efficiencies Control regime of pre-heaters Ground temperature assumptions Scaling factor to estimate pre-heater consumptions for LDZs with missing data

16 Uncertainties cont… 95% confidence intervals attributed to missing data 0.0102% (assuming a heater efficiency of 50%). and 0.0137% (assuming a heater efficiency of 50%). Including variation in efficiency of the pre-heaters, the actual OUG percentage figure may lie between: 0.0073% (with 70% efficiency) and 0.0229% (with 30% efficiency)

17 Recommendations 2002 Better estimation of pre-heater efficiencies Include control strategies for pre-heaters Improve mapping of sites with pre-heat and incomplete telemetry to similar sites Extend metering of pre-heaters to improve model validation

18 Summary of Shipper Concerns Original study is 4 years old, data is 6 years old and likely to be out of date Limited data impacts the accuracy of the model Real pre-heater efficiencies are much lower than quoted in report Insufficient meter readings to properly validate the model

19 Solutions – Age of the model Investigate model sensitivity Large variation in % OUG Model suitable for other years partial analysis using 2005 data for 3-4 LDZs Small %OUG variation Review findings, potentially do remaining LDZs

20 Solutions – impact of missing data Investigate model sensitivity No - need improvement plan partial analysis using 2005 data for 3-4 LDZs Has data quantity/quality improved for key variables? Review findings, potentially do remaining LDZs

21 Solutions – pre-heater efficiencies Summarise findings of previous pre-heater efficiency trials Covers various pre-heater efficiency tests Provides evidence of typical pre-heater efficiencies from the output of the experiments conducted Provides information needed to carry out on-site efficiency tests Carry out pre-heater efficiency tests Requires on-site monitoring equipment Timeline significant as tests require variety of operating conditions Use efficiencies to validate the model Test pre-heaters makes/models that are most commonly installed Use OUG model to calculate efficiencies

22 Solutions – pre-heater efficiencies Summarise and report findings from previous pre-heater efficiency trials Carry out pre-heater efficiency tests Use OUG model to calculate them

23 Alternative solution – use model Site flows, pressures, temperatures Pre-heater metering Compare OUG vs consumption Determine Hot Water Bath efficiency Use model to calculate OUG

24 Solutions - validating the model Site flows, pressures, temperatures Pre-heater metering Determine Hot Water Bath efficiency Compare OUG vs consumption Use model to calculate OUG

25 Initial Recommendations Model sensitivity analysis Summary of pre-heater efficiency work And/or Validate model by carrying out pre-heater efficiency tests on sites with good telemetry and metering Determine pre-heater efficiencies using wider sample of meter readings assuming model correct Report findings and present back to forum

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