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Week 5: Electronic Cell Counters

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Presentation on theme: "Week 5: Electronic Cell Counters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 5: Electronic Cell Counters
Instrumentation Automation Electric impedance Coulter principle Optical scatter Myeloperoxidase Radio frequency probe Histogram Data plot

2 Instrumentation/Automation
Increase productivity and precision Accuracy still depends on operator Other interventions Calibration QC Maintenance

3 Brief History 1852: Hemocytometry by K Vierordt
1956: Electronic impedance counter Coulter Model A 1970’s: Light scatter technique (e.g., Ortho ELT-8 1980’s: Cytochemical counter Technicon H-6000; flowcytometry 1990’s: VCS technology of Coulter STKS

4 Electrical Impedance Coulter principle first developed in 1950’s
R = k x Particle volume Aperture size


6 Coulters A, F, ZBI

7 Coulters S and S-Plus

8 Light Scatter Degree of light scatter is proportional to cell size
Use of laminar flow using sheath fluid prevents cells from tumbling More precise cell grouping with size: differential count

9 Ortho ELT-8


11 Cytochemical Technicon measured the myeloperoxidase activity of leukocytes along with light scatter to differentiate leukocytes more precisely Development of flowcytometry: cell marker studies, DNA analysis, etc.



14 Light Scatter and Myeloperoxidase Activity

15 Radio Frequency Probe VCS (volume, conductivity, scatter) technology by Coulter Radio frequency probe with impedance by Sysmex Able to determine cell surface features and internal (nuclear, granular) complexity

16 Sizing and Conductivity



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