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INTRODUCTION We present an integrated computational platform for the analysis of time varying microarray data obtained from dynamic stimulus-response experiments.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION We present an integrated computational platform for the analysis of time varying microarray data obtained from dynamic stimulus-response experiments."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION We present an integrated computational platform for the analysis of time varying microarray data obtained from dynamic stimulus-response experiments. External or internal stimuli such as hormone stimulation, disease progression, or drug assumption are cause of direct regulatory and functional actions involving RNA, regulatory regions on DNA, proteins and metabolites. We consider the available gene expression data as a proxy of such complex protein activities in a case-control setup (e.g. disease vs. normal, or treated vs. non-treated experimental conditions) where high-throughput expression data are evaluated at different timestamps in stimulated biomaterial (e.g. cells). THE PIPELINE To elucidate which are the main biological subsystems responding to the stimulus through the identification of major temporal patterns and modules of regulation, we combine predictive machine learning with reverse engineering methods. The resulting computational platform embeds a pipeline for functional genomics based on the BioDCV high performance system (Support Vector Machine profiling with selection bias control), and on a stage-wise boosting procedure for time series target function reconstruction [1]: Gene selection induced by a classification problem (Box 1) Selection of regulation networks by DTW clustering of transcription factors and regulated genes (Box 2) Definition of the target function associated to the cluster groups Reconstruction of the target function as a linear combination of the transcription factor (Box 3) Toy examples on simulated data (Box 4) Exploration of the regulatory networks underlying the reconstructing genes by querying ontology databases (Box 5) THE GUS INSTANCE The system includes a PostgreSQL version of the Genomic Unified Schema (GUS). The C. elegans Affy chip platform information was loaded into GUS, with the goal of connecting the ontology information into the machine learning processes (classification, feature selection, DTW- boosting reconstruction). FEATURES The target functions driving the search of temporal patterns are obtained by a feature ranking process and a connection to the GO Molecular Function and Biological Process. The network information known for analyzed dataset are retrieved so to label regulators and regulated genes. Different definitions of the target functions can be used, ranging from simple linear combination of regulator main patterns to more complex regulatory models such as Boolean models of regulation known from reverse engineering. REFERENCES [1] Furlanello C, Merler S, Jurman G. Combining feature selection and DTW for time varying functional genomics. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54(6), 2436-43, 2006. 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Semi-supervised learning for molecular profiling. IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2(2):110-118, 2005. [7] Baugh LR, Hill AA, Claggett JM, Hill-Harfe K, Wen JC, Slonim DK, Brown EL, Hunter CP. (2005) The homeodomain protein PAL-1 specifies a lineage-specific regulatory network in the C. elegans embryo. Development. 132(8):1843-54. Subsystem selection from time series microarray data in stimulus-response experiments Jurman G*, Di Camillo B**, Galea A*, Merler S*, Toffolo G**, Cobelli C**, Furlanello C* *ITC-irst, Trento, Italy, **Information Engineering Department, University of Padova, Padova, Italy MGED 9 September 7-10, 2006 Seattle, WA, U.S.A. DATA The platform was validated first on simulated data (Box 4). A real case study is also presented (Box 5) to illustrate the use of the method in practice. The multiple early embryonic time series for C. elegans (GEO GSE2180) [7] with 10 time points, each for 4 different genotypes: wild-type, pie-1(zu154), pie-1(zu154); pal-1(RNAi) and mex- 3(zu155); skn-1(RNAi). Platform: Affy GPL200, N=22625 genes, nsamples=123. GEO Dataset (C. elegans GSE2180) Gene Expressions (Affy GPL200, N=22625 genes, 123 samples, 4 classes, 10 time steps) Gene Ontology, … expressions values per time step + class labels + GO labels full set of N genes Small size panel of transcription factors best reconstructing the target regulated functions GO based query Principal temporal patterns of regulation Target functions: (e.g. sums of expressions from clusters of regulated genes DTW - Clustering A priori regulatory relationships GUS RADRAD regulatory network model Profiled subset of n << N by predictive classifiers 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 Annotated genes: TF Group Enrichment analysis for GO Biological Process (MappFinder) 4 4 Identification of reconstructing TF ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ITC-irst: R. Flor, S. Paoli, D. Albanese CBIL: E. Manduchi 5 5 The GSE2180 data were analyzed according to the above workflow and results were compared with a priori biological knowledge. MAPPFinder [3] and NetAFFX were used to link each selected transcript with corresponding GO biological processes and to compute the enrichment of each GO group for biological processes. In particular: 31 of the selected genes are in the development group 9 of them are transcription factors Among those 9 genes, 7 are present as reconstructing factors of many of the target functions appearing in Box 2. Multiplicity of extractions of the best 30 genes in the top-20 positions of all 400 gene ranking lists. A BioDCV classification experiment (34 WildType samples vs 28 mex- 3;skn-1 samples) with Support Vector Machines coupled with Entropy-based Recursive Feature Extraction [6]. Hierarchical clustering of the top ranked 1000 genes into 20 groups (complete, DTW distance) Target functions: cluster means Reconstruction of the target function associated to the cluster 18. A linear combination is computed from Friedman boosting, based on a DTW distance coupled with Euclidean correction [1]; simulated annealing is used as residual minimization strategy. The solid black line represents the target function; the dashed black line is its approximation computed as the α multiple of the time series for gene 193962_at. The solid red line displays the residual remaining after Step 1 approximation. The dashed red line is the reconstructing factor at Step 2. The complete reconstruction table is shown below: α is the linear multiplier, β is the area of the residual function after subtracting the corresponding reconstruction factor and γ is the percentage of reconstruction at the Step. SIMULATIONS A simulation model [5] was first used to generate time series expression profiles. The simulator generates networks with scale-free topology organization and clustering coefficient not dependent on the number of genes in the network. Then it integrates differential equations and Boolean logic to reproduce some important features of regulation in real biological systems, such as the continuous nature of generated data and the interaction among regulatory genes in controlling both production and degradation. The rate of change of gene x expression level at time t is modeled by a differential equation – the selected model being either linear or non-linear. On several simulations with both linear and non-linear data and with different sizes of cluster groups, the series selected as reconstructing functions either lie in the cluster or they appear consistently (~75%) as regulatory factors of members of the corresponding cluster. 4 4 Multiplicity 0100200300400 191520_s_at 172156_x_at 178259_at 177204_s_at 188169_at 173203_at 191208_s_at 173894_s_at 183457_s_at 188822_at 186790_at 173804_s_at 189002_s_at 181714_at 185282_s_at 173826_s_at 193772_s_at 193833_s_at 181715_s_at 187177_at 192934_s_at 190664_s_at 178316_at 171904_x_at 173156_s_at 192731_at 194189_x_at 171971_x_at 175599_s_at 178717_at Top 30 genes 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30 40 Time Expression Target 193962_at Residual 188023_at Time Average expression cluster:1 050100150 cluster:2 :3 050100150 cluster:4 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 cluster: 5 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 cluster:6 :7 : 8 : 9 :10 cluster: 11 cluster: 12 cluster:13cluster:14 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 cluster:15 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 050100150 cluster:16cluster:17 050100150 cluster:18cluster:19 050100150 cluster: 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 Height PLATFORM WORKFLOW TIME SERIES: C. ELEGANS 5 5 CONTACTS - - - - - - DTW - Friedman time series boosting Reverse Engineering Modeling System (Bayesian Networks)

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