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WHO WANTS TO KNOW A MILLION WORDS? A:B: C:D: To avert an accident, Larry turned his car sharply to the right and narrowly missed the other car. begin.

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Presentation on theme: "WHO WANTS TO KNOW A MILLION WORDS? A:B: C:D: To avert an accident, Larry turned his car sharply to the right and narrowly missed the other car. begin."— Presentation transcript:




4 A:B: C:D: To avert an accident, Larry turned his car sharply to the right and narrowly missed the other car. begin prevent reportdeny

5 B. avert = prevent

6 A:B: C:D: serious cruelfunny dishonest Dr. Segura has a facetious sign on his office door: “I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?”

7 C. facetious = funny

8 A:B: C:D: intelligentsilly interestingshocking Television programming is often so inane that TV has been described as “bubble gum for the mind.”

9 B. inane = silly

10 A:B: C:D: helpforbid forceask If the law did not compel people to pay taxes, no one would pay them.

11 C. compel = force

12 A:B: C:D: noisy healthy irregular consistent My boyfriend’s eating habits are erratic. One day he’ll barely eat, and the next he’ll eat enough for three.

13 D. erratic = irregular

14 A:B: C:D: spread increase improve conceal What would be the best way to disseminate information about the next school board meeting? It’s important for all parents to attend.

15 A. disseminate = spread

16 A:B: C:D: remembered denied asked forgot My father showed me his trophy and reminisced about his years as a star basketball player.

17 A. reminisce = remember

18 A:B: C:D: see above machine self In restaurants called automats, you serve yourself by putting coins in slots and removing food from behind small glass doors.

19 B. auto = self

20 A:B: C:D: extremists believersdoubters observers The Crusaders were Christian zealots during the Middle Ages who left their homes and families and went off to try to capture the Holy Land.

21 A. zealots = extremists

22 A:B: C:D: before not out full “Inhale as you lower your head,” called out the exercise instructor, “and exhale as you do the sit-up.”

23 C. ex = out

24 A:B: C:D: pity knowledgeunderstanding indifference The students’ apathy turned to intense interest when the psychology teacher discussed Freud’s views on sex.

25 B. apathy = indifference

26 A:B: C:D: brought on supported permitted prevented The discovery that Elliot had been setting fires precipitated his parents’ decision to consult a child psychologist.

27 A. precipitated = brought on

28 A:B: C:D: known confusing related threatening History is always relevant to our lives because it shows us what results can follow certain actions.

29 C. relevant = related

30 A:B: C:D: one above before not Our history teacher has an unusual approach to teaching. He often wears costumes to class and lectures as one of the historical people we’re learning about.

31 B. un = not

32 A:B: C:D: a fact a horrible reality a false impression a new idea Tina’s belief that she and Jon had a strong relationship turned out to be an illusion. She wasn’t aware that he was dating other girls.

33 C. illusion = a false impression

34 A:B: C:D: alive sleepfree separate The volcano has been dormant for years, but it may awaken soon.

35 D. dorm = sleep

36 A:B: C:D: cold dullspicy bitter Mexicans, accustomed to hot and spicy foods, often find American dishes bland by comparison.

37 D. bland = dull

38 A:B: C:D: honor ridiculeremember pity The Tlingit Indians venerate the wolf and the raven, and their totem poles illustrate stories in praise of these animals.

39 B. venerate = honor

40 A:B: C:D: fair skepticalgenerous unsophisticated Though young, Rhonda is not naïve. Being on her own for so long has made her streetwise.

41 A. naive = unsophisticated

42 A:B: C:D: unsympathetic short harshly comical overly emotional The verses in greeting cards are often far too sentimental. I prefer humor to such maudlin messages.

43 B. maudlin = overly emotional

44 A:B: C:D: obvious fair honest harmful Sometimes overt racism is easier to deal with than the hidden kind. You can better fight what is out in the open.

45 C. overt = obvious

46 A:B: out C:D: above before see The superintendent of schools has called a meeting of all the principals to discuss the growing drug problem.

47 D. super = above

48 A:B: C:D: ill depressedangry distracted Devon becomes despondent too easily. If he gets even one bad grade, he loses all hope of succeeding in school.

49 D. despondent = depressed

50 A:B: C:D: rural country crowded city Gladys likes urban living because she grew up in the city, but Emilio, who grew up on a farm, prefers country life.

51 B. urban = city

52 A:B: C:D: honest hiddenfriendly careful I’ll give you my candid opinion, but you might not like what you hear.

53 A. candid = honest

54 A:B: C:D: relax strengthenprove protect The builders plan to fortify the old tower with steel beams.

55 D. fortify = strengthen

56 A:B: C:D: after before beyond free A clever saying warns us not to anticipate trouble before it happens: “Worrying casts tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine.”

57 C. anti- = before

58 A:B: C:D: honest fair experienced friendly Too much publicity before a trial makes it difficult for lawyers to find impartial jurors, people with no opinion about the case.

59 C. impartial = fair

60 A:B: C:D: chances options reasons fears What are my prospects of finding a hotel room in this town during Super Bowl weekend?

61 A. prospects = chances

62 A:B: C:D: humble flashyexpensive weighty My show-off aunt has some ostentatious jewelry, such as a gold bracelet that’s so heavy she can hardly lift her arm.

63 D. ostentatious = flashy

64 A:B: C:D: explained overlookedhid suggested To Sherlock Holmes, the clues implied that the murderer was an elderly man who carried a cane.

65 B. implied = suggested

66 A:B: C:D: one besidebefore not The dancers in the chorus line kicked their legs up and down in perfect unison, as if they were one body.

67 A. uni = one

68 A:B: C:D: children beginnersfriends experts Because I have never played tennis, I will join the class for novices.

69 D. novices = beginners

70 A:B: C:D: cause chanceremedy explanation For me, a good antidote to feeling low is to bake a batch of brownies.

71 C. antidote = remedy

72 A:B: C:D: thorough breath- taking skillful indirect I don’t like to take risks myself, but I love the vicarious thrill of watching death- defying adventures in a movie.

73 B. vicarious = indirect

74 A:B: C:D: reach eliminate increase weaken Leroy tried to undermine the coach’s authority by making jokes about him behind his back.

75 B. undermine = weaken

76 A:B: C:D: minimal quick risky large in amount Selena did extensive research for her paper—it took her several weeks.

77 B. extensive = large in amount

78 Great Work!!!

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