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LHC is a tt factory + Total production cross section

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0 on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations
Moriond QCD Early physics with top quarks at LHC P.Ferrari CERN on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

1 LHC is a tt factory + Total production cross section
(90%) + (10%) tt production cross section at LHC: ~833 pb tt production cross-section at Tevatron: 6.7 pb 2 tt events per second ! > 8 millions tt events expected per year Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

2 Top Physics day one In 2008 ECM = 14 TeV few fb-1  already negligible statistical err 1) Top properties and basic SM physics at s = 14 TeV : Estimate of σtop ~ 20% accuracy Start to tune Monte Carlo Measure top mass  feedback on detector performance 2) Understand/calibrate detector and trigger: tt  bl bjj Light jet energy scale selecting a pure sample of W jj in tt events (< 1%) b-tag efficiency (~ 5%) Missing energy calibration 3) Prepare for new physics: Resonances, MSSM higgses, SUSY, FCNC Measure differential cross sections (ds/dpT,ds/dMtt) sensitive to new physics (provides also an accurate test of SM predictions) Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

3 Light jet energy calibration
Template histograms with different E scales a and relative E resolutions b: W  qq in ~106 PYTHIA tt events Simple tt  lnb jjb selection with tt events : 1(e/m) pT>20 GeV, ETmiss>20 GeV, = 4 jets pT>40 GeV (2 b-tagged), 150 GeV< mjjb< 200 GeV  W purity ~83% Fit each template histogram to mjj in the « data », find best c2 a = ± 0.004, b = 1.47 ± 0.05 Statistics limited. Unknown syst limit< 0.5% from combinatorial backg. and templates shape JES as a function of energy ( n energy bins and nxn matrix template) a = 1 « Data » Best fit Ej/Eq ±2% @ 1.3 fb-1 b-jets Light jets Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session Eq

4 Calibrating b-tagging
Using semi-leptonic (and fully leptonic) tt events Optimize the jet pairing efficiency via mass constraints in kinematic fits and likelihoods. Only one jet is tagged as b-jet (on Whad side) TOP CANDIDATE W CANDIDATE CMS NOTE Isolate jet samples with a highly enriched b–jet content, on which the b–jet identification algorithms can be calibrated. Main systematics :ISR/FSR For 1 fb-1 (10fb-1) relative accuracy on the b–jet identification efficiency is ~ 6% (4%) in barrel region and about 10% (5%) in the endcaps. Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

5 Day one: can we see the top?
We will have a non perfect detector: Let’s apply a simple selection No b-tag relaxing cut on 4th jet: pT>20 GeV: doubles signal significance! No b-tag |mjj-mW| < 20 GeV Hadronic top=3 jets maximising pT top W =2 jets maximising pT W in jjj rest frame 4 jets pT> 40 GeV 600 pb-1 Isolated lepton pT> 20 GeV ETmiss > 20 GeV 100pb-1 W+jets Combinatorial Siginficance (s) only with 100 pb-1 (few days) 100 pb-1 Luminosity (pb-1) Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

6 Refining the selections: semi-leptonic case
More refined selection studied with the aim of applying it to x-section, mass, polarization studies.. Example: CMS NOTE 2006/064 1 isolated lepton pT>20 GeV ≥4 jets ET>30 GeV |h|<2.4 2 b-tagged jets Coverging kin. fit to mW stat esel ~ 6.3% S/B~26.7 total w/o lumi total w lumi @5 fb-1 stt(m)=0.6% (stat)± 9.2% (syst)±5.0%(lumi) Exploiting new topological variables from D0? Sphericity S and Aplanarity A Centrality C HT = Df(lep,n) KTmin=min D(h,f) between 2 jets 1fb-1 Not very useful to separate from W+jets after selection Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

7 Summary of cross-section
The cross-section has also been extracted from in the di-leptonic and fully hadronic channels here examples from: CMS NOTES / Dstt/stt syst (%) Dstt/stt stat (%) Dstt/stt lumi (%) Main bkg Eff (%) S/B 10fb-1 Semi-Leptonic 9.7 0.4 3 Btag PDF PileUp tt W+j 6.3 26.7 Dilepton 11 0.9 PDF Btag JES ttll with (Wtnt, tl) 5 5.5 1fb-1 hadronic 20 JES PileUp QCD 1.6 1/9 Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

8 Top mass measurement in lepton + jets channel
1) minimization of c2  reconstruct mW hadronic & jet E rescaling (a1,a2) keep W’s if |mW GeV| < 2GmW chose b-jet that maximises top pT W purity 56.5%, top purity 45%, e=1.1% 2) Kinematic fit: 10fb-1 Fullsim CMS NOTE mtop Kinematic fit to reconstruct entire tt final state: c2 based on kinematic constraints (El,j & directions vary within resolution) c2 minimisation, event by event Mtop fitted in slices of c2 Estrapolation from linear fit: mtop = mtop(2 = 0) Gaussian/Full Scan Ideogram estimator for mt: Event by event likelihood method convoluting the event resolution function with expected theoretical template. mtop obtained from maximum likelihood method PYTHIA Fullsim Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

9 Top mass measurement (semileptonic channel)
c) Selection of high pT top quarks pT(top) > 200 GeV/c: t and t tend to be back-to-back  used as constraint to reduce bkg 3 jets in 1 hemisphere tend to overlap: collect E in a cone around candidate top less sensitive to jet calibration. Mass scale recalibration based on hadronic W, independent systematic errors  gain in combination Source of uncertainty Had. top Mtop (GeV/c2) Kinematic fit Mtop (GeV/c2) High PT sample Mtop (GeV/c2) Light jet energy scale (1 %) 0.2 b-jet energy scale (1 %) 0.7 b-quark fragmentation 0.1 0.3 ISR FSR 1. 0.5 Combinatorial background Mass rescaling 0.9 UE estimate (± 10 %) 1.3 Total 1.6 Statistical 0.05 Comparing the 3 methods Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

10 Di-lepton channel and Hadronic channels
1fb-1 PYTHIA Dilepton channel: clean channel but need to reconstruct 2 n’s. Reconstruction via 0C fit assuming mW and 2 equal masses for top mt1=mt2 (6 eq. ,6 unknowns) The different n solutions are weighted using the SM prediction for the n and n E spectra The neutrino solution with the highest weight is chosen mtop S/B = 12 - Hadronic channel: full kinematic reconstruction of both sides but huge QCD multijet background: 6-8 jets, ET>30 GeV Centrality>0.68,aplanarity>0.024 ETtot- ET of 2 leading j>148 GeV 2 b-tagged jets Best jet pairing obtained from likelihood based mainly on angular distrubution of jets. CMS NOTE (stat) mt (GeV/c2) (syst) @1fb-1 dilepton ~1.5 ~4.2 @1fb-1 hadronic ~0.6 Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

11 Resonances in Mtt pp  X  tt with tt decaying semi-leptonically
Technicolor, Strong EW symmetry breaking models, Z’, SUSY: usual semi-leptonic events preselection use W and top mass constraint: neutrino pZ from mW constraint, solution giving best top mass is retained |mjj-mW|  20 GeV b-jet associated with hadronic top is the one maximising pTtop |mbjj-mT|  40 GeV 5fb-1 3xZ’ signal Since pT of top from resonance decay is larger than in direct production Add lower cut on top pT 370,390,500 GeV/c for mZ’ =1,1.5,2 GeV/c2 to increase purity (s/B~ ) @5 fb-1 MZ’= 1 TeV MZ’= 1.5 TeV MZ’= 2 TeV CL ~2.75s ~2.96s ~3.3s x-sec (pb) ~4 ~3 Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

12 Flavour Changing Neutral Currents
CMS NOTE 2006/093 No FCNC at tree level in SM: u (c,t) 5σ sensitivity SM 2HDM MSSM u Z/γ Look for FCNC in top decays: SN-ATLAS tqg (+1l+missing) tqg (+1l+1g+missing) tqZ (2jets+3l+missing) t @ 10 fb-1 2 orders of magnitude better than Tevatron/LEP/HERA Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

13 Top spin correlations A=
t and t are produced unpolarized, but spins are correlated anomalous coupling (technicolor), tH+b, spin 0/2 heavy resonance H/KK gravitons  tt, would move A away from SM expectation s(tLtL) + s(tRtR) - s(tLtR) - s(tRtL) A= s(tLtL) + s(tRtR) + s(tLtR) + s(tRtL) Fit to double differential distribution Eur.Phys.J.C44S Semilep. + dilep. (10 fb-1) Fitting to distribution of angles bewteen top spin analyser in top rest frame versus angle of t spin analyser in antitop rest frame Syst. dominated by b-JES, top mass and FSR A=0.41 0.014(stat) 0.023(syst) CMS NOTE 2006/111 Semilep. (10 fb-1) Fitting to distribution of lepton angle vs b-quark angle in the tt rest frame lepton angle vs lower energy quark angle from the W-decay in the tt rest frame Abt,lt=0.375 ±0.014(stat) (syst) Aqt,lt=0.346 ± 0.021(stat) (syst) +0.055 -0.096 +0.026 -0.055

14 Conclusions LHC startup will require a long period of development and understanding LHC is a top factory, but before performing precision measurements, a huge effort is needed in order to Understand the detectors and control systematics Complete study using full simulations and NLO generators Early top signal will help We could get top signal with ~ 100 pb-1 s(tt) to ~13% and Mtop to 1% with 1fb-1 In addition our aim is, as soon as we get a large statistics (few fb-1), to be ready for early discovery of new physics! Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

16 Calibrating the missing energy
We can calibrate the missing Energy since in semileptonic tt events the momentum of the neutrino is constrained from kinematics : MW known amount of missing energy per event Calibration of missing energy vital for all (R-parity conserving) SUSY and most exotics! t Example from SUSY analysis Events Miscalibrated detector or escaping ‘new’ particle Perfect detector Range: 50 < pT < 200 GeV Missing ET (GeV) Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

17 Effect of cut on PT of 4th jet
Lowering PT requirement on 4th jet to 20 GeV increase in significance top signal by factor > 2 40 GeV % 30 GeV % 20 GeV % PT cut Fraction Top signal Jet 4 42.6 % 42.6 % Cut on 4th jet does not bring any advantage Actually … it cuts away important information: large fraction of jets associated to quarks from W decay Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

18 Gaussian Ideogram, full scan ideogram
CMS NOTE Build event by event from the covariance matrices of the kinematics of the 3 fitted jets, the relative compatibility of the reconstructed kinematics of the event with the hypothesis of the a heavy object of mass mt decays into 3 jets. This is usually called the ideogram of the event or resolution function of the event In the full scan the top mass is not fixed but varies 125<mt<225 GeV To estimate the top mass, the ideogram is convoluted with the Theorectical expected probability density function and after combining all likelihoods from all events a maximum likelihood method is applied to get mt. Sources (5% On-Off) (1.5%) (2%) Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

19 Mtop other 2 methods Exclusive (J/ℓℓ) decays: detect clean high mass
products, easy to reconstruct and little background 2) via cross-section: very much sensitive to the top mass: 5% on  gives mt~2 GeV/c2, error luminosity and the pdfs different systematic contributions: top mass determined via m(3l): without using the b-tagging ! almost ignoring jet reconstruction !  large improvement in combination with direct reconstruction Challenging because of the extremely low branching ratio: BR = 0.810-4 after selection+trigger efficiency CMS NOTE m(3l) Sensitive to mt (stat) mt (GeV/c2) (syst. instr.) (syst. th.) mt(GeV/c2) tot (GeV/c2) exclusive J/ dec ~0.5 ~1.4 ~1.5 via cross-section ~0.1 ~0.7 ~4.0 ~4.1 Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

20 Di-lepton event selection
CMS NOTE Cut based selection: Single or di-lepton trigger Two isolated oppositely charged leptons with ET>20 GeV,<2.5 Missing ET>40 GeV 2 jets with ET>20 GeV, <2.5 2 b-tagged jets Main background represented by Z+jets when no b-tagging is present ( efficiency 15% ) With b-tagging, efficiency about 5% with excellent background reduction S/B~5 (B mainly from leptonic  decays) Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

21 Systematic effects for top physics
Almost all SM measurements at LHC dominated by systematic errors. Can be divided into instrumental and from theory/modeling Dominant instrumental uncertainties for top physics: Luminosity: Reasonable goal is 3-5%  measure number of interactions/bunch crossing (HF) and (pp) (TOTEM) Reconstruction related: Jet energy scale need calibrated calorimetry (beam tests, MB, single particles, Z, W…) need jet energy calibration to a few % (with Z()+jet) need excellent energy flow (association tracker+calo+muon system) b-tagging efficiency+fake rate use tt for calibration: to 4-5% with 10fb-1 Lepton identification and energy scale use Z, other mesons. Less crucial than for the W mass measurement Theory related systematics are as important as instrumental ones ! Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

22 Theoretical systematic uncertainties
ISR/FSR: vary QCD and Q2max from low to high radiation light jets Fragmentation: vary only the fragmentation parameters within errors from LEP/SLD tunings. “b jets” Fragmentation: error estimated changing the Peterson parameter ( ) within its theoretical uncertainty (0.0025) Minimum bias and underlying event: extrapolate from low energy UA5/Tevatron and change main pT cut-off parameter PDF parametrization: CTEQ6M, contrain using LHC data Hard process scale: switch among reasonable definition of the Q2 scale Pamela Ferrari Rencontres de Moriond 2007 QCD session

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