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 A brief look at new ecommerce opportunities. In 2006 Chris Anderson wrote an article in Wired magazine. The article has led to a book “The Long Tail”

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Presentation on theme: " A brief look at new ecommerce opportunities. In 2006 Chris Anderson wrote an article in Wired magazine. The article has led to a book “The Long Tail”"— Presentation transcript:

1  A brief look at new ecommerce opportunities

2 In 2006 Chris Anderson wrote an article in Wired magazine. The article has led to a book “The Long Tail” published by Random House

3  In 1988, Joe Simpson wrote a book called Touching the Void, a harrowing account of near death in the Peruvian Andes.  It got good reviews but, only a modest success.  A decade later Jon Krakauer wrote Into Thin Air, another book about a mountain-climbing tragedy, which became a publishing sensation.  Suddenly Touching the Void started to sell again.

4  Touching the Void went to sell 2:1 against Into Thin Air  Why?

5  Amazon recommendations!  A few years earlier this could never have happened and Touching the Void would have disappeared.


7  Rules of thumb  Cinema needs about 750 per week  Record store needs to sell 2 copies of CD per year to pay for the half inch of shelving used  Pull  Cinema up to 10 miles  Books less than 10 miles  DVD less that a mile

8  Bollywood not successful in USA but there are about 1.7 million Indians living in USA.  There have been Oscar foreign films that never see the light of day outside their own countries.

9  Until recently hits were the driving force of entertainment.  Still are to certain degree with TV but decline is very evident.  Little Britain v Monty Python  Startrek v Heroes  But misses are good as well if:

10  It is easy for people to find them  There are no costs (or little) for production  Analyse buying habits and recommend  Low costs of storage  iTunes - music  eCast – electronic juke boxes  Amazon – print on demand  Netflix – 100,000 ++DVDs and 12,000 ++online

11 The long tail 750,000 tracks Where Wal-Mart ends – 40,000 No of downloads

12  ALL of Rhapsody’s tracks get download at least twice a month  Barnes and Nobel carry about 130,000 book titles.  Amazon sells more than half its books outside of this list.  Google makes most of its money from small businesses placing relatively cheap adverts

13  Netflix rents documentaries – not Blockbuster  New markets for:  foreign films  anime  independent movies  British television dramas  old American TV sitcoms

14  Name proposed by Tapscott and Williams in their book “Wikinomics” published by Atlantic Books.

15  “I’d like to take…all the data we have that goes back to 1948, and put it into a file and share it with the world….and then ask the world to tell us where we are going to find the next six million ounces of gold”  Rob McEwen, CEO Goldcorp, Inc.

16  Put all survey data on line and asked people to analyse it.  Paid $75,000 to winners.  It worked.

17  Millions of them exist on one form or another  Wikipedia best known  Criticized for inaccuracy  But has far more information than Encyc Brit  Self repairing  People are self driven to help for various motives

18  New products  Use on-line part time scientists and engineers  New ideas for products and services  Information examples:  Equine site  Tourist site  Education site  All will be better for collaboration

19  2000 – two Californian twenty somethings had an idea.  Am I Hot or Not  People voted on pictures  Used Yahoo Photos at first  Used parents to vet photographs  Recruited fans to vet photos  Got visitors to email friends

20  Day 8 - 1.8 Million page views per day  Set up Meet Me @ $6 month – revenues first year $600,000  By 2004 profits looked around $4,000,000  2006 – 13 billionth vote  2008 they sold it for $20,000,000!

21  Tupperware  AmWay  eBay  Facebook  Linkedin  Twitter

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