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LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE Good practices from 45 years of school feeding Marc Regnault de la Mothe Policy, Planning and Strategy Division World Food Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE Good practices from 45 years of school feeding Marc Regnault de la Mothe Policy, Planning and Strategy Division World Food Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE Good practices from 45 years of school feeding Marc Regnault de la Mothe Policy, Planning and Strategy Division World Food Programme

2 ANALYTICAL PROCESS AND SELECTION  Collection of all SF evaluations and case studies within WFP archive  Removal of old data and poor evaluations  Removal of redundancies (on the basis of available evidence) 33 COUNTRIES + workshop findings Main findings (trends, successes and constraints) Selection of nine illustrative case studies 134 evaluations and case studies 70 evaluations and case studies 33 evaluations and case studies

3 POLICY IMPLICATIONS SCHOOL FEEDING QUALITY STANDARDS FOR PROGRAMME DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION Sound alignment with the national policy framework Stable funding and budgeting Evidence-based programme design Strong institutional and implementation arrangements Strong partnerships and inter-sector coordination Strong community participation and ownership (teachers, parents, children)

4 MAIN FINDINGS/1 FINDINGGOOD PRACTICESLESSONS LEARNED 1. Embedding school feeding in national policy frameworks 1.1 - Documenting and articulating the case for school feeding in a country 1.2 - “Being in the room” when policy decisions are made 1.3 - Facilitating discussions on school feeding with stakeholders (Pakistan) 1.1 - Governments need to consider school feeding as a priority 1.2 - Stakeholders from all sectors have to be involved (Malawi) 2. Finding interim funding solutions in view of the inclusion of school feeding in the national budget 2.1 - Ensuring agreement on milestones and timeframe for the transition (El Salvador) 2.2 - Assessing the cost of school feeding (Malawi) 2.1 - Stable and predictable funding is needed 2.2 - Finding the right balance between community participation and financing (Ethiopia)

5 MAIN FINDINGS/2 FINDINGGOOD PRACTICESLESSONS LEARNED 3. Planning handover arrangements in advance 3.1 - Involving high-level political figures to increase ownership of the programme (El Salvador) 3.2 - Enhancing local procurement to facilitate handover (Kenya) 3.1 - Need to provide guidance to country offices 3.2 - Need to coordinate parallel programmes 3.3 - Cash resources untied to tonnages delivered 4. A sound, in-depth assessment; defining objectives, targeting, and selection of modality and food basket 4.1 - Delivering a comprehensive, integrated package (Ethiopia, Lao PDR) 4.2 - Addressing gender inequality (Pakistan) 4.3 - Selecting the most appropriate modality (Afghanistan) 4.1 - Geographical targeting as opposed to individual or school-based (Kenya, Pakistan)

6 MAIN FINDINGS/3 FINDINGGOOD PRACTICESLESSONS LEARNED 5. Linking institutional set-up and implementation arrangements 5.1 - Having an institution that manages and implements school feeding with a strong inter-sector coordination (Lao PDR) 5.2 - Designing procuring and logistics arrangements (Brazil, Indonesia, Cambodia/Tanzania) 5.3 - Adapting M&E to existing systems (Kenya) 5.1 - Using school gardens mostly for educational purposes 6. Involving communities 6.1 - Using community-led planning tools (Ethiopia) 6.1 - Lack of involvement negatively affects ownership of the programme (Afghanistan)

7 CASE STUDIES vs. QUALITY STANDARDS QUALITY STANDARDS FOR PROGRAMME DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION COUNTRYRATIONALE Sound alignment with the national policy framework Lao PDR A strong presence in the policy framework Stable funding and budgetingEl Salvador Interim funding solutions for handover Evidence-based programme design Afghanistan Piloting different food baskets Pakistan Tackling gender inequalities Uganda Providing a comprehensive package Strong institutional and implementation arrangements Brazil A strong network of partners Kenya Local procurement to facilitate handover Strong partnerships and inter-sector coordination Malawi Partnering to improve food basket, deworming and local procurement Strong community participation and ownership (teachers, parents, children) Ethiopia Involving communities through CHILD


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