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Vocabulary Practice The child __________ his parents in many ways. a) anonymousanonymous b) charismaticcharismatic c) sleuthingsleuthing d) mimicsmimics.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Practice The child __________ his parents in many ways. a) anonymousanonymous b) charismaticcharismatic c) sleuthingsleuthing d) mimicsmimics."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary Practice

3 The child __________ his parents in many ways. a) anonymousanonymous b) charismaticcharismatic c) sleuthingsleuthing d) mimicsmimics

4 mimics – verb - to imitate someone or something

5 c

6 The local TV station is _______ the Walk-A-Thon for Special Olympics. a) significancesignificance b) despondentlydespondently c) sponsoringsponsoring d) anonymousanonymous

7 sponsoring – adjective - when an organization plans or pays for an activity

8 The fictional character, Sherlock Holmes, is famous for his ________ skills. a) charismaticcharismatic b) sleuthingsleuthing c) mimicsmimics d) arrayarray

9 sleuthing – adjective - someone who is investigating

10 Tim saw it clearly when put in that light, and shook his head _________. a) arrayarray b) significancesignificance c) despondently) despondently d) sponsoring

11 despondently – adverb - to express extreme discouragement

12 The student who ran for president of the 6th grade is a __________ person. a) sponsoringsponsoring b) anonymousanonymous c) charismaticcharismatic d) sleuthingsleuthing

13 charismatic – adjective - someone who has the personality of a leader

14 At the trade show we saw a dazzling _______ of new tech gadgets. a) mimicsmimics b) arrayarray c) significancesignificance d) despondentlydespondently

15 array – noun -a large number or group

16 July 4, 1776 is a date of great ________ for the American people. a) sleuthingsleuthing b) mimicsmimics c) arrayarray d) significancesignificance

17 significance – noun - something that is of importance

18 The crime was reported by an __________ caller. a) despondentlydespondently b) sponsoringsponsoring c) anonymousanonymous d) charismaticcharismatic

19 anonymous – adjective - an unidentified person


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