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Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King. INTRODUCTION TO CAMBODIA Royal Arms National Flag King Norodom Sihakmony Royal Palace.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King. INTRODUCTION TO CAMBODIA Royal Arms National Flag King Norodom Sihakmony Royal Palace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King

2 INTRODUCTION TO CAMBODIA Royal Arms National Flag King Norodom Sihakmony Royal Palace

3 Preah Vehear Angkor Wat Angkor Thom Bokor Mountain

4  Land area : 181,035 km 2  Population : 15,270,000 © 2010 NSDP  Population Growth rate : 2.49 %  Density of Population : 64 per km 2  Life Expectancy : Male (56), Female (58)  GDP ( US$ ) : 1,008 (By World Bank)  Literacy rate 2007 (Ages15 and above) : 67.3 %  Vocational Inst. (Public & Private) : 112,217 (Students) (By National Institute of Statistics, 2011)  Religion :. Buddhism : 85%. Muslim : 5%. Preah Neang Kong Si Em : 5%. Christian : 3%. Other : 2% INTRODUCTION TO CAMBODIA

5 2001200520102012 Agriculture 36%33%37%35% Industry 24%26%21%24% Services 40%41%42%41% Total100% Source: Cambodia Macroeconomic, Ministry of Economy and Finance (2013).

6 Department of Child Labour Department of Occupational Health NTB MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING

7 The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training ( MLVT ) has mandated by the Royal Government of Cambodia to lead and manage all activities related to the field of Labour and Vocational Training in all over the Country that has the roles and responsibilities as follow : ROLES OF MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING

8  Apply the labour law in the goal of upgrading the Hygiene, Health, Security and Work conditions in all Enterprises.  Organize the labour inspection services in all Enterprises following the commitment of labour Administration scheme.  Follow up the application of labour law and concerned legislations related to Labour Standards, Labour conditions, Labour safety and the prevention of health risk for employees.  Coordinate the relation between the labour’ Unions and employers’ Representatives in all Enterprises.  Resolve the Labour disputes by the procedure of bargaining depends on the law and legislation.  Study and establish the National policy on employment and find out the needs of Labour market, the numbers of unemployment in over the country.  Manage the use of Cambodia and foreign manpower.  Organize the Social security for workers and manage the social security fund.

9  Develop the National Employment policy in according with the Vocational Training, skill development in the objective to help the needy people to find job and help the industries find the qualified manpower.  Organize and manage the Vocational Training in accordance with the Labour market needs.  Cooperate and coordinate with ADB and Government to Develop Vocational Training field.  Cooperate with training providers and industrial experts to develop the national system of Competency Standards, Competency Assessment, Accreditation and Certification.  Cooperate with the Ministry of Women Affairs in the purpose to develop the skill of the delinquencies and gender and development.  Organize and Manage the apprenticeship.  Organize and Manage the national skill competition.

10 ROLES OF DNCS (Dept. of National Competency Standards)  Develop the National Qualification Framework  Develop Skills Standards  Conduct testing Skills Standards  Evaluate the effectiveness of all training  Validate Skills Standards against international benchmarks where appropriate  Validate Skills Standards with Sector Councils  Develop curriculum to support Standards links with curriculum developers of National Technical Training Institute  Involve in Sector Council development and support  Take part in the development of National Association of Training Providers.  Involve in the national, ASEAN and world skills competitions

11 Prepare the national policies and strategies on competency assessment for assessing the workers, graduates, and others. Prepare technical groups for developing the competency assessment packages and other documents related to assessment works. Create criteria for accrediting the assessment centers Create criteria for accrediting the competency assessors. Conduct Meeting, Workshops, and Training course on the National System of Competency Standards, Assessment, Accreditation and Certification. Conduct the Assessors’ Training Courses

12 Prepare documents and submit them for approval for using the assessment centers for each skill defined. Develop the competency assessment packages Conduct the process of competency assessment to assess the competence of workers, graduates and others. Organize and Manage the National, ASEAN and World Skills Competitions. Cooperate and coordinate with other related institutions (Training providers and industrial experts) for developing, updating, recommending, approving the assessment instruments.


14 Schooling Year General Education System (MoEYS) Higher Education System (MoEYS + ACC) TVET System (MLVT+NTB) NQF LevelName 21 Doctoral8 20 19 18 Master7Master of Technology/ Business 17 16 Bachelor6Bachelor of Technology/ Engineering/ Business 15 14 Associate5Higher Diploma 13 12 Upper Secondary School Certificate 4TVET Certificate III 11 3TVET Certificate II 10 2TVET Certificate I 09 Lower Secondary School Certificate 1Vocational Training Certificate 08 07 01 – 06 Primary School EDUCATION and TVET SYSTEM IN CAMBODIA

15  CQF comprises 8 levels was completed, and approved by NTB on the 28 th March, 2014.

16 To be used by TVET Institutions -Course/ Program Development - Accreditation -Delivery -Assessment Competency Standard Knowledge Skills Attitude Performance Criteria -Competency- Based Curriculum -Competency Learning Package -Competency Assessment Package To be reviewed and endorsed by Industry Advisory Group (IAG) To be approved by the National Training Board (NTB) CQF All graduates are to take Competency Assessment To be certified by the MoLVT based on set National Quality Framework Quality TVET Graduates/ Competent Skilled Workers QUALITY ASSURANCE STRATEGY


18 Qualifications Enrolment MaleFemaleTotal Bachelor+Upper1,5234581,981 Diplomalevel2,4668423,308 Certificate I, II,III404342746 Source: Director General of TVET


20 No.Description 2004-20052009-2010 TotalFemaleTotalFemale 1Bachelor + Upper1,0412121,981458 2Diploma Level1,2374163,308842 3Certificate I, II, III59451746342 4Short-courses Training25,02211,641114,14256,882 Grand Total 27,89412,320120,17758,524

21 Level of EducationPercentage None or some education42 Primary school completed14 Lower secondary education16 Upper secondary education and higher education non completed 19 Higher Education completed9 Source: Ministry of oEYS 2010

22 CS Development Process Identification of priority job positions (Employers & Senior Managers of Industry) Formulation of competency profiles for priority job positions (by Expert Workers) Validation of competency profiles for priority job positions (by Expert Workers) Development of Competency Standards (TWG, PCU & IC) Endorsement of CS by IAG (Employers & Senior Managers of Industry) Approval of CS by NTB (Sub-Committee of NTB+NTB) Validation of Competency Standards (Expert Workers) REVISEREVISE Sources: Competency Standards (CS) of Sri Lanka Philippines, Australia, Ethiopia, RMCS Start CS & CBC Implementation Source: NCS Development Strategy, STVET, DNCS, DGTVET.

23 Functional Analysis & Job Analysis (Using DACUM Approach ) Workshop Competency Standards (CS) Development Workshop Competency-Based Learning Package Development Workshop Competency-Based Curriculum Development Workshop Competency Profile Validation Feedback FLOWCHART OF COMPETENCY PROFILE, COMPETENCY STANDARDS, COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM, LEARNING PACKAGES AND COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT PACKAGE DESIGN PROCESS CAP Validation Competency Assessment Package (CAP) Development Workshop C S Validation IAG C S Review and Endorsement NTB CS Promulgation Source: NCS Development Strategy, STVET, DNCS, DGTVET.

24 24

25 1. Teacher/trainer competencies are limited. 2. Inability to attract in sufficient numbers those who need skills training the most-unemployed, under-employed, disadvantaged and drop-outs 3. Inadequate Qualified TVET Personnel, 4. Weak Leadership & Management 5. Poor Communication & Marketing, 6. Inadequate & Inappropriate Teaching/Learning Materials, Equipment & Environment, 7. Inequitable Access, 8. Limited Public Private Partnership. 9. Some TVET curriculum are not matched industrial needs

26 1.Social Factor.population growth,. social perception of TVET,.job market & employment trends,.natural calamities/disasters. 2.Economic Growth, 3.Legal & Regulatory Framework, 4.Rapid Technological Development, 5.Globalization.

27 1. Macro Policy Policy 1 : Poverty Reduction Policy 2 : Decentralization Policy 3 : Supporting Enterprise Growth with a Skilled Workforce 2. Development Policy to Support the Macro Policy ◦ Policy 4 : Out of School Youth ◦ Policy 5 : Self-employment ◦ Policy 6 : Micro Credit Access ◦ Policy 7 : Small Enterprise Support ◦ Policy 8 : Community & Enterprise ◦ Based Training (outreach)

28 3. Enabling Policy to sustain the demand driven TVET system ◦ Policy 9 : PPP-Beneficiary Financing TVET ◦ Policy 10 : PPP-Enterprise Involvement in TVET ◦ Policy 11 : PPP-Expanding the provision of TVET ◦ Policy 12 : Assuring Quality of TVET ◦ provision ◦ Policy 13 : Quality of TVET Leadership, ◦ Management & Coordination, ◦ Policy 14 : Labor Market Information, ◦ Policy 15 : Skills Competency Standard.

29  Formulating comprehensive TVET Policy and Regulatory Framework  Equitable access, and Improving skills competencies  Improving Quality Assurance and Accreditation  Creating jobs in rural areas to i ncrease agricultural productivity  Creating jobs in formal and non-formal sectors  Ensuring continued improvement in national productivity  Increasing family generating income.

30 Construction Mechanics ( Automotive) ICT & Business Service 1. Mason 1. Automotive Servicing Mechanic 1. Computer Technician 2. Rough Carpenter2. Automotive Electrician 2.PC Operator/ Encoder 3. Finishing Carpenter 3. Auto Air Conditioning Mechanic 3. Visual Graphic Designer 4. Steel Man/ Rebar Man 4. Motorcycle and Small Engine Mechanic 4. Customer Service Specialist 5. Plumber5. Auto body Painter5. HR Specialist 6. Electrician6. Auto body Repairer6. Administrative Assistant 7. Structural Welder7.Machinist (for auto parts) 7. Accounting Assistant Competency Standards, Competency-based Curriculum, learning packages and assessment tools for 11 job positions across two levels to be completed by end of 2012

31  Get knowledge and experience from the training course to develop competency-based assessment  Know how to use assessment in the technical vocational education and training  Know how to make relationship between public sectors and private sectors  Know how the training providing matches industrial needs  Improve knowledge in the areas covered and their interested field, as well as deepen mutual understanding not only the participants of the program but also between the countries.  SEAMEO VOCTECH are ongoing to train and develop the human resource in our country VISIONS AND EXPECTATIONS

32 Thank You TERIMA KASIH Or Kun

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