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1 CMPT 275 High Level Design Phase Architecture. Janice Regan, 2008 2 Objectives of Design  The design phase takes the results of the requirements analysis.

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1 1 CMPT 275 High Level Design Phase Architecture

2 Janice Regan, 2008 2 Objectives of Design  The design phase takes the results of the requirements analysis phase and evolves these results further  Use cases and use case diagrams  Context diagram, requirements, class diagrams, state diagrams …  The results of the design phase feeds directly into the implementation phase  Requirements analysis → WHAT the system must do  Next Goal: determine HOW the software system is to accomplish what it must do

3 Janice Regan, 2008 3 Map of design phase DESIGN HIGH LEVEL DESIGN Modularization User Interface Module Interfaces Data Persistance Subsystem User Manual architecture LOW LEVEL DESIGN Classes Class Interfaces Interaction Diagrams Implementation System design or object design or

4 Janice Regan, 2008 4 System design activities Analysis System design Object design Functional requirements Non Functional requirements Analysis object model Analysis dynamic model Design goals Subsystem decomposition

5 Janice Regan, 2008 5 Objectives of system design  Transforms analysis model (from requirements analysis) into a system design model  System decomposition  Identify design goals (choose aspects of the system to be optimized)  Develop and refine a subsystem decomposition that satisfies the maximum number of design goals and or the most critical design goals  Identify, model system architecture

6 Janice Regan, 2008 6 Some Architectural Styles  Data Flow (Pipes and Filters)  Follow the flow of data through the system  Call and Return  Single thread of control as a main program calling subprograms then returning when done  Repository (data-centered)  One or more modularized subsystems that interact only with a central data repository  Services divided into layers, communication between adjacent layers.

7 Janice Regan, 2008 7 Some Architectural Styles  Client-server  One or more servers with different purposes, which can be used by a group of clients that need their services. Usually connected by a network.  Layered  Services divided into layers, communication between adjacent layers.  Model / View / Controller  Model captures an application specific model  An independent controller sequences operations

8 Janice Regan, 2008 8 Pipes and filters: Simplest case  Batch sequential  Pipe (line with arrow) represents a data flow in the direction of the arrow  Each filter (oval) represents some kind of manipulation of the data  The output of one filter is used as the input of the next filter  Commonly used model in the UNIX operating system

9 Janice Regan, 2008 9 Pipes and filters  Can deal with more complex systems that have multiple paths through them

10 Janice Regan, 2008 10 Pipes and filters: advantages  Can evolve easily by adding new filters  Simple to implement and maintain, Can reuse filters  Intuitive, think of a task in terms of steps  Well suited to systems that apply transformations to a stream of data

11 Janice Regan, 2008 11 Pipes and filters: limitations  Needs a common format for data transfer  If formats of output/input of filters vary only some filters can be paired  Filters in a system must agree on a common data format, individual filters must then translate that format into what they need internally (can be inefficient)  e. g. UNIX uses character strings

12 Janice Regan, 2008 12 Pipes and filters: Invoice processing Payments Receipts Invoices Reminders From figure 11.6 Sommerville 2004 Read invoices Identify Payments Issue Receipts Issue Payment Reminder Find Payments Due

13 Janice Regan, 2008 13 Call and Return  Hierarchical transfer of control between processes  Control passes from the calling process to the called, then when the called process is complete, back to the called process main

14 Janice Regan, 2008 14 Repository Architecture  All subsystems interact only with a central data repository  Subsystems will themselves be modularized  A cohesive group of modules are often grouped into a subsystem  An efficient way to store large quantities of data  No need to transmit data directly between subsystems  Data used by a subsystem always from the repository  Data produced by a subsystem stored in the repository

15 Janice Regan, 2008 15 Repository Architecture  Data is stored with one format  Format must be common to all modules. This enforces compromises on the form of the data which may effect efficiency of some modules  Can be difficult to change (evolve) the format of the data  Some activities are centralized with the repository and must be consistent for all subsystems  Access control, Security, Backup

16 Janice Regan, 2008 16 Repository Project Repository Subsystem 1Subsystem 4 Subsystem 2 Subsystem3 Subsystem 5

17 Janice Regan, 2008 17 Repository architecture  If the repository is a passive object, it only interacts with subsystems when the subsystems request it  However, the repository may be an active object that can request actions from the other subsystems in the system.  When the repository initiates actions of the other subsystems then the architectural style is know as a blackboard system.

18 Janice Regan, 2008 18 Example Repository: CASE Tools Project Repository Design Editor Code Generator Design Translator Design Analyser Program editor Report Generator From figure 11.2 Sommerville 2004 CASE: Computer Aided Software Engineering

19 Janice Regan, 2008 19 Client Server Architecture  A set of one or more servers provide services to other subsystems  Print server  File server  Data base server  A set of clients (often client is a subsystem) use the services provided by the servers.  Concurrent operation of more than one client is possible  The clients and servers are connected by a network (optional can all exist on one host but usually are distributed between several hosts)

20 Janice Regan, 2008 20 Client-server NETWORK (or IPC on one host) Client subsystem 1 Client subsystem 2 Client subsystem 3 Server subsystem 2Server subsystem 1

21 Janice Regan, 2008 21 Client-server Internet Client subsystem 1 Client subsystem 2 Client subsystem 3 Video server Film Clip Files Catalogue server Library Catalogue Web server Film and photo info Picture server Digitized Photos From figure 11.3 Sommerville 2004

22 Janice Regan, 2008 22 Client-server Game Client Game Server Internet

23 Janice Regan, 2008 23 Advantages/Disadvantages  Well suited for systems that manage large amounts of data. (distributed or multiprocess)  Can be generalized to a peer-peer architectural style where each subsystem can both provide and request services  Can be seen as a special case of the repository where the central data store is managed by a process  Gives more flexibility, subsystems can different access control, security, backup as controlled by managing process

24 Janice Regan, 2008 24 Layered Architecture  Subsystems are seen as layers  Layers can be independently developed, updated, replaced, subdivided.  Each layer implements a set of services not offered by other layers  In a closed layered architecture there is no communication between layers that are not adjacent. So only adjacent layers are effected if the inter subsystem interface changes

25 Janice Regan, 2008 25 Closed Layered Model Layer 4 t Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 X NO communications between non-adjacent layers

26 Janice Regan, 2008 26 Open Layered Model Layer 4 t Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 A layer can communicate with any layer below it

27 Janice Regan, 2008 27 The OSI Layers: Layered Model Expanded from Figure 1.10 Stallings (2000) Ethernet TCP/IP CORBA

28 Janice Regan, 2008 28 Multi Tier Layer 4 Presentation client Layer 3 Presentation server Layer 2 Applications Logic Layer 1 Storage Form Browser Connection query

29 Janice Regan, 2008 29 Model/View/Controller  Model: maintains all domain knowledge  Controller, manages sequence of interaction with the user  View: Display model to user Controller Model View initiator repository Subscriber * 1 Notifier

30 Janice Regan, 2008 30 Example

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