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By Lenna, Oliver and Lee. Contents! What is Bio-energy? How does it work? Advantages Disadvantages Future Quiz-Have you been listening carefully? Question.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lenna, Oliver and Lee. Contents! What is Bio-energy? How does it work? Advantages Disadvantages Future Quiz-Have you been listening carefully? Question."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lenna, Oliver and Lee

2 Contents! What is Bio-energy? How does it work? Advantages Disadvantages Future Quiz-Have you been listening carefully? Question time

3 What is bio- energy? Bio-energy is a plant and animal matter such as wood, straw, sewage and waste food! We burn these natural materials to produce heat and electricity! The earths Bio-mass is a huge store of energy which is continually renamed by the sun through photosynthesis. The power we produce from biomass is called bio energy!

4 How does it work! We can get bio-fuel [Oil] from plants called oilseed rape! Some bio-fuels are made from food crops like corn,grain and sugar cane can be processed into ethanol. Bio-fuel is once-living material that has been dead for millions of years! Oilseed rape is a yellow plant squished to get the oil out of the flower!

5 Examples and Pictures!

6 Advantages! The fuel is cheap! It helps get rid of waste, which can cause smells and pollution! It is not using up limited resources like coal: biomass can not run out!

7 Disadvantages! Burning the fuel creates carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. However, if you grow crops that absorb the same amount of carbon dioxide from the air that is created by burning them, the effect on the environment is less harmful. Collecting waste in big enough amount to generate energy can be difficult. If trees aren't groan especially for, fuel, and re-planted, the result is deforestation.

8 Future! In the future if there is no bio- fuel, then there will be no power to power anything!

9 Quiz time! Have you been listening! Fill in the blanks! What source do plants collect? A. The moon B. The sun C. The rain What makes biomass? A. Oil and water B. Animals slurry and plants C. Rice and wood

10 second part of quiz Is this fuel... A. Cheap B. Reasonably priced C. Expensive Burning fuel creates.... A. Air B. Carbon dioxide C. Smoke

11 If you have any questions please feel free to ask now!

12 Thanks for listening! Bye!

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