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Providing Customer Care through Multiple Channels and Platforms (Without hiring an army)

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1 Providing Customer Care through Multiple Channels and Platforms (Without hiring an army)

2 Today’s session brought to you by Matt Price Nils Rebehn

3 … and 100 million support enquiries

4 How do you compare? Best in ClassEntertainmentAll Industries Forum Views205,00098451506 Tickets/Month124,0001560630 Satisfaction81.7%76.9%86.3%

5 Rovio (Angry Birds) on Support Leadership “Consistent way of gathering insights of issue volumes and types in different areas to better understand the needs of our customers and feed customer feedback to the rest of the organization” -- Saara Bergstrom, Rovio

6 Improving Support Reduce Tickets (Ticket Deflection) Speed Response (Agent Productivity) Improve Quality (Customer Sat.)

7 Sulake (Habbo Hotel) on Deflection “Provide self-help information/articles: Before end-user contacts Customer Service, we need to provide self-help articles/FAQs where a user can find relevant information. If a user finds help immediately without the need to contact Customer Service, everyone wins.” -- Mika Rantala, Sulake

8 Deflection Benchmarks Best in ClassEntertainmentAll Industries Forum Views205,00098452615 Views/Tickets8.046.313.56 Searches89091303 Search CTR16.3%17.9%29.8%

9 Rockstar on Deflection “Post articles as soon as issues arise and ask people to log in and subscribe to be automatically emailed as soon as there are updates. Then update frequently. This prevents repeat follow-ups that use up time that should be spent fixing the problem.” -- Justin Scott, Rockstar


11 Better Deflection Allow customers to self serve with FAQ and KnowledgeBase Use data to understand  ticket data/knowledge  forum analytics  search analytics


13 Better Deflection Refresh content  based on analytic feedback  quickly based on bugs, etc. Refer to KnowledgeBase articles in ticket response Structure by brand and language.

14 Nekki on Contact “A support contact with a customer is an opportunity, not a problem. It is an opportunity to further engage a customer, to leave a lasting positive impression about our company and our products, and even to deepen the relationship through engagement in other products or services” -- Dimitry, Nekki

15 Productivity Benchmarks Best in ClassEntertainmentAll Industries Tickets/Month125,0001560530 Tickets/Agent2,802530167

16 Better Productivity All tickets in one place: email, web/mobile, facebook, twitter, chat, voice Arrange your agents by skills Automate with processes and macros Processes for handling multiple tickets Setup for multi language



19 IsCool on Team Productivity “Use an escalation system: ticket goes to agent > if agent cannot respond to ticket or ticket identifies a problem that needs to be fedback to our team, agent forwards ticket to 'super' agent > who either responds to previous agent or forwards this ticket onto the developer team.” -- Jenni Pogmore, IsCool

20 Quality Benchmarks Best in ClassEntertainmentAll Industries Satisfaction81.7%76.9%86.3% First Response11.7 hrs58.9 hrs32.8 hrs 1 Touch Tix95%90%85%

21 Advice on Quality Respond quickly to social channels Implement satisfaction surveys and put processes in on results Review agent performance and backlog


23 Rockstar on Satisfaction “Read satisfaction feedback: Seeing satisfaction data is useful, but there is no substitute for reading the comments that people write about the service they received. Learn what prompted people to write nice things, and what people wrote who rated the service as less than satisfactory.” -- Justin Scott, Rockstar

24 Questions? Get in touch:

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