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The Excretory System Aaron Wong.

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1 The Excretory System Aaron Wong

2 What does it do? Every cell produces metabolic wastes such as: Salt
Carbon dioxide Urea (toxic compound produced when making energy) The excretory system’s job is to remove these useless and harmful wastes from the body.

3 The Organs The main organs of the excretory system are:
Kidneys SKIN Lungs skin covers and protects your body lungs located in chest and protected by ribcage kidneys found on either side of backbone and about the size of a fist

4 Kidneys Structure Made of Inner (renal medulla) and outer (renal cortex) The functional units of the kidney are nephrons Each nephron has its own blood supply through the use of 4 parts. Ateriole :: Where the blood enters Capillaries :: Filtration Collecting duct :: Waste from blood ends up here which leads to ureter Venule :: Where the purified blood exits

5 Blood Purification It is broken into three processes: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. Filtration :: Blood enters nephron and flows into the glomerulus, a small network of capillaries is held in the upper end of the nephron by Bowman’s capsules :: Because the blood is under pressure and the capillaries are permeable fluid flows into Bowman’s capsule :: The filtrate (filtered materials) contains water, urea, glucose, salts, amino acids, and some vitamins

6 Blood Purification Reabsorption
Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion animation Reabsorption :: Most material removed from the blood goes back into the blood through reabsorption :: The nutrients are taken out of the filtrate with active transport and then put back in the blood Secretion :: The cells of the tubules remove certain molecules and ions from the blood and deposite these into the fluid within the tubules. : Tubular secretion of H+- is important in maintaining control of the pH of the blood..

7 Urinary system Urine is the material that remains after reabsorption
It is concentrated in the loop of Henle where water is conserved and the volume of urine minimized Urine is collected in the urinary bladder while purified blood goes back into normal circulation Urine is released through the urethra tube

8 The Kidneys and Homeostasis
:: The kidneys regulate water content in the blood, which controls blood volume, pH, and waste in the blood. :: How do they do it? Liquid that you consume goes into the blood This increased concentration should force water into cells, swelling your body However the kidneys control this by lowering the rate of reabsorption of water As for salt, the more you eat, the less that is returned to the blood

9 Skin and Lungs Skin excretes waste products from
the body through perspiration This includes water, salt, and a small amount of urea and other toxic substances The lungs excrete carbon dioxide during respiration CO2 is produced when energy is taken from food Simple breathing animation >>>>>>> Blue: oxygen, purple: CO2

10 When something goes wrong…
The major disease to the excretory system is kidney disease This can lead to kidney failure, and the inability to remove waste products Many kidney problems can be treated by dialysis, where a machine acts as a kidney. However, it is very expensive and time consuming. Kidney transplants are an alternative to dialysis. Dialysis Animation :: Medical science is working on developing an artificial kidney transplant for the future!

11 A Healthy Excretory System
As with all of your body systems eating well promotes a healthy excretory system, especially getting enough dietary fiber Diabetic kidney disease can be prevented by keeping blood sugar in your target range For more information visit: (kidney disease) (detailed explanation of reabsorption) (overview)

12 Bibliography (slide 6, “Secretion”) (slide 9) (slide 10, “Skin”) (slide 11)

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