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Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel. Output from AGORA and further Activities linked with WCC 2010 (KCKS) WITFOR Commission EDUCATION Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel. Output from AGORA and further Activities linked with WCC 2010 (KCKS) WITFOR Commission EDUCATION Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

2 Output from AGORA and further Activities linked with WCC 2010 (KCKS) WITFOR Commission EDUCATION Thursday 27 of August 2009 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

3 IFIP AGORA Initiative on Lifelong Learning : in 2009 project ANDIL

4 Output in matter of Concepts and Methods Three models issued from AGORA were already presented to previous GA’07 and GA’08 : A: Learning organisations Seoul Model 2.0 B: Learning environments Addis Ababa Model 2.0 C: Studio - Ateliers Methodology Krakow Model 2.0 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

5 Output concerning Studios - Ateliers Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel



8 Developing the AGORA Road Map 9 th WCCE July 27 th – 31 st, 2009 Bento Gonçalves, Brazil Studios and Atelier Results from the AGORA Workshop on WCCE 2009 Sindre Røsvik Johannes Magenheim Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

9 2009 AGORA “STUDIOS - ATELIER” Community Learning Centres in Australia Elisabeth Stacey: Ruth Geer Community Multimedia Centre Facilitating Learning (Radio, Computer, Meeting Centre) in Uruguay Gunther Cyranek : Town WIKIS in Germany Christine Bescherer Christian Spanagel Community Multimedia Centre Facilitating Learning Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

10 AGORA STUDIOS - ATELIER Create a new school library and establish a new role for the school librarians Ana Carvalho (PT) MELKORKA – Merging learning activities and ICT in a situated subject teaching – developing schools to be learning organisations Anna Kristjansdottir (IS) Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

11 AGORA STUDIOS - ATELIER DigilessionsVO ( secondary education) 30 teachers are in professional development aiming at arranging digital learning materials for their students Bert Zwanefeld (NL)  “Open classrooms” in English around the world improving teaching – making different people live together and to include all in discussions. Maximira André (Brazil) Skype maximira Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

12 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

13 an AGORA Studio: The « cyber-facilitator » for sustainable education (the «teacher» for tomorrow: key competencies) Prof. Bernard CORNU France IFIP TC3 Chair Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

14 still AGORA work to achieve in 2009 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel run AGORA Krakow Semminar in October 2009 elaborate the final UNESCO ANDIL report 08-09

15 further AGORA Studios linked with WCC 2010 (KCKS) Why not to open NOW Ateliers and Studios on A: KCKS (key competencies for the Knowledge Society) B: e-inclusion / e-participation C: How to promote LLL in a non LLL education system ? D: Criteria for a sustainable education E: The «cyber-facilitator» for sustainable education F: …. etc…. Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel

16 AGORA 2010 proposals from the Agora team Event 1 Spring 2010 Sofia connected to the Board meeting following the New Delhi model before the Board - why not 1-3 of March Event 2 In combinaison with the wg 3.1, wg 3.3, wg 3.5, wg 3.8 and sig 3.9 during Amiens conference in June-July 2010 Event 3 Brisbane In connection with WCC 2010 as part of WCC'2010 with KCKS

17 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel Already at Pohang (Council 2005), when establishing the Task Force for the New IFIP Strategy, some basic ideas were present to: Promote transversal activities Leave the «silos syndrom» Open more on the outside work Get more visible and share the excellent work of each The IFIP AGORA initiative on Lifelong Learning was started not as a project, neither as a TC3 action but as an example of an approach suitable for other IFIP transversal activities IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

18 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel SOME observations : Ifip is able to collaborate with a great number and a diversity of bodies ==> activities (in their field) of TCs and WGs increasing external bodies cf reports ILC 26.12.08 After more than 2 years, it appears that the IFIP AGORA initiative on Lifelong Learning is quite successful, leading to several fruitful meetings and enabling transverse cooperation between Working Groups and Technical Committees in IFIP, and with other external partners and organizations. Having transverse activities, leading to co-operation between several TCs, is a good way for reinforcing the reflection and activities of IFIP, and for addressing the new questions of the Information society. IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

19 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel According to the new IFIP strategy, we (after a deep reflexion during the last TC3 executive meeting in Poitiers, December 2008) suggest that the name IFIP AGORA Initiative is kept as a generic term for transverse IFIP reflections and actions. For instance, there could be new transverse activities such as: The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Security The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Digital Solidarity / Developing Countries The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Governance / Ethics / Code of Conduct The IFIP AGORA Initiative on Sustainable Development On each domain above we could suggest for example to have at least 3 to 4 TC/WG different with 1-2 external bodies preparing an activity (panels, workshops,etc.) to be included inside WCC’2010. IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

20 Item 8.2 IFIP GA 30-31 August 09 Raymond Morel After WITFOR 2009 it is more and more evident that ICT in the real World is NOT organised in technical committees working vertically as a serie of silos IFIP should become gradually a LEARNING ORGANISATION able to collaborate not only with Some External Bodies (NGO, MS, Private sector, Agencies, etc) but also in between the different parts of its structure i.e. at least TCs and WGs There is a great opportunity to use WCC'2010 to promote strongly this spirit (need of empowerment from EC) IFIP AGORA InitiativeS

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