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CAWD employer event October 2012

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Presentation on theme: "CAWD employer event October 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 CAWD employer event October 2012

2 Welcome Introductions Domestics Format for the afternoon - a short presentation, 2 workshops, facilitated group discussion Coffee break after 1 st workshop

3 A partnership of social care employers and other interested stakeholders working together to support and improve workforce development in York and North Yorkshire Set up in 2009 with funding from Skills for Care, then the Joint Improvement Partnership

4 CAWD partners Avalon, City of York Council (WDU), Craven College (tyro), Human Support Group Reable, Job Centre Plus, Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, Independent Care Group, North Yorkshire County Council (HAS), Hull University (Scarborough), Selby College, Skills for Care, Wilf Ward Family Trust, Vida Healthcare, Your Consortium Ltd

5 What are CAWD’s aims? To develop an effective and sustainable partnership which has the knowledge, skills and expertise to help develop the adult social care workforce To influence decisions and developments in social care sub regionally, focusing on the vital place of workforce development in the provision of effective services to citizens To gather, use and share workforce intelligence, developing a close working relationship with the Adult Integrated Care Workforce Boards and other partnerships or strategy groups To work in partnership to agree and meet shared workforce outcomes by developing and supporting initiatives and coordinating resources, including funding To act as a conduit between key strategy groups and employers To search for and promote best practice that includes the participation or engagement of service users and carers

6 What does CAWD do? Provide information and resources through the website, events, promotions, bursaries, supported training opportunities, free e-learning Promote social care as a career (Care Ambassadors, close links with Job Centre Plus, Schools, Colleges) to support recruitment Write funding bids to bring in additional funds to sub region Engage with employers to listen and find out what they need, then respond

7 CAWD’s new website! Re-designed and re-launched this week Hopes to be: useful and relevant, easier to use and navigate, up to date On ‘facebook’ – so we can quickly alert you to news, opportunities or changes… Visit - – and check it out!

8 Homepage

9 Learning and Development page

10 Resources page

11 Funding page


13 So back to why we’re here today…. We all want quality care and support for citizens in York and North Yorkshire Crucial to providing that quality is our social care workforce - are they competent, skilled, capable? Are they there? Difficult and challenging times ahead We hope this afternoon will support you in developing your workforce

14 Workshops Workforce Planning / Funding (this room) Recruiting, retaining and rewarding staff (breakout room) 45 minutes each workshop, coffee break in between, then return to this room

15 Group discussion Really want to hear your thoughts about what you as employers want and need in terms of developing your workforce Introduce CYC and NYCC who will facilitate this session

16 Final thoughts and close…. Thank you for attending Please complete the evaluation forms Safe journey home….

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