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How to Plan a Program Beth Bailey, Assistant Director/Programs and Megan Canfield, Graduate Advisor – Union Program Council September 14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Plan a Program Beth Bailey, Assistant Director/Programs and Megan Canfield, Graduate Advisor – Union Program Council September 14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Plan a Program Beth Bailey, Assistant Director/Programs and Megan Canfield, Graduate Advisor – Union Program Council September 14, 2011

2 Have Fun with Your Programs!

3 Establish program concept/idea  What/who do you want to book?  What groups/departments on campus should be involved? Co-sponsors?  Does it fit in the budget?  What are you expecting for attendance?  What venue should be used? If the event is outside, get a rain location or date.  What issues might be sensitive?  How can you make this event an “event?”

4 Setting goals  Keep goals  Achievable  Believable  Realistic  Measurable  Prioritized  Attainable  Detailed

5 Establish a timeline  Determine date of event.  Do “backwards programming,” working from the date of event backwards to know when to start planning.  Set dates for:  Reserve the location  Request the contract  Publicize  Order supplies  Day of event details  Follow up

6 Funding  Create a budget, considering contract fee, rider requirements, room, food, hotel, transportation, etc…  Contact SGA for possible funding sources, deadlines, and procedures.  Apply for grants, i.e. Convention and Visitors Bureau, NCAA athletics grant.  Cosponsor with organizations or departments, such as Union Program Council.  Submit request and budget to UPC four weeks in advance.  Explore Diversity Programming Committee funds through Office of Student Activities and Services (OSAS).  Process payment per contract.

7 Reserve a location/equipment and food  To reserve a room at the Union:  Director’s Office532-6591  To reserve food:  Union Catering 532-6068  To reserve a room/space on campus:  Facilities 532-6373  Other important numbers:  OSAS532-6541

8 Request a contract  To research possible entertainment agents, check out the UPC Entertainment Notebook or NACA magazines.  If the event requires a contract, contact the agent and acquire a contract or do a letter of agreement.  Review rider requirements. Can’t provide something? Cross it off.  Follow policy.  Get appropriate signatures.  Contracts should be reviewed and signed by your advisor and student organization president.  Check with OSAS about contract procedures.

9 Publicity  Creatively promote the event.  Posters, handbills, chalking, Facebook, Twitter, newspaper, radio, banners, booth, word of mouth, etc… Get creative!  Promote 2-3 weeks before the event.  Union Copy Center  Utilize local media:  Kansas State Collegian  The Manhattan Mercury  Wildcat 91.9  Go 24/7

10 Order supplies  Determine what supplies you need.  Handouts, giveaways, and prizes.  Look on-line at Oriental Trading, Stumps, 4Imprint, or Forbes Marketing.

11 Week of Event  Confirm space.  Confirm rider requirements/equipment.  Confirm food service.  Schedule volunteers.  Confirm times and tasks.  Have a Plan B ready  Write it down and share it!

12 Day of event  Make sure rider requirements are ready.  Allow plenty of time for set up.  Complete last-minute details.  START ON TIME!  Plug your group!  Get appropriate promotional information for your table, i.e., future meetings’ flyer.  Mention your group when introducing the performer.  Treat performers, volunteers, and staff with respect.  Thank appropriate personnel.

13 After the Event  Thank performer and appropriate people.  Collect audience evaluations.  Be professional and accurate when working with media.  Give appropriate credit.  Represent yourself, your organization, and K-State well.  Clean up the space.

14 Follow up  Pay bills  Analyze budget  Send thank you notes  Complete evaluation  Organize files





19 Thank You! Beth Bailey and Megan Canfield 301 K-State Student Union Manhattan, KS 66506 (785) 532-6571

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