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1 Star Events

2 (Students Taking Action with Recognition)
What are STAR Events? (Students Taking Action with Recognition) Competitive events where members are recognized for proficiency and achievement. Whether in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation.

3 STAR Events offer: Skill development and application of learning through the following activities: Cooperative- teams work to accomplish specific goals Individualized- an individual member works alone to specific goals. Competitive- individual or team performance measured by an established set of criteria.

4 Skill Demonstration Events

5 Consumer Math Challenge
Applied academic math test Participants complete everyday consumer challenges Includes personal finance and consumer education concepts

6 Culinary Chicken Fabrication
Individual event Showcases the best of participants’ knife skills. Participants will safely fabricate a chicken into eight pieces Meeting industry standards and demonstrating proper safety and sanitation procedures.

7 Culinary Food Art Individual event
Showcases the best of participants’ creative and artistic skills in utilizing an assortment of fruits and vegetables Participants will design and create an interesting food art item.

8 Culinary Knife Skills Individual event
Showcases the best of participants’ knife skills. Participants will produce six uniform pieces for each knife cut meeting industry standards and demonstrate proper safety and sanitation procedures.

9 Culinary Math Challenge
Individual event Applied academic math test Allows participants to solve common culinary arts problems using math skills including measurements, fractions, decimals, conversions, yield percents and costs.

10 FCCLA Creed Speaking & Interpretation
Individual event Recognizes first-year members through grade 9 for their ability to recite the FCCLA creed and interpret it within the context of their personal philosophy. Provides an opportunity for members to gain self-confidence in public speaking while learning the values and philosophy expressed by the organization.

11 Impromptu Speaking Individual event
Recognizes participants for their ability to address a topic relating to FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences without prior preparation. Expressing one’s thoughts in an impromptu situation while maintaining poise, self-confidence, logical organization of point, and conversational speaking are important assets in family, career and community situations.

12 Speak out for FCCLA Individual event
Recognizes members for their ability to utilize marketing and public speaking skills to promote Family and Consumer Sciences and FCCLA membership.

13 Toys that Teach Individual event
Recognizes members for their ability to design, build, and demonstrate an original homemade toy which provides learning and play for either an individual child or a small group of children. The toy is to be constructed of common, everyday household items, meet safety guidelines, and be easy to carry and use.

14 STAR Events

15 Career Investigation Individual event
Recognizes participants for their ability to perform self-assessments, research and explore a career, set career goals, create a plan for achieving goals, and describe the relationship of Family and Consumer Sciences coursework to the selected career. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.

16 Entrepreneurship Individual or team event
Recognizes participants who develop a plan for a small business using Family and Consumer Sciences skills and sound business practices. The business must relate to an area of Family and Consumer Sciences education or related occupations. Participants must prepare a portfolio containing a written business plan, which they are not required to have implemented, and an oral presentation.

17 Environmental Ambassador
Individual or team event Recognizes participants who address environmental issues that adversely impact human health and well-being and who actively empower others to get involved. Participants will research one of the five current topics, investigate areas where they can make a difference, develop and carry out a stewardship project for their home, school, or community, and educate others in their school or community about the problems, effects, and solutions regarding the environmental concern.

18 Focus on Children Individual or team event
Recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Science skills to plan and conduct a child development project that has a positive impact on children and the community. Child development encompasses birth through adolescence. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.

19 Illustrated Talk Individual or team event
Recognizes participants who make an oral presentation about issues concerning Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and visuals.

20 Interpersonal Communications
Individual or team event Recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupation skills and apply communication techniques to develop a project designed to strengthen communication in a chosen area. Areas to choose: Community, employment relationships, family, peer groups, or school groups. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and a response to a related case study.

21 Job Interview Individual event
Recognizes participants who use Family and Consumer Sciences and/or related occupations skills to develop a portfolio, participate in an interview, and communicate a personal understanding of job requirements. Participants must prepare a portfolio, including a job application, and express their communication skills and job knowledge through an interview.

22 Leadership Individual event
Recognizes participants who actively evaluate and grow in their leadership potential. Participants use the Student Leadership Challenge and supporting materials to investigate their leadership ability and develop a mentorship relationship to further their leadership development. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.

23 Life Event Planning Individual or team event that recognizes participants who apply skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses to manage the costs of an event. An event is defined here as any upcoming occasion that will bring changes and/or new experiences and accompanying financial challenges.

24 Life Event Planning Cont’d
Examples: Preparing to move into a dormitory room Hosting a party/other celebration Operating a vehicle for one month Taking a school or personal trip Hosting a family reunion Managing costs of attending the prom Paying school expenses for one grade level.

25 Nutrition & Wellness Individual event
Recognizes participants who track food intake and physical activity for themselves, their family, or a community group. Determine goals and strategies for improving their overall health. Participants must prepare a portfolio and an oral presentation.

26 Parliamentary Procedure
Team event Recognizes chapters that develop a working knowledge of parliamentary law and the ability to conduct an FCCLA business meeting. Participants must: Take a Parliamentary Procedure Knowledge Test, Present a demonstration meeting using provided planning materials Prepare minutes of the meeting.

27 Recycle & Redesign Individual event
Recognizes participants who apply recycling and redesign skills learned in Family and Consumer Sciences courses and create a display using a sample of their skills. Participants select a used fashion, home, or other post consumer item to recycle into a new product. Participants will create a brand new product, not simply embellish an old one. Participants may use additional materials if needed to redesign and creatively embellish the new product. At the event site, participants set up their displays and present the results of their projects to evaluators.

28 Advocacy Individual or team event
Recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify a local, state, national or global concern, research the topic, identify a target audience and potential partnerships, form an action plan, and advocate for the issue in an effort to positively affect a policy or law. Participants must prepare a portfolio, an oral presentation, and complete a case study.

29 Chapter Service Project Display and Portfolio
Team event Recognizes chapters that develop and implement an in-depth service project that makes a worthwhile contribution to families, schools, and communities. Students must use Family and Consumer Science content and skills to address and take action on a community need. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.

30 Chapter in Review Display and Portfolio
Team event, recognizes chapters that develop and implement a well-balanced program of work and promote FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences and/ or related occupations and skills to the community. Participants must prepare a display and an oral presentation.

31 National Programs in Action
Individual or team event Recognizes participants who explain how the Planning Process was used to plan and implement a national program project. Participants must prepare a file folder, an oral presentation, and visuals.

32 Promote and Publicize FCCLA
Individual or team event Recognizes participants who develop an FCCLA promotion and publicity campaign to raise awareness and educate the school, parents, and members of the community about the importance of FCCLA and Family and Consumer Sciences education. The goal of this event is to provide FCCLA members with communication experience to make a difference by Increasing membership Developing partnerships Gaining Alumni & Associate involvement Promoting FACS education Gathering school and community support for their chapter Contributing to the longevity of the organization and the relevance of its opportunities for members. Additionally, this event will increase member awareness of careers in communications and public relations.

33 Online Star Events

34 FCCLA Chapter Website Individual or team event
Recognizes participants who use a chapter website to educate, inform, and involve members and the general public about the importance of the family and consumer sciences program and the FCCLA chapter.

35 Digital Stories for Change
Individual or team event Recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to actively identify an issue concerning families, careers, or communities; research the topic; and develop a digital story to advocate for positive change. The topic for 2013–2014 is “Making Healthy Choices,” which may include, but is not limited to topics, units, or activities related to FCCLA programs such as FACTS, Families First, or Student Body.

36 No Kid Hungry National Outreach Project
Individual or team event Recognizes chapters that participate in the “No Kid Hungry” Share our Strength National Outreach Project. Participants will use Family and Consumer Sciences content and skills to address ending childhood hunger through service learning, education/awareness, and fundraising.

37 Virtual Poster Individual event
Recognizes participants who demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and ability to publish a virtual, interactive digital poster using Glogster EDU ( or other interactive poster site. The virtual poster will address an issue related to the national FCCLA program, STOP the Violence (Students Taking on Prevention). The virtual poster will include a video of the participant presenting their project to an audience.

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