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The Opportunity A Cost Effective, and Value Oriented Membership Delivering Essential Home Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Opportunity A Cost Effective, and Value Oriented Membership Delivering Essential Home Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Opportunity A Cost Effective, and Value Oriented Membership Delivering Essential Home Services

2 A Perspective On Trades You may have heard the little story about the Doctor who calls a plumber out to his house to fix his plumbing. You may have heard the little story about the Doctor who calls a plumber out to his house to fix his plumbing. The plumber gets under the sink and works at it about 10 minutes, and then gets up, presents it to the Doctor as “good to go” and hands him a bill for $ 150. The plumber gets under the sink and works at it about 10 minutes, and then gets up, presents it to the Doctor as “good to go” and hands him a bill for $ 150.

3 A Perspective On Trades The Doctor looks at the bill and then looks at the plumber and says: “Hey you’ll be out of here in less than 15 minutes altogether – at this rate I’m paying you $ 600. an hour. The Doctor looks at the bill and then looks at the plumber and says: “Hey you’ll be out of here in less than 15 minutes altogether – at this rate I’m paying you $ 600. an hour. I’m a doctor and I don’t even make that kind of money”. To which the plumber replies: “I know, I used to be a doctor!” I’m a doctor and I don’t even make that kind of money”. To which the plumber replies: “I know, I used to be a doctor!”

4 A Perspective On Trades Plumbing (and Doctoring) are several of the essential services still deemed by our society to be some of the most essential “can’t live without” services. Plumbing (and Doctoring) are several of the essential services still deemed by our society to be some of the most essential “can’t live without” services. In reality, the average service call in the US by a plumber, electrician, or heating/air conditioning contractor averages between $ 250 and $ 350. depending on where it is, and who does the work. In reality, the average service call in the US by a plumber, electrician, or heating/air conditioning contractor averages between $ 250 and $ 350. depending on where it is, and who does the work.

5 The Atlan Group The Atlan Group has been focused on many aspects of the ‘essential home services’ field for many years, but has recently found extra value in this sector during the recent financial crisis. The Atlan Group has been focused on many aspects of the ‘essential home services’ field for many years, but has recently found extra value in this sector during the recent financial crisis. There are several unique identifiers that define an essential service industry that struggles with delivering perceived ‘value’. There are several unique identifiers that define an essential service industry that struggles with delivering perceived ‘value’.

6 Defining ‘Essential Services’ What we have found in choosing to focus on these ‘essential service’ industries is that there are a number of features that make these the most beneficial industries to be involved in and invested in for the following reasons: What we have found in choosing to focus on these ‘essential service’ industries is that there are a number of features that make these the most beneficial industries to be involved in and invested in for the following reasons: Almost all of the basics of essential services are skilled and/or licensed trades. Almost all of the basics of essential services are skilled and/or licensed trades. They have far more perceived value in the marketplace than the employees of these industries are given credit for, and therefore they have large profit margins. They have far more perceived value in the marketplace than the employees of these industries are given credit for, and therefore they have large profit margins. They are almost all in fractured industries and are not well branded or organized. They are almost all in fractured industries and are not well branded or organized. They are all recession proof, in that because they are deemed essential, they continue to do strong business even in the hard times. People will get it fixed. They are all recession proof, in that because they are deemed essential, they continue to do strong business even in the hard times. People will get it fixed. They are perceived as blue collar, and lack professionalism in most sectors because they are not well presented, and do not adhere to professional rules of business even though they are governed by the rules of their state requirements. They are perceived as blue collar, and lack professionalism in most sectors because they are not well presented, and do not adhere to professional rules of business even though they are governed by the rules of their state requirements.

7 It is because of these unique identifiers that the ‘essential’ home services field is the focus of what we have developed into the Atlan Brands. It is because of these unique identifiers that the ‘essential’ home services field is the focus of what we have developed into the Atlan Brands. Five main services stand the test we have set for defining an essential service. Five main services stand the test we have set for defining an essential service. These include:Our answer: These include:Our answer: 1. Electrical ServicesLights Electric, Inc. 2. Plumbing ServicesPlumbetter Plumbing, Inc. 3. Heating & Air ConditioningFireman’s Heating & Air, Inc. 4. Pest Control Services US Pestmaster Corporation 5. Fridge & Appliance CareFridgemasters Appliance Care, Inc.

8 Brand Building Creates Value The concept of branding is long known as the hallmark of American business, and we all know many brand names that are standards for everything from photocopiers, to fast food, to computers, to overnight shipping, to washing machine repair men. The concept of branding is long known as the hallmark of American business, and we all know many brand names that are standards for everything from photocopiers, to fast food, to computers, to overnight shipping, to washing machine repair men. These brands are iconic, and we naturally gravitate to these brands as being safe because they are known. These brands are iconic, and we naturally gravitate to these brands as being safe because they are known. Even more importantly, we are willing to pay a premium to use these brands over ‘unknowns’. Even more importantly, we are willing to pay a premium to use these brands over ‘unknowns’.

9 Brand Building Creates Value As such, we have shifted our focus to ‘branding’ in these industries with our Atlan Brands. As such, we have shifted our focus to ‘branding’ in these industries with our Atlan Brands. Our goal is to develop these market sectors through two proven strategies for growing businesses quickly. Our goal is to develop these market sectors through two proven strategies for growing businesses quickly. 1. Using the power of the internet to disseminate targeted information quickly. 2. Using the rapid acceleration growth thrust of the network marketing structure.

10 Marrying Solid Business To Network Speed The combination of these two tools is powerful because they will both foster national growth quickly while utilizing the local relationship marketing of network systems deployed in a very structured management system. The combination of these two tools is powerful because they will both foster national growth quickly while utilizing the local relationship marketing of network systems deployed in a very structured management system. Our system defines every relationship according to a very clear expectation and reward - from the brick and mortar businesses of essential service delivery – whether through our contract Partners, or our franchises, - through to the network marketing culture of our marketing Associates. Our system defines every relationship according to a very clear expectation and reward - from the brick and mortar businesses of essential service delivery – whether through our contract Partners, or our franchises, - through to the network marketing culture of our marketing Associates. By defining these relationships carefully, and contractually, we have become uniquely able to deliver the “real world” brick and mortar services as Plumbers, Electricians, or Technicians in HVAC, Appliance Care and Pest Control. By defining these relationships carefully, and contractually, we have become uniquely able to deliver the “real world” brick and mortar services as Plumbers, Electricians, or Technicians in HVAC, Appliance Care and Pest Control.

11 Marrying Solid Business To Network Speed These industries are generally slow growth industries, yet we marry them to the surreal world of lightning fast growth with network marketing relationships. These industries are generally slow growth industries, yet we marry them to the surreal world of lightning fast growth with network marketing relationships. Network marketing has long been criticized for not delivering anything of value, and hyping itself as it’s own first focus. This is not our goal. Network marketing has long been criticized for not delivering anything of value, and hyping itself as it’s own first focus. This is not our goal. It is with these considerations in mind that we have developed the “ClubAtlan” program. It is with these considerations in mind that we have developed the “ClubAtlan” program.

12 Is a membership package of services: Is a membership package of services: Sold by our Atlan Associates network marketing program, Sold by our Atlan Associates network marketing program, Initially delivered by trained first responders (CSR’s) through our “Atlan Checkpoint” program, Initially delivered by trained first responders (CSR’s) through our “Atlan Checkpoint” program, Delivered by AI Contract Partners and/or our local franchises. Delivered by AI Contract Partners and/or our local franchises. Managed throughout with our “Callit247” center Managed throughout with our “Callit247” center We deliver the goods and services through Atlan’s Partners and franchises of our Atlan Brands including: We deliver the goods and services through Atlan’s Partners and franchises of our Atlan Brands including: Fireman’s Heating And Air, Inc., Fireman’s Heating And Air, Inc., Plumbetter Plumbing, Inc., Plumbetter Plumbing, Inc., Lights Electric, Inc., Lights Electric, Inc., US Pestmaster Services Inc. US Pestmaster Services Inc. Fridgemaster’s Appliance Care, Inc. Fridgemaster’s Appliance Care, Inc.

13 Real Jobs For Real Clients The unique selling proposition offered by ClubAtlan is that: The unique selling proposition offered by ClubAtlan is that: 1. Real people are 2. Really trained to do 3. Real work at every interaction level of delivering these 4. Real world services, adding a level of 5. Professionalism to each of these sectors, all with 6. Real and fair compensation for the time they spend doing their work. As such, we are creating: As such, we are creating: 1. Value - adding jobs to the marketplace - working with 2. Untrained individuals with basic skills and 3. Training them to have an important, paid role in the 4. Delivery of real services to our Members.

14 A More Cost Effective Layer? The first person to show up at a Client’s (your) home with most small companies is the highly trained and experienced service technician who is also prepared to diagnose and repair the problem. The first person to show up at a Client’s (your) home with most small companies is the highly trained and experienced service technician who is also prepared to diagnose and repair the problem. These specialists spend an inordinate amount of your paid time trying to be your Customer Service agent and your salesman while also documenting information like your brands, models and serial #’s of equipment, etc., as well as answering your questions, and even measuring for your vent filter sizes – all before they run to the store to buy more parts – all on your nickel. These specialists spend an inordinate amount of your paid time trying to be your Customer Service agent and your salesman while also documenting information like your brands, models and serial #’s of equipment, etc., as well as answering your questions, and even measuring for your vent filter sizes – all before they run to the store to buy more parts – all on your nickel. This is like having a doctor in his own doctor’s office serving as the receptionist and the nurse as well as the doctor. This is like having a doctor in his own doctor’s office serving as the receptionist and the nurse as well as the doctor. By most analysis, this is perceived as being a very inefficient and expensive way to deliver a skilled service. By most analysis, this is perceived as being a very inefficient and expensive way to deliver a skilled service.

15 We Add A More Cost Effective Layer The Atlan Group management model separates the roles of client development (Associates) and client relations (CSR’s documenting/analysis) from the most skilled role of the trained and experienced technician (the Doctor) by introducing the mid level relationship services of the Atlan Checkpoint program as delivered by our CSR’s. The Atlan Group management model separates the roles of client development (Associates) and client relations (CSR’s documenting/analysis) from the most skilled role of the trained and experienced technician (the Doctor) by introducing the mid level relationship services of the Atlan Checkpoint program as delivered by our CSR’s. These Atlan trained first responders are given the job to build the client relationship by introducing member benefits, as well as documenting the equipment, systems and details for records that can be effectively used by “the Doctor” to complete necessary work more quickly and easily at the time of needed service. These Atlan trained first responders are given the job to build the client relationship by introducing member benefits, as well as documenting the equipment, systems and details for records that can be effectively used by “the Doctor” to complete necessary work more quickly and easily at the time of needed service.

16 The More Cost Effective Layer This added layer of ‘professional service’ adds value to the relationship, while minimizing costs – freeing the technician to accomplish much more in the same amount of time. This added layer of ‘professional service’ adds value to the relationship, while minimizing costs – freeing the technician to accomplish much more in the same amount of time. This saved expense frees resources that can benefit the Client, as well as increase payouts to the field. This saved expense frees resources that can benefit the Client, as well as increase payouts to the field.

17 The ClubAtlan membership progam is sold by Atlan Associates who register in our network marketing program for an initial fee of $ 30. The ClubAtlan membership progam is sold by Atlan Associates who register in our network marketing program for an initial fee of $ 30. Once registered, Atlan Associates may also recruit other Atlan Associates, AI Contract Partners, and new members, and are paid for each new Associate, Partner or Member they register. Once registered, Atlan Associates may also recruit other Atlan Associates, AI Contract Partners, and new members, and are paid for each new Associate, Partner or Member they register. Quarterly renewal fee of $ 15. is assessed at the end of the first quarter. Quarterly renewal fee of $ 15. is assessed at the end of the first quarter. Payouts for each program are paid out according to the seven level compensation plan. Payouts for each program are paid out according to the seven level compensation plan.

18 The Compensation Plan The seven level compensation plan divides each payout according to the following structure: The seven level compensation plan divides each payout according to the following structure: Direct Up) 50%, Level 1 Pays 50% 150 Relationship Direct Up) 50%, Level 1 Pays 50% 150 Relationship 2nd ) 20%, Level 2 Pays 20%220 Relationship 2nd ) 20%, Level 2 Pays 20%220 Relationship 3rd ) 12%, Level 3 Pays 12%312 Relationship 3rd ) 12%, Level 3 Pays 12%312 Relationship 4th ) 6%, Level 4 Pays 6%406 Relationship 4th ) 6%, Level 4 Pays 6%406 Relationship 5th ) 5% Level 5 Pays 5%505 Relationship 5th ) 5% Level 5 Pays 5%505 Relationship 6th ) 4 % Level 6 Pays 4%604 Relationship 6th ) 4 % Level 6 Pays 4%604 Relationship 7th ) 3% Level 7 Pays 3%703 Relationship 7th ) 3% Level 7 Pays 3%703 Relationship Additional field compensation is offered as franchise interest, profit sharing, and/or potential IPO stock options. Additional field compensation is offered as franchise interest, profit sharing, and/or potential IPO stock options.

19 The Simplest Terms All other positions in the Atlan program are registered by an Atlan Associate. All other positions in the Atlan program are registered by an Atlan Associate. New ClubAtlan Members are registered online by Atlan Associates with a $ 27./month fee after a one time $ 97. registration cost - without any contract commitment - can be cancelled at anytime. New ClubAtlan Members are registered online by Atlan Associates with a $ 27./month fee after a one time $ 97. registration cost - without any contract commitment - can be cancelled at anytime. If ever cancelled, re-enrollment requires a new registration fee of $ 97. once again. If ever cancelled, re-enrollment requires a new registration fee of $ 97. once again.

20 We Protect Our Members All memberships run by the calendar month, and membership begins at the beginning of the calendar month following enrollment with a 7 day lead time requirement. All memberships run by the calendar month, and membership begins at the beginning of the calendar month following enrollment with a 7 day lead time requirement. In other words, if you sign up in the last 7 days of a month, your membership will not begin for another full calendar month. (Ie February 25th signup will not activate until April 1) In other words, if you sign up in the last 7 days of a month, your membership will not begin for another full calendar month. (Ie February 25th signup will not activate until April 1) Once a ClubAtlan membership or Atlan Associates registration is activated, the rate is fixed for at least two years, and continues repeatedly until cancelled. Once a ClubAtlan membership or Atlan Associates registration is activated, the rate is fixed for at least two years, and continues repeatedly until cancelled.

21 Client Service Representatives (CSRs) To become a CSR, an Atlan Associate must have earned a total of 12 points through a combination of registering Atlan Associates (4 points each) including one indirect Associate, ClubAtlan Memberships (2 points each) and/or AI Contract Partners (1 point each), as well as successfully completing training. To become a CSR, an Atlan Associate must have earned a total of 12 points through a combination of registering Atlan Associates (4 points each) including one indirect Associate, ClubAtlan Memberships (2 points each) and/or AI Contract Partners (1 point each), as well as successfully completing training. Upon completion of the CSR training program, testing and registration, CSR’s will be assigned Member relationships to develop. Upon completion of the CSR training program, testing and registration, CSR’s will be assigned Member relationships to develop. They will earn a $ 45.00 consulting fee for working with the Member to assess and document all of the client’s systems and equipment, as well as answering any Member questions. They will earn a $ 45.00 consulting fee for working with the Member to assess and document all of the client’s systems and equipment, as well as answering any Member questions. (Total anticipated time on site: 30-60 Minutes)

22 Where We Are Going Our principal website offers a complete array of Atlan programs and support services for: Our principal website offers a complete array of Atlan programs and support services Atlan Associates Atlan Associates ClubAtlan Members ClubAtlan Members AI Contract Partners AI Contract Partners Atlan Checkpoint CSR’s Atlan Checkpoint CSR’s The Atlan Opportunity is Real. And Now. The Atlan Opportunity is Real. And Now. Take the time to look at it fully with your Atlan Associate while the time is right. Take the time to look at it fully with your Atlan Associate while the time is right.

23 Thank You!! For taking the time to learn more about The Atlan Group and the Atlan opportunity, as well as considering the ClubAtlan membership. For taking the time to learn more about The Atlan Group and the Atlan opportunity, as well as considering the ClubAtlan membership. We look forward to seeing you get involved as an Atlan Associate, Contract Partner, and/or CSR! We look forward to seeing you get involved as an Atlan Associate, Contract Partner, and/or CSR!

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