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Gizmo Remote Operated Bluetooth Interface (GROBI) Sponsor: Calit 2 Mentors: Paul Blair & Javier Rodriguez Molina Team: Kristi Tsukida & Eldridge Alcantara.

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Presentation on theme: "Gizmo Remote Operated Bluetooth Interface (GROBI) Sponsor: Calit 2 Mentors: Paul Blair & Javier Rodriguez Molina Team: Kristi Tsukida & Eldridge Alcantara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gizmo Remote Operated Bluetooth Interface (GROBI) Sponsor: Calit 2 Mentors: Paul Blair & Javier Rodriguez Molina Team: Kristi Tsukida & Eldridge Alcantara ECE 191 Fall 2006 Group 13 Week 2 Sep 28, 2006

2 G.R.O.B.I. Project Agenda Gantt Chart Tasks Performed Technical Content - Block Diagrams - Hardware Components - Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) - PWM and Atmega16 - PWM Specs for Servo Summary

3 G.R.O.B.I. Project Gantt Chart GIZMO Remote Operated Bluetooth Interface (GROBI) Gantt Chart Fall 2006

4 G.R.O.B.I. Project Tasks Performed Ordered microcontroller and accelerometer (Kristi) Started programming microcontroller - Generating PWM signals (Kristi) - Detecting onboard switches (Eldridge) - Integrated code (Eldridge) Performed preliminary tests on motor (both) Met with mentors (both) - Discussed issues with motor and microcontroller - Clarified project details - Started preparing for 2 nd stage of project

5 G.R.O.B.I. Project Block Diagram of Final Prototype References: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 – http://memsic.com 5 - Bluetooth module Microcontroller Accelerometer Cell Phone Circuit Board GIZMO 1 2 3 4 5

6 G.R.O.B.I. Project Block Diagram of 1st Prototype PC Servo Motor STK500 Development Board Atmega16 Microcontroller Onboard Switches

7 G.R.O.B.I. Project Edited Block Diagram of 1st Prototype PC Two Servos Motor STK500 Development Board Atmega16 Microcontroller Onboard Switches Electronic Speed Controller (ESC) 1 Reference: 1 -

8 G.R.O.B.I. Project Hardware Components: STK500 AVR microcontroller test board Serial port for programming 8 LEDs and 8 switches for testing Sockets for changing microcontrollers Works with AVR Studio Easy prototyping

9 G.R.O.B.I. Project Hardware Components: ATMega16 Microcontroller 4 PWM channels –Motor & servo control 8 channel ADC –Accelerometer data 1 USART –Bluetooth communication / testing with PC connection Plugs in directly to STK500

10 G.R.O.B.I. Project Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Reference: Technique to control analog circuits with digital outputs Analog signals encoded by modulating duty cycle of a square wave Benefits: - cost and power consumption reduced - immune to noise - easy to implement using microcontrollers

11 G.R.O.B.I. Project PWM and Atmega16 Mode: Phase correct PWM –Counts from 0 to TOP then back to 0 –When counter matches number in OCR (output compare register), the value on the output pin is changed ATMega16 datasheet TOP 0 CNT OC (output) OCR 5V 0

12 G.R.O.B.I. Project Summary Hardware components ordered Started programming microcontroller: - PWM signals - Onboard switches Next week: continue programming microcontroller - DC motor control (Kristi) - Servo control (Eldridge) - Serial communication (both)

13 G.R.O.B.I. Project Any Questions?

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