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Presentation on theme: "FIRST MEETING OF THE IFAD ROOTS AND TUBERS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS Douala, Cameroon 14-16 November 2007 Contribution of the PNDRT - CAMEROON André."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIRST MEETING OF THE IFAD ROOTS AND TUBERS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS Douala, Cameroon 14-16 November 2007 Contribution of the PNDRT - CAMEROON André MBAIRANODJI Officer in Charge of Production/Processing CASSAVA PROCESSING

2 OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction Current situation of processing activities Main activities carried out by the PNDRT/Results achieved –Real impacts on beneficiaries –Implementation procedures (innovations) –Good practices and lessons learned –Difficulties and solutions –Main challenges in the future and required/anticipated actions Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION  Cassava is the most processed R&T crop in Cameroon. It provides a varied range of products: gari, cassava rolls, miondo, chips, flours, etc.;  Objective of the processing component : i) to improve the efficiency and profitability of R&T processing processes; ii) to improve product quality.  Women are the main actors.  PNDRT support for the roots and tubers processing sector is still weak.

4 Existence of several types of processing:  Industrial processing (Association agricole Sud-Sud processes cassava into starch and sells it to second-phase businesses  Semi-industrial processing by medium-sized processing units (often limited to a mill/grinder, a grater, a press, a sieve decanter and a dryer) owned by certain organized groups: POUMA Cassava Processing Unit, PROTRAVICAM CIG, UPMAN, KASIPLANT CIG, NGOUMOU GIE FAN etc.  Artisanal processing using rudimentary equipment such as mortar, pestle and crushing stone  Household processing for non-commercial purposes CURRENT SITUATION OF PROCESSING ACTIVITIES

5 Supply of raw material  Household and village units operate thanks to production by the group, community, village or themselves  Semi-industrial and industrial units are organized around growers’ organizations that sell their produce to the factory.  Some factories (e.g. the POUMA cassava processing factory and PROTRAVICAM CIG) have established fields, but these do not produce enough to supply their unit CURRENT SITUATION OF PROCESSING ACTIVITIES (continued)

6 MachinesSpecifications Stainless steel cassava chip mill Stainless steel cassava graterAverage yield 500 to 600 kg/hour, rotation speed 3000 revolutions/minute; 5 horsepower Crusher Starch extractorYield 750 to 1500 kg/hour; drum rotation speed 3000 revolutions/minute Gari sieve Drying oven1 000 kg/24h Stainless steel cassava paste millYield: 200 kg/hour after steeping; 3 horsepower Fermentation tank2 000 litres Grill Grated cassava press Mortar Crushing stone Grinders Gari friers, scrapers, plastic tanks Processing equipment used

7 Yields from the processing equipment used  Yield from traditional units is still poor: the extraction rate for starch is often less than 10%.  In those rare cases where semi-industrial units exist, the extraction rate ranges from 15 to 18% (7 to 8 tonnes of starch per month produced from 60 tonnes of cassava roots). CURRENT SITUATION OF PROCESSING ACTIVITIES (continued)

8 MAIN OPERATIONS IN PROCESSING CASSAVA CASSAVA TUBER Peeling Washing Chopping/Shredding Drying Chips Milling FLOUR Grating Steeping/pressing Crushing Sifting Roasting Sifting GARI/TAPIOCA Soaking Filtration Decanting Drying Milling STARCH Fermentation Shredding Wet grinding Bagging Raw rolls (bobolo, miondo, mintoumba) Cooking COOKED ROLLS Peeling Drying Granule s Milling FUFU Water Fufu

9 MAIN ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE PNDRT Promotion of unfermented cassava flour Testing processing equipment Study of the priority problems in R&T processing in the 5 PNDRT regional units

10 MAIN ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE PNDRT Promotion of unfermented cassava flour production  Real impact on beneficiaries: Not yet. The activity is experimental.  Stages in manufacture: Harvesting or gathering of roots ----Reception and weighing-----Peeling---- Washing----Chopping or grinding----Drying or pressing----Crumbling or sifting----Drying (sun, especially in oven)----Milling or grinding----Sifting---- Bagging or packaging.  Target group: Producers, food and agrofood industries.  Innovations/Good practices: - White, odourless, standardized flour; - Locally made ovens using local materials.

11 MAIN ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE PNDRT Promotion of unfermented cassava flour production  Difficulties: Availability of better chopping or grinding equipment, construction of the drying oven, milling, bagging.  Solutions: Search for funding to purchase equipment.  Main challenges: (1) Establishment of a legislative framework (passing of a law authorizing bakers to incorporate unfermented cassava flour when baking bread); (2) Research to determine the precise harvesting period for cassava roots, with the maximum level of accumulated dry matter and the minimum level of woody fibre; (3) Product promotion.  Planned actions: Establishment of a framework for consultation among the government, the private sector, research institutions, programmes and projects, and international organizations.

12 MAIN ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE PNDRT Testing cassava processing equipment  Results: - 3 cassava paste processing units installed in the Douala unit; - 4 hammer mills and 2 moulinex received and distributed (Ngaoundéré); - 26 other pieces of equipment being made or received.  Real impact on beneficiaries: - Not yet. The processing units have just been installed (August-September 07)  Implementation method: - Implementation of the recommendations of the most recent UNOPS supervision mission; - Contractualization.  Target group: - Cassava processors.  Good practices/Innovations: - Certification of equipment by the relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; - Equipment for the Ngaoundéré unit installed by local artisans.

13 MAIN ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY THE PNDRT Testing cassava processing equipment  Difficulties: - Very long procurement procedure; - Delays in payment of service providers’ bills.  Solutions: - Revise the procurement procedure; - Speed up payment of service providers’ bills.  Main challenges: - Standardization of agricultural equipment; - Manufacturing agricultural equipment under licence/patent; - Mass production or standardized manufacture.  Planned actions: - Establishment of a framework for consultation among all actors and institutions.

14 CONCLUSION  Very long procedure for accessing PNDRT resources: Baseline study ----- Choice of priority villages ----- Formulation of village roots and tubers development plans ----- Identification of beneficiaries’ priority needs ----- Translation of these needs into microprojects ----- Contractualization ----- Execution of the microprojects.  Partnership with actors from the private sector – GIFAMA, APICA, NABAINA FILS, GARAGE POLYTECHNIQUE etc. – is very encouraging.  Implementation of the mid-term review’s recommendations will allow the processing chain really to take off.

15 Thank you

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